One year later, in the Duke of Godding's residence in London, England - the warm sun outside the window shone into the dreamlike princess's boudoir from the French windows. The gauze curtains hanging around the princess's bed rippled in the breeze outside the window. Roy opened his eyes, brushed the platinum hair by his mouth to the side, gently pushed the soft and smooth body in his arms to the side, and then climbed up from the bed and leaned against the headboard.

""'re awake, Roy."

Princess Alice rubbed her sleepy eyes and muttered.

After a year, Princess Alice no longer called him"king", but called him by his name affectionately, with a lazy ambiguity in her slightly hoarse voice.

"What time is it now?

The princess turned over, hugged Roy with her snow-white arms, and asked with her eyes closed.

"Around seven in the morning……"

Roy glanced at the clock on the wall and replied

"It's only seven in the morning. I need to sleep a little longer."

Princess Alice muttered. She had only slept for three hours. Compared with the physical strength of the God Slayer, as a witch, her body was too weak.

If Roy hadn't injected her body with the power of Mi Qing every now and then in the past year, gradually curing the physical illness left by Princess Alice's long-term excessive spiritual power, Princess Alice would have died long ago.

"Well, then you go back to sleep."

Before Roy finished speaking, he heard the even breathing of Princess Alice, but she had already fallen asleep.

Shaking his head with a smile, Roy put on his pajamas and walked out of the bedroom. The head maid of the Duke of Godding's family, the middle-aged woman in her forties who was almost killed by Roy, was already waiting outside.

"『"King, a maid is already waiting in the bathroom, please go and wash up!"

The head maid bowed respectfully.

She did not have any resentment towards Roy, nor did she dare to have any resentment. She was even grateful to Roy for curing Princess Alice's stubborn illness and saving her future life. Although it was a bit regrettable that even with the identity of Princess Alice, she could only be the lover of the"King", but the head maid also knew that this was not something she should worry about.

"I see. Alice was very tired last night. Don't disturb her. Let her continue sleeping and call her at lunch time."


The head maid responded. She did not leave but continued to wait in front of Princess Alice's boudoir. This was her job in the past.

A year ago, Roy"killed" King Solomon in Jerusalem and obtained his power, and Aiwass also improved the"Pandora's Dark Festival" and tried it on Roy.

Aiwass's modified Dark Festival had some flaws.

After fusing King Solomon's spiritual base with Roy, the overlapping parts of Roy and King Solomon were indeed enhanced, which was mainly reflected in the power of"Jacob's Hands and Feet".

Although Roy claimed that his"Jacob's Hands and Feet" had seven styles, he actually only created five styles.

The last two styles exceeded the limit of this power in Roy's deduction, so he did not create them.

And this time, with the completion of Solomon's spiritual base , allowing Roy to finally create the seven styles of"Jacob's Hands and Feet". The most important thing is that Roy upgraded the power of"Jacob's Hands and Feet" again in this completion, giving these seven styles special powers.

For example, his first style,"Saint Lady Fu Long", although it gave Roy the power of a dragon when he punched, it did not have any other characteristics. This time, with the fusion of Roy's"Jacob's Hands and Feet" and the"Jacob's Hands and Feet" inherited from King Solomon, Roy's"Saint Lady Fu Long" now has the characteristic of"special attack against dragons". When he uses this move against dragons, it will cause greater damage.

From this aspect, the"Pandora Dark Festival" modified by Aiwass has been successful. The reason why it still has flaws is mainly because this spiritual base fusion did not allow Roy's cursed power has been improved too much.

Although Roy's cursed power is stronger than before, the increase is too small, which is inconsistent with the theory of Aiwass when he improved the ritual. Therefore, for Roy and Aiwass, this ritual is unqualified, and there are still areas that must be improved.

This year Aiwass has continued to improve the 'Pandora Dark Festival'.

As the most fundamental and complex 'God Slayer Reincarnation Ritual' in the God Slayer world, it is very difficult to improve it.

Even Aiwass, the 'Holy Guardian Angel' who claims to master the 'knowledge inheritance', cannot complete it so easily.

In the past year, Roy has mainly traveled between England and Italy.

In addition to continuing to read books from different magic societies every day, he lives in rouge and powder, and also uses this Roy used this method to avoid Salvatore Tony's entanglement.

When the Sword King was in Italy, Roy went to England. When he left Italy, Roy went back. It was not that Roy was afraid of the Sword King, but that the man with a brain defect was really annoying. He knew how to fight all day long. There was nothing else in his mind except muscles, which delayed Roy's study. As a person who loves learning, Roy decided to try not to contact such a poor student.

In this year, he was also quietly waiting for the arrival of the God of Disobedience.

There are not as many Gods of Disobedience as imagined, otherwise there would not be only seven Godslayers born in three hundred years. This is the era with the most Godslayers in human history. In a year, Roy hardly heard any news about the arrival of the God of Disobedience.

The magic eye from Roy's 'Clairvoyance' allows him to know all the secrets that have happened in this world, so Roy even knows where the 'Last King' is sleeping now, but with Roy's current strength, he is no match for the 'Last King'. If he wakes him up, it will be a disaster for the God Killer.

Now Roy is quietly waiting for more disobedient gods to come, and then kill them and seize their spiritual bases. Under the 'Pandora Dark Festival' that Aiwass has improved again, he will become stronger, just like the protagonist of an RPG game, who must first improve his skills and level to a certain level before facing the final BOSS.


Roy, who had just finished washing up, heard the sound of his cell phone. He did not check the caller ID to see who was calling. There were only a few people in the world who knew his cell phone number. Those who called him must have important matters.

"Lord Roy, you asked the Seven Sisters Alliance to intensify the excavation of ancient ruins, and we have found the sacred tool of the ancient Mediterranean queen!"

At this moment, Roy knew that what he had been waiting for had finally come!

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