"Your coffee!"

Liliana gently placed a cup of coffee with milk foam on the table in front of Athena, then she quickly retreated behind Roy, stood side by side with Erica, and held the hilt of the sword at her waist again.

Even though she knew that her vigilance and alertness were meaningless in the face of the God of Disobedience, this was her duty as a knight. Even if Roy asked her to fight the goddess to the death, she would not frown and become the enemy of the goddess.

Athena held the warm coffee in both hands, raised it to her moist lips, and took a sip gently. The white milk foam remained on the corner of her mouth. She stretched out her clove tongue to lick the milk foam clean, and her amber eyes narrowed slightly, revealing a cute expression like a kitten.

"Let me introduce myself. I am a completely different God Slayer than the ones I have seen before. I am the God of Disobedience named Athena. Before we fight, I should know the other party's name first."

Athena said in a serious and high tone, holding the coffee cup in both hands.

"My name is Roy Crowley. Remember it, Goddess Athena! This may be a name you will never forget in your life!"

Roy also restrained his smile, and his tone was as serious as Athena's, just like two generals on the battlefield informing each other before fighting, but soon Roy relaxed his body and smiled:"……From what you said, goddess, it seems that you have met other godslayers, but in the past three hundred years, no godslayer has ever fought with Athena."

Roy said this with a strange tone, because the word"goddess" is usually used by goblin lickers. He felt awkward when he heard this word, but he had to admit that the girl in front of him was a real"goddess".

Without waiting for Athena to reply, Roy closed his left eye, as if he was looking back in time with that eye, and said suddenly:"……So that's how it is. Goddess Athena is not the newly descended God of Disobedience, but a goddess who was born thousands of years ago and has been sleeping ever since."

Roy's words made Athena unhappy again. The wise goddess said:"……This power was usurped from some god. I felt the"flame of wisdom". This is a disgusting ability. Even I feel uncomfortable when I can look back to the past and see other people's privacy."

After taking a breath, Athena continued:"……Just as you said, Roy Crowley, I am a goddess who came to the earth thousands of years ago. I once fought with a godslayer. Although I killed the godslayer, his power stole the Gorgon Stone, which caused me to lose most of my power and fall into a deep sleep. Until recently, I smelled the scent of the Gorgon Stone and woke up again."

Knowing that Roy could see through the past, Goddess Athena no longer concealed anything and told Roy everything that happened thousands of years ago.

At that time, human civilization was still very ignorant, and naturally there were no detailed records like now. At that time, the godslayer and the gods of disobedience were both objects of fear and worship by humans, so there was no record of Athena's battle.

"So I ask again, where is the Gorgon Stone?"

"Look, it's right here."

As soon as Athena finished speaking, she saw Roy flip his wrist, and a simple stone badge appeared in Roy's palm. When she saw the stone badge, the goddess' amber pupils shrank, and joy appeared in her eyes. Then she raised her eyes and looked at Roy, and a solemn aura appeared on her beautiful and lovely face.

"Athena's wisdom tells me that you are an extremely dangerous godslayer. With my current strength, I am definitely not your opponent. However, all I want is the Gorgon Stone. Even though I know it is a trap, I will step forward fearlessly and bravely!"

"……I am the goddess of battle and wisdom, please forgive me!

Either you fight me, or I will execute you and take back the Gorgon Stone, or you kill me and usurp my power.

There is no other way!

Of course, if you are willing to obey my orders, then it will be a happy ending, but with the character of the God Slayer, this is definitely not an option.

" The sharp eyes of the goddess Athena pierced Roy, and her amber pupils gradually turned into inverted, cold snake pupils, which were mysterious and weird compared to Roy's double pupils.

Erica and Liliana were both facing a great enemy. Although they believed that Roy's power would be able to defeat the now weak Athena, there would always be accidents in the battle between the God of Disobedience and the God Slayer, so they must not let their guard down.

"Come and fight, 'Son of Fool' Roy Crowley, my fighting spirit is already burning, that is the instinctive hostility of the God of Disobedience towards the God-killer, let me see what color the cursed blood that killed my compatriots is, this is our fate!"

Divine power surged around Athena, although she was dazzling, but the light around her seemed to be absorbed and turned into darkness, even the light of the firewood burning in the middle of the villa dimmed.

"I hate the word fate! It's as if no matter what I do, I can't escape its punishment, and I will always live in bondage."

Roy interrupted Athena, and his body surged with a curse power far exceeding Athena's, suppressing Athena's divine power.

"Don't lie, Athena! Is your disobedient body really fighting against my existence?"

The God Slayer will have a strong instinctive desire to fight against the God of Disobedience, which is as terrible as a congestion in the brain. As long as there are Gods of Disobedience around, the God Slayer is the best radar.

Conversely, the God of Disobedience also has such an impulse towards the God Slayer, so any fight between the God of Disobedience and the God Slayer will end in the death of one of them.

But Roy was not happy with this fixed fate. After obtaining the power of"Seeing the Face of God", he had a deep understanding and use of this power. This power can be transformed into a curse-like power to change others' perception of themselves, making Roy sacred or distorted in the perception of others.

However, this kind of Curses directed to others can easily arouse the hostility of the God of Disobedience. Therefore, after Roy used this power more deeply, he used it to change himself instead of changing the perception of others, thus eliminating the instinctive hostility between the God Slayer and the God of Disobedience as much as possible. Otherwise, he would not have been able to get along closely with King Solomon, who had become the God of Disobedience, in Jerusalem.

This is exactly the effect of"Seeing the Face of God". He used this ability to maintain his rationality when he saw the God of Disobedience, and also allowed the God of Disobedience to communicate with him rationally.

Sure enough, as Roy finished speaking, the divine power around Athena was retracted, and she nodded in confusion:"……You are indeed completely different from the godslayer I have seen. I cannot have the hostility from fate towards you. Even the battle I am in charge of is wavering."

"……I can only express my own will, but I cannot generate the hostility that comes from being a God-killer and a God of Disobedience."

Roy had a blank expression on his face. He threw the Gorgon Stone in his hand onto the table and said:"……Your compatibility is really incompatible with mine. Killing you won't do me much good. This is the Gorgon Stone. If you want it, take it, but you have to fulfill a promise and make an agreement with me."

Roy raised his hand to stop Erica and Liliana's anxious advice, and just looked straight at Athena.

Athena's eyes fell on the Gorgon Stone on the table. She hesitated for a moment and said:"……Wisdom is telling me that this might be a good suggestion. First, tell me what kind of promises and agreements you want. If it is in my interest, I will agree. If it is not in my interest, then you can settle the matter with me here."

Roy looked out the window, tapping his fingers on the table and said:"……Today's snowstorm is a bit strong, and it's not suitable for fighting, so I want you to make a promise that we will not fight today, and even if we have to fight, we will leave it for tomorrow, and you, Athena of wisdom and war, stay here with me tonight."

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