"『"King, please do not listen to this man's lies!"

At this moment, Erica suddenly came to Roy. She looked solemn and held a long sword. She firmly guarded Roy with her knight's rules. Her stern eyes pierced King Solomon. Even though she knew that he was a disobedient god, she was not afraid.

"This god is 'Wise Solomon', who must be a person who is good at flattery. His power has always been 'wisdom' rather than 'force'. He must not be sure of defeating the 'king', so he uses this delaying tactic and wants to use seven days to explore the power of the 'king'!"

"……『"King", your loyal knight Erica Bluetree advises you to kill 'Wise Solomon' here and don't give him the chance to use his greatest weapon!"

Erica knelt on one knee, clasped one hand to her chest and shouted loudly.

"No... No! My young lady knight, I am not lying, really, I am not lying."

King Solomon shook his hands repeatedly. He was a little flustered and wanted to get close to Erica and explain in detail.

""Stop! Don't come near me!"

Erica shouted, and King Solomon was so frightened that he stood there in a daze, at a loss.

Erica hid behind Roy in fear, as if Solomon was some kind of large piece of trash.

She just showed her delicate face, her cheeks slightly red, and glared at King Solomon:"……『"King Solomon", according to records, had 700 wives, 300 concubines and a huge harem of a thousand people.

According to the Bible,"Book of Kings", in addition to Pharaoh's daughter, King Solomon also favored many foreign women, including Moabite women, Amonite women, Edom women, Sidonian women, and Hittite women!


"……Princess Alice's words said before that he was good at magic, and he must have used magic to deceive countless girls, so that those women fell in love with him! Erica's purity can only belong to the"king", I hope the"king" will make the decision for me and not let me be defiled by Solomon."

When King Solomon heard Erica's words, he was stunned. He immediately wilted and murmured like Xianglin Sao,"……That's not me, that's not me, Solomon was just acting on the inspiration of the Lord, he was just doing what Solomon should do"

"Humph! He dared not admit what he had done, and even blamed the Lord for all these sins. Then how did the Queen of Sheba explain it? It is clearly written in the Old Testament of the Bible that the Queen of Sheba fell in love with King Solomon at first sight, and gave birth to a son for Solomon on the way back to his country. When his lover was pregnant, he asked her to leave him and return to his country. Whether as a man or as a father, King Solomon was unqualified!"

"……Moreover, in his later years, King Solomon was arrogant and extravagant, and even served many gods instead of serving Yahweh as his father King David did. This aroused the anger of the Lord and caused his country to split. He even abandoned the Lord he believed in. How could we believe the words of such an unrighteous person?"King", please think twice!"

Every word of Erica pierced Solomon's heart, causing this wise king to retreat again and again. The expression of despair on his face even made Roy wonder if Erica would commit suicide here if she continued to talk.

These words made Solomon unable to refute, because these things were recorded in the Old Testament of the Bible. As a king bestowed by God to mankind, as a king who received God's grace and left a good name, he could be said to be the most devout believer.

Roy looked at King Solomon with some pity. If what Solomon said was true, he He is just a robot without emotions, so everything he did was not his original intention, but just what King Solomon should do.

After all, the teachings of Christianity have clearly stated that if you can defeat God, it must be God who lets you defeat Him; if you betray God, it must be God who lets you betray Him; if there are demons in this world, it must be God who lets the demons appear.

The Lord is omniscient and omnipotent!

So Solomon's life was what God told him to do.

Roy raised his hand to stop Erica from continuing to assassinate King Solomon with the sword of words, and said:"……I deeply feel your sincerity, Lord Erica! I am very happy about this. You are so considerate of me and are willing to give me advice. I am full of joy now. But Lord Erica, you don't need to say more. I know everything clearly!"


Erica wanted to say something else, but when she saw Roy's firm expression, she finally sighed and said:"……I understand. Then I'll follow the king's wishes."

Erica glared at Solomon again, and she stepped back to stand one step behind Roy. As a subject, she could advise the king, but she couldn't make decisions for the king.

"King Solomon, you want to live as a human for seven days, I can agree to that! But there is one question I need to ask you, do you still have the wisdom of God?’"

Roy asked.

Solomon finally came to his senses and nodded."……Although I have become a human being and have human consciousness, I have not abandoned the"wisdom of God". It's just that I don't want to use that"wisdom". People should behave like humans and should not have anything to do with God."

"Then if you are willing to use God's wisdom to help me, I will grant your request and let you live as a human for seven days."

"Are you willing to believe me?"

Solomon asked in disbelief.

"Of course, people should always trust each other. Since you are already a 'human', I should have expectations and trust in you."

Roy smiled and took two steps forward, extending his hand to Solomon."……Roy Crowley, my name is! Please give me your guidance for the next seven days, King Solomon!"

Looking at Roy's outstretched hand, King Solomon stretched out his own hands and shook them in panic."……"Yes, is this the handshake etiquette? I should have done nothing wrong, right?"

He looked nervous, but his face was full of joy and emotion.

He was touched that he was trusted by others as a 'human', he was touched that he could communicate with others as a 'human', he was touched that he finally became a 'human'.

He was no longer the 'King Solomon' who had no emotions and survived as a machine, but became a Solomon with his own will, who could laugh and cry according to his own thoughts.

"Mr. Roy, although I don't want to use God's wisdom, in order to repay your trust, please come to me if you have any troubles!"

King Solomon said sincerely.


"Why should I agree to you? Why should I work for you here?"

In the hotel in Jerusalem, King Solomon screamed.

"King Solomon, as a symbol of wisdom and sageliness, you must not go back on your word. Since you promised me something, you must do it."

In the hotel room, Roy lazily leaned on the soft sofa, holding a glass of iced cola in his hand and drinking it with a straw in his mouth, staring at King Solomon like an evil capitalist monitoring the work of his employees.

There were a lot of materials on the huge table in front of him, and King Solomon was writing there. He opened the"Wisdom of God" and wailed on those magical materials, either drawing complex ritual graphics or marking them with various mysterious languages he mastered.

"Didn't you call yourself the King of Kings, the Magic King Solomon? Then it should be easy for you to help me complete this magic trick."

Roy said in a leisurely tone, without the self-consciousness of a contractor forcing workers to work.

"No, I just said that casually. Besides, the magic you asked me to perform is too difficult. Even I can't do it. This is beyond the realm of magic!"

King Solomon buried his head in a pile of information and cried out.

"Please come on, Your Majesty King Solomon!"

Roy said heartlessly.

"Hmm... I can't stand this sentence the most, but let's not talk about this for now, but why do I have to work from 9 am to 9 pm every day, with only one hour of rest at noon and in the evening?"

King Solomon said dissatisfiedly

"Don't you want to experience life as a human being? But this is what humans are like. This is a labor society. Humans cannot get something for nothing. You eat my food, drink my drinks, and live in my house. I have already provided food and accommodation, and I also paid you. What else do you have to complain about?"

Roy said righteously.

"Don't lie to me, Roy! You make me work from 9am to 9pm every day, and I have to work for 6 days. Isn't this illegal? I have learned about the modern world. Shouldn't real work be from 9 to 5, with weekends off?"

"《The Bible, Genesis, says that in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. He used the first six days to create the various elements that make up all things, and rested on the seventh day. You see, even the Lord has to work for six days and rest for one day. What else do you have to complain about? Could it be that you really betrayed your faith and the Lord we serve together as Erica said?"

Roy sat up straight, and he devoutly made the cross in front of himself.

"My faith is different from yours."

King Solomon argued that he believed in Judaism, while Roy believed in Christianity.

"But our Lord is the same!"


Roy's words left King Solomon speechless

""Okay, work hard. On the seventh day, when you rest, I will accompany you to Jerusalem. Although this is no longer the country you once ruled, or even the world you live in, they are the same in some ways, aren't they?"

Roy stood up and walked to Solomon, gently patting his shoulder.

The gentle tone touched King Solomon's heart.

"Besides, 996 is your reward!"

Roy's next words made his already pale face even darker.

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