"The victor should execute the loser."

Seeing Roy coming, holding the blood-red cross sword in his hand, crawling on the ground and turning into a black dragon, Marquis Woban, who had no resistance, said so. The

Marquis's tone was quite calm, and he was not afraid of death at all.

This is the God Slayer, this is the fate of the God Slayer, they are always in battle, and one day they will die in battle.

It's not that the God Slayer does not understand the fear of death, it's just that the moment he became a God Slayer, he already had an awareness of fate. Even when Roy became a God Slayer, he seemed to see his inevitable fate.

Precisely because he knows his own ending, the God Slayer is not afraid of death, because it is only a matter of time.

But Roy doesn't want to meet his end like this. He is not a simple God Slayer who has the ability to change his own destiny.

"Well, have a nice journey, Marquis.……"

Roy pointed the cross sword at the huge black dragon head of Marquis Vauban. Although the dragon scales of Hades Black Dragon were extremely thick and could easily resist any modern weapons, it was about to face the"Sword of Judgment" held by the Archangel. Even the scales of Hades Black Dragon would be cut off. The blood-red cross sword in his hand stabbed at the dragon's forehead. Roy decisively killed his own kind.

"Hehehe...but I won't end like this. Although my fate has already been determined, it's not time for me to exit yet.……"

Just as the cross sword pierced into his forehead, Marquis Vauban suddenly showed a cunning smile.

The dragon's scales were like tofu, and Roy's sword easily pierced through it, crushing his brain.

The huge black dragon body, which was more than 40 meters long, and the human body of Marquis Vauban, which was protected by the black dragon's claws, turned into ashes and disappeared with the wind.

But Roy's expression was not relaxed at all. Instead, he frowned and said with a"tsk"."……What a strong immortality, he still has a breath left."

The reason why Marquis Vauban's power of"Black Dragon of the Underworld" has become his trump card is that this power gives Marquis Vauban powerful physical abilities and almost exaggerated immortality, making it difficult for this ancient demon king to die.

『The"Divine Right" brought Roy victory, not death.

Judging from the result, Roy did win. After using the"Light of the Right", Marquis Vauban had lost his ability to resist, so he was easily stabbed to death by his sword.

However, the Marquis's powerful immortality still played a role. When he was doomed to die, a wisp of his soul still escaped and he did not die completely.

"However, it would be extremely difficult for Marquis Woban to be resurrected with just that wisp of soul. Moreover, even if you are resurrected, you can't make any waves in front of me."

Roy didn't regret or get angry about Marquis Woban not being completely killed.

His"Holy Right" has already calculated the Marquis's strength. Even if Marquis Woban is resurrected, Roy doesn't need to fight him the next time they meet. He can just summon the"third hand" and defeat the Marquis with a casual wave.

Unless the Marquis can gain stronger power in a very short time and make the output calculated by the"Holy Right" invalid, only then will he be qualified to fight Roy again.

However, judging from the fact that the God Slayer ascended to heaven in one step and then his strength progressed more and more slowly, Marquis Woban's talent as a God Slayer has reached its peak.

Unless he is no longer a God Slayer, there will be no qualitative change. There is no power stronger than the God Slayer in this world. Roy can completely declare that he has eliminated the oldest demon king.

"I don't have the means to completely eliminate immortality. If it's just ordinary immortality, it's fine, but if I encounter an extremely strong immortality like the Marquis of Vauban, it will really make me feel difficult."

Roy looked at the blood-red cross sword in his hand and was dissatisfied with this situation.

The absolute restraint of immortality in this world is the"Steel Hero" who killed the Earth Mother. Although Michael also has the merit of defeating the ancient dragon Satan, he can also be regarded as a steel hero. However, in the legend, Michael only beat Satan back to hell, not completely killed him. Therefore, Michael is not a pure"Steel Hero" and does not have a good way to deal with immortality.

"I need to upgrade this sword, at least to give it the ability to restrain the undead."

Although Roy's cross sword is the top-level divine tool, its main function is to activate the power of"Sword of Judgment". It can be said that compared to a sword, it is closer to a"staff".

Michael's attribute is"fire", and in the mystical tarot cards, the symbol of fire is the staff, and the symbol of wind is the sword. Therefore, this cross sword belonging to Michael is essentially a"staff". The sword is just its appearance, but this staff is sharper. This is the magician's fighting method.

Just as Roy was thinking about how to upgrade this sword, Aiwas suddenly appeared behind him, using that beautiful and humane voice, but Roy always felt that there was more irritability in it and said:

【Pandora's Dark Festival has already yielded some results. Next time I kill a god, I will try to see if I can strengthen your power.】

"Have you analyzed some results? As expected of Aiwass."

Roy was stunned when he heard Aiwass's words, and then he was overjoyed.

This is really like someone giving you a pillow when you are sleepy.

【Based on the analysis, I highly suspect that Pandora's Dark Festival does not belong to Pandora. This ritual has been solidified. Pandora is just the key to start the ritual, not$!$##!#$The inventor of the game.

Aiwass floated behind Roy, like a real"holy guardian angel". The"human flavor" of her words, which was like playing with life and being carefree and relaxed, became stronger and stronger.

"What does this mean?"

【To put it in a way you can understand, this ritual of usurping power should be the ability of a certain item, and Pandora is just the holder or custodian of this item.】

"In other words, Pandora is not as mysterious and powerful as imagined?"

Roy raised his eyebrows and asked

【That's right, your previous guess was wrong. Pandora doesn't have any powerful abilities, and she can't be the mastermind behind the scenes. She is just a special god.

Aiwass confirmed Roy's statement.

"Very good, next time I see Pandora, I won't have to be so cautious and smile. I can be more assertive with her. I thought she invented this ritual, but it turns out she is just taking advantage of others' help and bullying others."

Roy's mouth curled up, and his tone became relaxed.

He had always been afraid that Pandora would see through him, afraid that there would be problems with this ritual of killing gods, so he pretended to be a good boy in front of Pandora. Now that he knew Pandora was pretending, he didn't have to be afraid anymore.


Aiwass was silent and said nothing.

【Roy, what you need now is to acquire as much knowledge as possible. I will teach you the variant of the 'Ritual of Usurping Power' later, but you need to do it yourself to complete this ritual. 】

Aiwass reminded at this time

"I am very confident in my comprehension, but in terms of"acquisition", it takes time to complete."

Roy thought about the solution.

As the son of Aleister Crowley, Roy also completely inherited the world's strongest magician in terms of wisdom, which means that he can use the knowledge he has learned in the shortest time.

In the past, the main reason why Roy was a third-rate magician who didn't know many magics in the Magical Index was that he had no channels to obtain knowledge.

In the apartment where Aleister once lived, there were only some high-end"philosophy and thought" magic books left by Aleister, but no basic knowledge and doctrines. No matter how hard Roy tried to comprehend, he would have to wait for a long time. No matter how strong one is, one cannot cook without rice. If one does not learn the basics, one cannot study magic.

With Roy's wisdom, if he is given enough time, he may be able to use those"philosophies and thoughts" to reverse the magic. Unfortunately, before he could use his wisdom, he was killed by Aleister.

Now Roy has the channel of knowledge, but"acquiring" knowledge is a process. He needs to flip through books one by one, remember the contents, and then understand them with his own wisdom. Reading books one by one takes a lot of time.

"I remember that this world has a method of obtaining knowledge through"exchanging body fluids", but the knowledge obtained is only���I can try to modify this magic to make the knowledge stay in my mind longer, and then use my own comprehension to understand and comprehend it before the knowledge disappears."

"……It is not difficult to modify this magic. The only difficulty is to find a woman who has a lot of knowledge and is willing to pass it on to me. Of course, men are also OK, but I am not willing to do that."

"Being a demon king also has its advantages. Women can get whatever they want."

Roy said with a happy smile.

Aiwass did not comment on Roy's choice. 'Sex magic' is an ancient witch's technique. It is a very orthodox magic method that exists in many worlds and cultures.

The angel just reminded:

【There are people around you watching you】

""Hmm? Is there anyone hiding nearby?"

Although Roy used a question, he did not doubt what Aiwass said.

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