It was a young girl with short silver hair, who looked only about ten years old. She wore a blue cotton hat that looked like a rabbit, and the hat was stained with snow from the Alps. Although she was still young and her facial features were not fully developed, her delicate face and snow-white skin already showed her stunning appearance.

"Is this... the God of Disobedience?"

Erica and Liliana looked at the beautiful little girl at the door in amazement. It was easy to love her, and it was impossible to compare her with the God of Disobedience who brought natural disasters.

But the ominous and noble aura emanating from this little girl told Erica and Liliana that she was the God of Disobedience, the goddess who came to chase the Gorgon Stone.

"It's freezing outside, so you should close the door and come in to sit down and have a cup of coffee to warm yourself up, Athena."

Roy was not surprised at the appearance of the goddess, as this was what he had expected.

He put down the coffee cup in his hand and made a 'please' gesture to Athena.

"This is the first time I have seen a godslayer who would invite the God of Disobedience to take a seat. Since you invite me so sincerely, if I refuse, wouldn’t it seem too neglectful and cowardly?"

The lovely little girl held her head high and announced in a clear and tender voice like a lark.

Then she stepped into the door and closed it.

The whirring sound of the wind and snow outside the house stopped, and the cold wind was buried by the flames burning in the house.

The noisy sounds disappeared and the environment became quiet again, but this overly quiet atmosphere made Liliana and Erica feel uneasy.

In this small house, such close contact with a disobedient god made them feel a faint fear of being locked in a dark room and losing their freedom.

Erica and Liliana clenched their swords, their palms were soaked with sweat, but even so they did not dare to make any movements. They just stared at the cute little girl who was so cute that they could not look away, watching her walk with her overly slender legs and sit down opposite Roy.

"I am no longer Athena. I have lost my status as the Queen of the Trinity. All that remains in my memory are my mother's sighs, the queen's shame, and the old woman's wisdom."

"……My glory is already broken, and only the tiny thing left is the resistance to the thunder and sun ruled by the sky king. Therefore, what I desire is only the Gorgon Stone. Godslayer, can you give me that stone?"

She was clearly asking for something, and as long as she got the Gorgon Stone, she would recover all her strength, but this behavior of asking the enemy for something she urgently needed, from Athena's mouth, not only did not make people feel that she was stupid, but instead demonstrated her profound wisdom and bravery.

"Lord Roy, the Gorgon Stone cannot be given to her! Disobedient Athena is now at her weakest, you should kill her now and usurp her power!"

Erica and Liliana hurriedly said loudly

"Speaking such treasonous words about killing gods in front of gods will be cursed by gods."

The petite Athena glanced at the two young knights. Although her power was extremely weak now, she was a disobedient god after all. Even when she was weak, mortals could not disobey her.

After being glanced at by Athena, Erica and Liliana both gasped and their faces turned pale. However, the two girls were geniuses of this era after all. The magic power surged in their bodies, suppressing the instinctive fear of their bodies.

Roy stood up and walked in front of Athena, blocking her sight and rescuing his two knights. Then he bent down and wiped the wind stains on Athena's clothes. The snow was dusted off.

Athena wore a white long-sleeved shirt, a beige sweater, and a girlish bow tie at the neck. She wore a knee-length black pleated skirt, which separated her from the blue stockings by an absolute area as tender as the evening snow.

Overall, the color combination of her clothes is quite strange. If other women wore it like this, it would probably be very tacky, but on Athena, it reveals nobility and elegance.

People say that clothes make the man, but for gods, no matter how ugly the clothes are, they will appear superior when worn by gods.

"This kind of sweater will be soaked when the snow melts. It is easy to catch a cold in this cold weather. It is better to clean it. Of course, it is better to lean against the fire."

Roy's tone was gentle, and his movements were even gentler. After cleaning the snow off Athena, he stood up and sat back in his seat.

Athena did not expect Roy's behavior at all. She stared at her gem-like amber eyes for a long time before she laughed:"……I am the god of disobedience, so I won't catch a cold."

"Ah, sorry, seeing your lovely and beautiful face, Goddess Athena, made me forget your identity as the God of Disobedience, and I even had the urge to take you home and raise you."

Roy sat opposite Athena and shrugged.

Athena frowned and said:"……I feel your words are insulting, but I am not too angry."

"Because this is a compliment to you. As a goddess, you should be able to hear the sincerity in my words. There is no insult or sarcasm in them, but praise for you, the goddess."

Roy said sincerely.

Athena nodded slightly and said with a little reserve:"……I do feel complimented by your words. In that case, as the goddess of wisdom in the sky, I will gladly accept it."

Erica and Liliana were a little dazed. After hearing what the two said, they always felt that Roy, the godslayer, and Athena, the disobedient god, had different brain circuits from them.

"Don't be stunned, Lily! Now that the goddess has come to visit, our small villa has become more glorious. The way you are now is not the way to entertain guests. Why don't you give our goddess a cup of our Italian cappuccino!"

"……Compared to those overly strong and bitter coffees, cappuccino with milk and milk foam is more suitable for girls."After hearing Roy's instructions, Liliana came back to her senses. She responded and hurried to prepare coffee.

The goddess Athena, who was sitting opposite Roy, said in a high voice:"……Don't treat me like a little girl, it will make me unhappy."

Her angry expression was very cute, her little face was flushed, and at the same time, the reason why she was angry was very strange.

"Don't get excited, Goddess Athena! There is a saying in the East that goes"be polite before using force". The godslayer can sit here and chat happily with the disobedient god. Doesn't this show your tolerance as a goddess?"

Roy smiled and stopped Athena from standing up, motioning her to sit down.

Athena frowned, but slowly sat back down.

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