Back in the room in Jerusalem where he and Roman had lived together, Roy opened the drawer of the desk where Roman had been playing on the computer, and found the records Roman had left for him.

A parchment scroll was engraved with complex and precise graphics, and in the blank spaces of the parchment scroll, Roman had also marked the explanations of the graphics and various texts in the parchment scroll. This was the second gift Roman had left for him.

"When did he write this?"

Roy thought about it. During the daytime of the previous six days, he had been"supervising" and watching Roman working on his technique base, so Roman could not have completed the contents of the parchment during the day.

"That can only be the night after I fall asleep."

Thinking of this, Roy sighed softly. He thought Roman was watching live video broadcasts, eating cakes and drinking Coke at night and living a useless life. He didn't expect that he was working overtime even at night, working in a place where Roy, the"boss", couldn't see him.

"This guy is really a rare good employee. If I can give out a big award, I will definitely give him an award for the most dedicated employee."

Roy said with a smile, and then quickly flipped through the magic content recorded in this book.

King Solomon possessed the ability of 'clairvoyance'. This was what Roy heard from Roman. As the greatest king of Israel and an existence that gained wisdom from God, he was born with 'eyes that can see through the past and the future'.

Not to mention the eyes that can see through the future, this ability to predict the future is actually to coordinate all the information of the past and the present, and then infer the optimal solution for the future.

If it is an ordinary person, because it does not exceed the specifications, life has been moving forward within a prescribed range, this kind of prediction of the future has almost 100% accuracy.

But if the one predicted is an extremely powerful existence that exceeds the specifications, then any known information cannot be applied to it. In this case, the predicted future has great uncertainty. Therefore, Roy is not interested in 'eyes that can see through the future', and predicting the future is not a powerful ability. It is affected by The limitations are great.

The 'eyes that see through the past' are the real powerful ability, because the past is over and is information that has been thoroughly recorded. The information obtained by people with these eyes is absolutely correct, and being able to see through the past can see the huge historical torrent, so there are no secrets in front of it.

The present is a moment, and the future is out of reach. Only the past is absolutely correct and contains the largest amount of information.

King Solomon has the 'clairvoyance' that can see through the past and the future. This is his innate ability, but as the king of magic, he also has the wisdom of God. In addition, the world of God Slayer has a world called 'ghost world' that records all the information of the past. Many factors together allow King Solomon to create such a magic 'pseudo-clairvoyance'.

Carve this magic rune in your own eyes, and you can use the 'ghost world' to see through everything in the past. For Roy now, it is a magic formula that can bring him more power than the 'human reason cultivation form'.

『The Humanistic Cultivation gave Roy a bright future, while the magic Clairvoyance allowed Roy to gain the present.

The only drawback of this magic was that it was specially created to connect the underworld, so it could only work in the God Slayer world for the time being. If he went to other worlds and wanted to use this magic eye to see through them, he would need to modify the magic structure to adapt to the records of different worlds. This would require Roy to have extremely rich and solid magic skills, because Roy himself did not have Clairvoyance.

"Aiwass, put aside your modified 'Pandora Dark Festival' for the time being, and I will complete this magic formula first."

After memorizing and understanding the contents of the parchment completely, Roy burned it.

This magic formula is very powerful, but it is also very dangerous. If it is obtained by others, it may cause trouble for Roy, so destroying it is the best choice.

After thinking about it, Roy called Erica and Liliana, telling them that he needed some time to perform a magic ritual, and asked them not to disturb him, and to help Roy watch the door and not let anyone else disturb him.

After giving the order, Roy quickly arranged some warning magic. These magics did not have a strong protective effect, but just told others 'do not disturb'.

After completing all this, Roy began to order the Seven Sisters Alliance in Italy to send many materials and tools for magic rituals. In less than a day, Roy completed all the arrangements


In front of a simple test bench, Roy was carefully manipulating the Type-Moon magic he learned from Solomon, carving runes and spells on the eyeball on the test bench with the precision of a scalpel.

This eyeball was Roy's left eye, and now there was an empty bloody hole in his left eye. Roy was also controlling his own curse power, not allowing the powerful curse power of the God Slayer to repair this eye by itself.

For the God Slayer, injuries such as broken limbs or loss of an organ can still be self-recovered.

Roy never thought that one day he would be able to cruelly take off his own eyeballs. This kind of horror was something he never dared to think about in the past.

It has to be said that after learning a lot of magic knowledge, he can also hold himself to the standards of a magician.

The magic in the God Slayer world tends to be offensive, so it is not suitable for such delicate experiments. Most of the magic in the Type-Moon world is used in research and is used in���The creation of the eye is just right


When Roy completed the nano-level operation with his rock-steady hands, even Roy admired himself. The God Slayer's manipulation of the details of the body was really terrifying.

The eyeball with the magic eye engraved was placed in the liquid on the side, soaked for a while, and then taken out. Then it was surgically implanted back into the eye socket, the eye nerve was connected, and the magic eye was immediately connected to the brain. Then a certain organ in the brain was connected to the soul, allowing Roy to completely master the magic eye.

If it were in the Type-Moon world, this would definitely be the top-level 'Rainbow' level magic eye. With Roy's power, it has the 'Eye of Sodom' as powerful as Medusa's 'Petrifying Magic Eye', and also has the clairvoyance that can see through the past. Its versatility is beyond imagination.

As the magic eye was implanted, Roy felt for the first time the wonderful feeling of the 'clairvoyance' seeing through the past.

"『Plutarch's House?! It turns out that there is such a place in the underworld. It is a mysterious mansion that records all the information of the past, just like the Akashic Records. The place that the witches look at during their visions is actually Plutarch's House.』!"

"……So that's it, so that's it, this is the truth of the world, the origin of the God of Disobedience and the God Slayer, the identity and ability of the Last King, where he hides, and the root of the fate of the God Slayer and the God of Disobedience, and the real black hand behind the scenes!"

Roy suddenly realized at this moment, it was as if he had read the text of this world. There were no more secrets in this world in front of him, everything was exposed to the sun.

Roy had only watched the anime of God Slayer in the past, and had not read the so-called original work. At the suggestion of Aiwass, he also resisted the idea of reading those original works, because it would produce a strong butterfly effect.

But now he has obtained all the information in the form of"clairvoyance", which is a magical method that completely avoids the occurrence of the butterfly effect, so that he can make all preparations.

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