Roy needs a unique spell of his own, just like in the world of Magical Index, every powerful magician has a unique spell of his own, such as Aleister's Spiritual Trip, which is a spell that can theoretically explode with ten times the power of the Big Bang when used against a demon.

Roy's ability of the"Holy Right" comes from Roy's understanding of the Bible in the"Book of 777". This"right hand" is, to some extent, Roy's innate power, not a spell. Although this power is strong, Roy has a vague feeling that this"right hand" has limits.

If the innate ability has a limit, then what Roy needs to do is to use acquired methods to make up for it and break this limit. The"Holy Right" symbolizes the power of the"Bible. Old Testament. Genesis", and Roy also needs to complete the power of the"Bible. New Testament. Revelation". Only when the two powers are combined can it be the complete"power of Christianity".’

《The Book of Revelation records the knowledge about the"beast" at the end of the world. What Roy has to do now is to create a certain spell that can transcend the"beast" symbolizing human evil, so that Roy can complete the correspondence between the Book of Revelation and the Book of Genesis.

However, it is so difficult to create a spell that can gather all the"beasts" at one point and transcend them. I am afraid that even Aiwass cannot create it.

And this spell is Roy's own spell that he needs to complete. He must not use the hands of others, but can only perfect it with his own knowledge. What

Roy asked Solomon to complete was only the most basic content of this spell, which is a vague foundation. The overall construction of the spell still needs Roy to perfect it himself after he has enough knowledge. But even so, this magic foundation has already exhausted Solomon's wisdom, which shows how far this spell is from completion and how powerful it will be after completion.

In the hotel in Jerusalem, Roy and Solomon had a fierce discussion, but it was more like Roy asking for advice than a discussion.

Solomon called himself the"King of Magic", and he was not lying. His attainments in magic were beyond imagination. Roy benefited a lot just from discussing with him. He wished that Solomon would do nothing all day long, just complete the basics of magic for him and teach him knowledge, so that he could absorb it eagerly.

This wise king was very good at teaching people, of course, this was limited to Solomon's"God's wisdom", not"human wisdom". He was not like Aiwass, who just gave Roy a"math problem" and the solution, and then let him figure it out by himself. Solomon's teaching would explain every step of the solution in great detail, so that Roy could easily understand it.

"'s nine o'clock already. Let's end today's discussion. You are off work, King Solomon."

Roy was awakened by the alarm of his cell phone. He exhaled lightly and reluctantly put down the discussion with Solomon.

If he was told to work 996, then he would work 996. Roy would not let Solomon be lazy for a minute, nor would he let him work overtime for a minute.

The magic knowledge that Solomon possessed belonged to Type-Moon, which was very different from the magic knowledge of the God Slayer world.

Type-Moon's magic was closer to the study of concepts and was a research system, while the magic of the God Slayer world was more practical and was mainly for combat.

Just looking at the fact that every powerful magician in the God Slayer world was a knight, you could see what this world valued.

The magic knowledge that Aiwass possessed was the knowledge of the Magical Index world.

It can be said that Roy is now integrating the different knowledge of Type-Moon, Magical Index, and God Slayer world, and thus began to create his own magic system and complete his own unique techniques.

Roy used the Bible and the Book of 777 as theoretical guidance to integrate these knowledge so that his techniques would be more in line with the teachings of the Christian religion.

"The ocean of knowledge is so vast and boundless. Every world has its own excellence. Even in a weak world, there will probably be unique essences. This makes me really look forward to future travels, looking for the knowledge I need in different worlds, and then turning it into my own technique.’"

Roy sighed and stretched himself. He shook his head to clear his dizzy brain. He was a little tired after studying with Solomon for ten hours straight.

"If I had studied so hard back then, I would have been a doctor.……"

Roy laughed at himself, laughing at his past dislike of studying. He now knew that the fastest way for human progress was indeed"learning". Studying could really change one's life.

Then, Roy looked at King Solomon with complicated eyes and sighed:"……It would be great if you were a girl, just like King Arthur and the tyrant Nero were girls. If you were a girl, I could learn knowledge in a more convenient, fast and comfortable way."

Roy said this and glanced behind Solomon.

King Solomon rubbed his buttocks calmly, making his buttocks and the back of the chair form a vertical angle of 90 degrees, and then he said with confidence:"……Sodom and Gomorrah were sinful and their voices were heard by Yahweh, who was going to send two angels to destroy the city."

This sentence he said was from the Book of Genesis in the Bible, and he wanted to use the allusion to tell Roy the danger of his thoughts.

Sodom and Gomorrah were open cities that did not taboo homosexuality. Because there were too many homosexual behaviors, God was angry and sent Michael and Gabriel to destroy them.

"Forget it. I'm not interested in men. Besides, I prefer fair skinned people. I'm not interested in bronze skinned people like you. The skin color of the Queen of Sheba should be similar to yours, right? It seems that we have different aesthetics. It's a good thing. We won't fight over women."

Roy said disdainfully.

King Solomon smiled awkwardly."……Ah, I am actually not very good at dealing with women, and I have no luck with women."

"Ha, King Solomon, who had an Egyptian princess as his wife, a thousand beautiful women as concubines, and queens from various countries as his lovers, actually said that he was not popular with women and that he was not good at dealing with women. What a joke you are playing!"

"……In fact, I really want to learn from you. How do you manage to make such a large harem live in harmony? Is it really some kind of magic?"

Roy sneered.

Solomon's face turned red. He held it in for a long time before shouting:"……Those things were done by Solomon, what do they have to do with me, Romani Ajman!"

"Romani Akiman?"

Roy was stunned for a moment, then he said thoughtfully:"……You actually gave yourself a new name."Aki" refers to the Ark of the Covenant and Noah's Ark, and adding"Man" at the end means"the one who holds the Ark of the Covenant". I thought you would choose a name that has nothing to do with your past, but in the end you took the name from the Bible."

"So Mr. Romani……"

"Call me Roman."

King Solomon, no, it should be Roman who interrupted Roy and said with a smile:"……Call me Roman, I like this name"

""Roman? You really converted to Christianity under my influence. This word means Catholicism. It seems that I am suitable to be a missionary. It is the first miracle in history that King Solomon in the Old Testament abandoned Judaism and converted to Christianity."

Roy said jokingly, and then he shook Roman's hand with a serious face."……Dr. Roman, I will continue to ask you questions about magic in the next few days. I hope you won’t keep it to yourself."

Roman said with a wry smile:"……This word means 'romantic', I used the Japanese I just learned, not English."

Just then, there was a knock on the door from Erica:"……『"King, have you finished your study today? I brought you a midnight snack, and the cake that King Solomon requested."

Before Roy could respond, King Solomon, who had changed his name to Roman, scurried over like a rabbit and opened the door.

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