It's not that Roy is too cautious, or that the godslayer doesn't trust the gods who don't obey him, but Solomon is known for his wisdom in history, and what such a person says will always make people suspicious.

For example, if Zhuge Liang suddenly said he wanted to surrender to you, I'm afraid that people who know Zhuge Liang will definitely not be overjoyed at first, but will doubt whether such a demon-like person has any plan.

Roy is in this state now.

"So my words are so hard to trust?"

King Solomon in front of him suddenly looked distressed, and even his solemn face showed a rather aggrieved emotion.

"To show my sincerity, I will give up resistance, but I hope you can listen to me finish my words."

King Solomon said this and slowly loosened the hand that was holding Roy's fist, and even dispersed his magic power.

Seeing this, Roy hesitated for a moment, and took a step back to prevent King Solomon's sneak attack. At the same time, he carefully looked at the king in front of him.

When he summoned King Solomon just now, Roy only glanced at his clothes and face, and then regarded him as the god of disobedience and started fighting directly. It was not until then that Roy carefully examined Solomon.

Then, Roy's eyes showed surprise, because he finally recognized which King Solomon in front of him was.

‘The Solomon in FGO? The new world that my right hand is connected to is Type-Moon? '

The memory of sixteen years ago was dug out from Roy's mind. Because this game is very popular, he played it. As a professional photographer who takes pictures of COSERs, he can be a real person, but he must be an otaku. If he is not familiar with the characters in some anime and games, the photos he takes will lack artistic conception and temperament, which is absolutely unqualified for a photographer.

Roy has never been arrogant as a so-called"real world person". He even doubts what kind of world the so-called real world he lives in is. Because after he traveled to the Magical Index, learned magic himself, and touched everything real in that world with his hands, he knew that all this was not false. These people are not some imaginary anime characters or NPCs, but living people with flesh and blood and their own thoughts.

‘If it's Solomon, he should be trustworthy.

Roy still had some hesitation. He himself was not a"cook" and was not clear about the various detailed settings. In this real world, he had to be vigilant and could not trust people based on so-called memory cognition. That would be an empiricist mistake.

"This is... the feeling of being a human being."

King Solomon's solemn and majestic face showed a look of joy. He seemed to be smiling, but his smile was ugly, as if he had never smiled in the past.

Even Roy felt that it was more like crying than laughing.

"Sorry, sorry, because I have never felt the feeling of being a 'human', so I may be a little rude."

King Solomon was not like the disobedient god who was hostile to the godslayer. He scratched his head with his hand, smiling shyly with a hint of embarrassment. He had lost all his momentum and became frivolous. Facing such an unmotivated guy, even Roy could not muster any strong hostility.

"Aren't you... a human? As King Solomon, aren't you the third monarch of the ancient Jewish Kingdom and a famous king?"

Roy looked at King Solomon in front of him, who was almost a reversal. He was completely different from the majesty when he was summoned just now. It was as if he had changed from a"king" to an"ordinary man".’

"Ah, actually I don't really want to discuss this topic, but since I have a request to ask of you and you mentioned it, then it's okay to talk about it. The King Solomon is not a person, he is a natural"king", a"nothing" with nothing. His existence is just a symbol of a machine that is set to complete the things it should complete. He is just the last bridge connecting God and man."

"……King Solomon accepted God's gift, led the country, made laws, was respected and loved by the people, and then quietly waited for death after completing his mission, returning God's gift to heaven. This was King Solomon's mission, nothing more, all of which was just moving forward according to the script that had been set long ago. There was no will of Solomon himself, because he had no"humanity"’"

The king in front of him showed a pessimistic mood. It was not that he was sad about his own life, but that he was just a pessimist.

Roy thought of what Princess Alice said when she was reciting the Word of God: He has no emotions inside, but is an inhuman being who deprives people of their empathy and freedom. At this moment, Roy finally understood what Solomon was. He was indeed not a human being, but a mechanism connecting God and humans, just a robot with a set process. His mission was to lead Israel to become strong and then split, becoming a part of the Bible. Old Testament.

To put it bluntly, he is the"king" given to mankind by God to show his authority.

Thinking of this, Roy's eyes changed when he looked at Solomon. There was no mercy in them, because he knew that mercy was the evil that could hurt people the most. He just sighed,"……You are so unfortunate."

"Your Excellency's words made me feel even more uncomfortable. This feeling is uncomfortable, right? This is an emotion I have never experienced before, so I am not very clear."

The king in front of him hesitated.���He still had doubts about his feelings.

Then, he looked at Roy and then looked behind him and said:"……This world is not the world I originally lived in, nor is it any parallel world. It is incredible. Is there a world outside this world? My current state is called the God of Disobedience? So, did you summon me here, or did the existence behind you summon me here?"

""Can you see Aiwass?"

Roy asked in surprise. Solomon was the first person Roy had seen who could discover Aiwass's existence, which even Pandora could not do.

"If the Aiwass you are talking about is the angel-like existence behind you."

King Solomon's tone was slightly reserved, as if he was slowly getting familiar with all the emotions of being a human being.

"Not only can he see Aiwass, but as a person from another world, he can know his identity as the God of Disobedience as soon as he appears. I am also a little surprised. Is this the"wisdom of Solomon"?"

Roy exclaimed. The summoning ritual of the God of Disobedience will not tell the knowledge of this world to King Solomon of this other world. In other words, these things were discovered by Solomon himself. He can understand everything the moment he is in another world. This guy is worthy of the title of"wise Solomon".’

"You are praising me too much. Solomon's wisdom is only the wisdom given by God. It does not belong to Solomon. And I am also wondering why I have 'humanity'.’?"

King Solomon in front of him said sincerely, admitting without hesitation that the wisdom did not belong to him, but to God. He was only given wisdom by God and received revelation, so he became a great king.

This is also in line with the record of the Bible. The reason why Solomon was able to lead Israel to prosperity is because God wanted Israel to be prosperous.

Roy stared at him for a long time and sighed."……I am now certain that Solomon's wisdom is indeed God's wisdom, not man's wisdom."

"……As for why you have"humanity", I can probably guess that the so-called disobedient god is to remove the constraints of the gods in the myths, let them transcend the meaning of the myths and distort them, so that they can come to the earth. For example, the kind god who protects the people may do evil after being distorted and comes to the earth."

"Since you said that King Solomon was a machine without"humanity", then under the summoning ceremony of the God of Disobedience, the mythological concept of King Solomon was also distorted, thus allowing you to transcend the constraints of mythology and become a"human".’"

Roy explained this, and then he fell into deep worry.

The power obtained by the God Slayer after killing the God of Disobedience is uncontrollable. If he kills King Solomon in front of him, it would be fine if he gains the wisdom of"God", but if he gains the wisdom of"man", will it lower his intelligence?

In Roy's opinion, when King Solomon in front of him was a human, from his attitude and tone of speech, it can be roughly seen that he did not have any momentum to be a"king", and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a"waste".

What if I kill him and get the waste temperament?

Just when Roy was struggling, Solomon said in a pleading tone:"……Sir Roy, I have an unwelcome request. I know the mission of the God Slayer and the God of Disobedience, and I also know the inevitable end of me as a person from another world, but please, please let me live in this world as a 'human' for seven days, just seven days, and please kill me after seven days!"

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