"This moment has finally come. Dreams must end, but after waking up, you will forget the content of the dream, which is really sad."As the sun sets, standing on a hill outside Jerusalem, Roy and Roman stand side by side, gazing at the ancient city of Jerusalem below.

Roman's voice is a little sad. His information is stored in the 'Throne of Heroes' in the Type-Moon world. No matter what he has experienced, when he dies, it will not affect the 'Throne' in the slightest. This period of life and memory is just a passing cloud after all.

It's not easy to see the scenery outside the world, and it's not easy to have humanity, become a human being, and live a simple but most desired life. This should be a double happiness, but when the end comes, all the happiness is like a dream bubble, and Roman, who is gradually becoming emotional, also sighs sadly.

"Are you scared, Roman?"

Roy stood beside him, looking up at the ancient city of Jerusalem dyed golden by the setting sun, and asked with a chuckle.

Roman nodded and shook his head and said:"……Of course I was scared. I was so scared that I wanted to turn around and run back, then scream like crazy to vent all the fear in my heart."

"……It's just that when I came to this world, my eyes read the past and future of this world from a place called the netherworld, and I knew what the God of Disobedience was. As long as it existed, it would bring disasters to mankind. If King Solomon followed the"correct" way, he would have ended his life calmly by committing suicide after knowing that his existence would bring disaster to mankind."

"However, the concept of the God of Disobedience distorted King Solomon's"correctness", making him suddenly want to try the taste of living as a human being. The impulse became stronger and stronger, even greater than the mechanism that King Solomon should abide by.

……Now I can tell you loudly that this impulse is really the most correct decision King Solomon has ever made in his life. Living here as a human being, as Roman, for seven days, I feel very happy, very happy, so happy that I want to sacrifice myself to protect this world that makes me happy."

Roman's smile is innocent. Although there is still fear on his face, he can always make a decisive decision without hesitation at the critical moment."……This time, it was not King Solomon who made this choice, but a human named Roman. Ah, I really admire the choices made by those heroes. As human beings, they are always able to face their own death and sacrifice fearlessly and bravely. From this point of view, I really don’t look like a hero at all."

"You are not a hero, you are just a loser. Look at what you have done in the past seven days. If I hadn't forced you to complete the work, you would have just eaten cake and drank Coke every day, played games or watched live broadcasts, and even became obsessed with virtual idols. You are far from being a hero."

Roy couldn't help but complain.

"Ahahaha… This should be a time for sadness, Roy, please don’t say that to me."

Roman scratched the back of his head and smiled awkwardly."……It's really not my fault. Coke tastes good, strawberry cake is delicious, and virtual idols are so cute. If I don't indulge in such delicious and cute things, I would be so sorry for them."

"You really can find excuses to explain your salty fish"


The two were silent again.

After a long while, Roy said:"……If, as the incarnation of the God of Disobedience, you can remain rational and not go crazy enough to bring disaster to mankind, would you choose to stay here and continue to live as an ordinary human being, Roman?"

Roman was stunned for a moment, then he covered his chest and smiled bitterly:"……At this time, you are still tempting me, making me hesitate after making up my mind with great difficulty."

"This is not temptation, but a fact. Although the disobedient god is a disaster, it is not absolute. Throughout history, many disobedient gods have ended well. As long as you are willing, you can do this."

Roy turned his head to look at Roman's profile.

"I know……"

Roman took a deep breath and gritted his teeth."……Of course I know there is a way to negate the disaster of the God of Disobedience, but this is not my world after all. I should return to my original world, which is my home."

"So, you can make this choice, but at this moment, Roman, you are already a hero."

Roy sighed, then smiled at him:"……Well, at this sad moment, I will also tell you something that will make you happy. The God of Disobedience is different from the Heroic Spirit Servant. After the Servants die and return to the"Throughout", they will lose all their memories, but the God of Disobedience can still retain the memories of the present world after He passes away."

"……However, this memory cannot affect the information that has been solidified on the"seat". But when you are summoned to the world again, this dreamlike memory will make you remember it again. Even if you become the emotionless King Solomon again, this memory will make you have the urge to become a human again. So wait with hope, waiting for the moment when someone summons King Solomon to the world again!"

Roman was stunned for a moment, he looked at Roy curiously and asked:"……Roy, you seem to know my world very well. Heroic spirits and servants are not concepts in this world. This is clearly a faraway place far beyond the outside of the world, not under the rule of the origin, but Roy, you seem to know everything."

"No, I only know what I know, not everything."

Roy shook his head.

Roman didn't ask any more questions. Even though he was curious, he was not the kind of person who would ask questions. After hesitating for a moment, he timidly asked in a low voice:"……Are we friends now?"

"Of course, if such a relationship cannot be called friendship, then the word friend is too expensive. Roman, I have a feeling that maybe one day we will meet again, in your world!"

Roy took a deep breath, and when he summoned King Solomon, the mysterious"ship" in his right hand had opened up a path to the Type-Moon world. If Roy wanted to gain more knowledge, he must explore the new world.

"Friends, it’s great… I’m so lucky to have friends after becoming a human. This is a feeling and a word that Solomon will never understand."

Roman smiled cheerfully and said:"……It's great to meet you, my friend, Roy! I will wait with hope, waiting for the moment when the dream becomes reality again. Now, let us fulfill our original promise!"

He raised his right hand, where five rings were worn on five fingers."……The time of farewell has come...……"

Before Roman finished reading his real name, he felt a pain in his chest. He lowered his head and looked at the blood-red sword tip on his chest, and shouted:"……It hurts! You’re making me so painful, Roy! What are you doing?"

Roy, who had come up behind Roman and stabbed him in the back, smiled at him and said:"……The Lord does not allow His people to commit suicide. As a devout believer, you should not go against the Lord's teachings. Moreover, as a disobedient God, if you commit suicide, I, as a godslayer, will not gain any benefit."

"……Let me give you one last farewell, my friend Romani Ajman!"

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