In Jerusalem, Roy and Roman walked slowly on the street. Today was the seventh day, the Sabbath given by God.

"This is the Wailing Wall.

The temple you built is the first temple of the Jewish nation, and this is a section of the protective wall of the second temple of the ancient Jewish nation, and it is also the only remaining site of the protective wall of the second temple.

Judaism has always regarded this wall as the first holy place.

For thousands of years, when Jews who have been scattered all over the world returned to the holy city of Jerusalem, they would come to this stone wall to pray in a low voice and cry about the suffering of exile, so it was called the Wailing Wall.


Roy took Roman to the famous Wailing Wall in Jerusalem. There were many tourists around, and Jews who had been scattered all over the world were praying devoutly here.

Jerusalem is a magical city. In this city, there is the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, where the tomb of Jesus is said to be located in Christianity, the Dome of the Rock, one of the oldest in Christianity, and the Wailing Wall, a holy place in Judaism. It can be said that this city carries the glory of the entire Abrahamic pantheon.���The two wore small paper hats, which was the rule for locals and tourists to visit the Western Wall, and Roy did not want to break this rule.

"This place truly carries the history of mankind and is the foundation of human principles. The Age of Gods will eventually end, and humans and gods must always be clearly distinguished."

Although King Solomon became Roman and possessed human nature, this did not mean that he gave up King Solomon's power and memory. Therefore, when he faced the ancient relics of mankind, he would sigh more deeply.

He was the"agent of God" and the last connection point between God and mankind. After his death, the principles of God gradually dissipated in this world, and human principles finally reached their peak.

"But the First Temple you built has been completely lost in history. Although I have dug up some ruins in Murray Hill, they are not even ruins. King Solomon was the third king of ancient Judea and the greatest king. However, the documents and materials left from his time are rare in the world, and even make people doubt whether this king ever existed. What do you think about this, Roman?"

Roy stood by the Wailing Wall, chatting casually with the wise king, as if he had transcended history and time and reproduced the ancient miracles here.

"Roman would feel a little sorry, because those are precious relics and the inheritance of the connection between man and God; but for King Solomon, it is indeed a mission he must complete. There were too many things related to God in that era, but they were not needed by human reason, so King Solomon took the initiative to destroy them and prevent them from being passed on."

Roman raised an innocent smile, he grabbed the back of his head, narrowed his eyes a little embarrassedly, and smiled shyly like a big boy next door.

Roy thought for a while and said:"……So King Solomon offered sacrifices to many gods in his later years, because that was actually to destroy as much as possible the things left over from the Age of Gods, so that it would not affect the arrival of the human age? Perhaps Qin Shihuang was also burning the mysteries left over from the Age of Gods, and welcoming the replacement of the divine principles by human principles."

Therefore, King Solomon clearly established the most prosperous dynasty in Israel, but he did not leave many documents and relics. This is impossible no matter how you think about it. The reason is that King Solomon took the initiative to destroy and reduce the traces of his existence, because his existence is the last connection between man and God, the last legacy left by God, and what he wants to destroy.

At this moment, Roy suddenly realized that perhaps King Solomon's final goal was to make himself disappear completely, leaving no trace.

In front of the Wailing Wall, some people were facing the wall, telling something sadly; some people bowed deeply and prayed; some people held the Bible and prayed silently; some people personally touched the Wailing Wall; and some people stuffed white paper slips into the cracks of the Wailing Wall.

Seeing those slips, Roman asked curiously:"……What are they doing?"

"The believers here believe that as long as they write their true feelings on a piece of paper and then put it into the stone wall of the Wailing Wall, they are writing a letter to God, and God will definitely receive it."

Roy explained to him.

Roman suddenly became interested. He borrowed paper and pen from someone, wrote something in ancient Hebrew on it, and then folded it reverently and carefully and put it into the crack of the stone.

After he did all this, he showed a happy smile:"……In this way, the Lord will know what I want to say to Him."

"What did you write in it?"

Roy asked with interest.

"It's a secret!"

This time, Roman rarely did not answer Roy's question.

Seeing this, Roy just laughed. He did not try to find out Roman's secret thoughts. If he did so, he would be angry.

Although even if Roman was angry, as long as you handed him a piece of strawberry cake, he would smile and forgive you.

There is sadness in front of the Wailing Wall, but also joy and happiness. The coming-of-age ceremony for Jewish men is held in front of the Wailing Wall accompanied by their families. Everyone blesses the boy with laughter and wishes him to become an adult on his birthday. The ancient King Solomon also offers his blessings to the descendants of his people.

The two left the Wailing Wall and walked in the vicissitudes of the ancient city.

"I was wary and suspicious of you before. Although you acted harmless in the past few days, I could feel that you had never let go of your heart. Your interactions with others were just superficial and you didn't open up to them."

Roy didn't wear his cardinal robe today because it was too conspicuous. He didn't���Too conspicuous.

He just put his right hand in his pocket and chatted with Roman casually, not at all like the final resting place of the God Slayer and the God of Disobedience.

"But in the last two days, I could feel that you had completely let go and really integrated into it."

Hearing Roy's words, Roman laughed twice, scratched the back of his head, and said embarrassedly:"……Actually, I was afraid. I was afraid of seeing sad things. I was afraid of having a very good relationship with you, but we would be separated in seven days. So I kept avoiding it... But in the end, I found that people should communicate with each other honestly. If not, you will never understand people's feelings."

"……Humans are really great. They know it is such a sad and sorrowful thing, but they still do it with tears. But I feel very lucky and happy because I am finally alone."

Roman said gratefully.

After a pause, he hesitated again, and said with fear and retreat on his face:"……Seven days ago, when I was King Solomon, I had already decided to leave on this day. But after I became a human being, I am afraid and don’t want to die. Do you think I am a coward?"

"That's right, you are a coward, but there is no need to feel guilty or blame yourself, because the fear of death is human nature! So, coward, do you want to go to the dessert shop over there and have a look? I'll treat you to the last piece of cake?"

Roy smiled and pointed to a dessert shop in front of him that had a lot of traffic."……But I guess the desserts in that shop can't compare to those in the hotel. After all, it's just a small shop on the roadside."

"It doesn't matter, as long as it's strawberry cake, I like it, I'm not picky."

Roman said with a bright smile, at this moment, he finally made up his mind.

Although it was very sad and scary, he had to do it.

Because the God of Disobedience is a disaster and a destroyer of human nature...

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