Roy searched around without leaving any trace, but did not find anything related to the God Slayer.

‘Aiwass, do you know where the God Slayer Athena mentioned is? '

Since he couldn't find it and Athena couldn't completely determine its location, Roy directly asked Aiwass telepathically.

【The God Slayer is not in this world, or to be more precise, not in this timeline. She is returning from another time. This world is really amazing. It can open the way of the long river of time so easily.

As expected, if you encounter something you are not sure about, ask Aiwass. Although this"holy guardian angel" does not know everything and can't do everything, most of the questions can be answered by her.

‘I see. It seems that the most troublesome God Slayer has appeared.

Roy nodded slightly and confirmed who the person was.

Since he knew that it was Lady Aisha who appeared here, he did not need to be too vigilant. Although Lady Aisha's power was a mess, the other���On the surface, this God Slayer is the most gentle and kind among all the God Slayers, but also the one with the lowest combat power.

"『"King, this is the Acropolis of Athens."

As Roy and his group were strolling, they arrived at the Acropolis Hill in the center of Athens.

The head of the Athens magic society was like an enthusiastic tour guide, introducing Roy."……This is the most outstanding architectural complex in the entire ancient Greece. It was built to celebrate Athens' victory over the Persian invaders. The temple is the Parthenon, the largest temple dedicated to the goddess Athena. It can be said to be a symbol of Western culture!"

"……In ancient Greek legend, Athena was born on the forehead of Zeus, the father of the sky. She taught mankind the techniques of weaving, tailoring, carving, pottery making and painting. She is the goddess of war, wisdom, civilization and craftsmanship. Later, she became the patron saint of Athens. In this temple, there is the largest statue of the goddess Athena carved from gold and ivory in Greece."

The magician briefly introduced Roy to this world-famous attraction, the symbol of the goddess Athena, and then secretly looked at Athena who was following Roy.

The magician's eyes showed both admiration and fear. He was afraid that Athena was the god of disobedience. Although she was the patron saint of Athens, her existence could bring natural disasters to mankind; the admiration was because this was Athens, and the magic here was related to Greek mythology, just like the society where the magician belonged, which was equivalent to a religion that believed in Athena. Almost all the magic he knew was related to Athena.

Now that he had seen the true body of the goddess Athena, the longing and expectation almost drove him crazy.

Roy's deeds of fighting with Athena in the Alps had spread throughout the mysterious world. Naturally, people believed that Roy had won and usurped the power of the oldest mother goddess.

As for why Athena followed Roy, the magician was not surprised at all, because the"Black Prince" Alexander.

Scoin has a power called"Queen without Face", which is usurped from the goddess"Melusine".

When the power is activated, the Black Prince can summon the mermaid queen"Melusine" as a familiar to fight for him.

In the eyes of the magician, the power that Roy usurped from Athena should be similar.

When he activates the power, he can make Athena fight for him.

As for why Roy can summon Athena in a non-combat state, this is beyond the understanding of the magician.

Whether it is Athena or Solomon, Roy gave all the magicians in the world a wrong perception, making people think that the power he got from Solomon is"clairvoyance", and even made people mistakenly think that he killed Athena.

The power to summon Athena as a familiar is very different from the goddess Athena herself. If someone really regards Athena as a familiar summoned by Roy, they will definitely suffer a great loss. You must know that this is the strongest female war god, the true body of Athena!

"In addition to the Temple of Athena, the most famous attractions in Athens are the Temple of Zeus’,『"King, are you going there?"

The magician said this, and looked at Athena cautiously. You know, in the mythology, it can be seen that the relationship between Athena and Zeus is definitely not good, and Zeus is the culprit who caused Athena, the ancient mother goddess, to fall into the dragon snake.

Sure enough, when Athena heard the name Zeus, her expression was not good. Although she called herself the daughter of Zeus, that was a fact in the mythology, which she could not refute. As for how much Athena respected and worshipped Zeus, it was impossible.

"Forget about the Temple of Zeus, this is Athens, it is enough to just see the Temple of Athena."

Roy said this while holding Athena's hand tightly, asking her to get closer to him. Although the goddess was reluctant, she let him do what he wanted when she saw that Roy did not do anything more excessive.

The magician looked at Roy with admiration. Although it was enviable to have such close contact with the goddess, if he knew the true face of the God of Disobedience and knew that they were the synonym of disaster, he would be so audacious if he dared to be so close to the God of Disobedience. Especially since these two people were the God Slayer and the God of Disobedience.

"I remember that in one version of the myth, Hippomenes asked the goddess of love Aphrodite for help in order to get Atalanta. The goddess of love used the golden apple to help Hippomenes marry Atalanta, but Hippomenes forgot to thank Aphrodite. Therefore, in anger, the goddess of love lured Hippomenes and Atalanta to the temple of Zeus and made them blaspheme the king of gods. As a punishment, Zeus turned them into lions and drove them forever. Could that temple be this one?"

Roy was familiar with the ancient myths and asked with a relaxed smile.

The magician laughed and replied:"……Mythology and history blend together, making it difficult for future generations to see the truth. As for whether this temple is the one where Atalanta blasphemed Zeus, no one knows.

He did not dare to deceive Roy, the"king". In such a question that was beyond his knowledge level, he could only tell the truth and dared not say"yes" or"no".’

"This is what Aphrodite and my father Zeus would do."

The goddess Athena on the side interrupted, expressing her disdain for Aphrodite and her strong dislike for Zeus.

This time Roy did not intervene. Even he could not say for sure about the goddess in the myth. Whether the goddess Aphrodite really lived a dissolute life like that, who would know before seeing her in person?

"Roy, that stench is unbearable for me. I wish I could get rid of it right now."

Athena suddenly stopped and tugged at Roy's hand. Her beautiful and lovely face was full of a frenzy that was almost insane. The Athenian magician was almost scared to death when he saw this. He was afraid that the goddess Athena would turn into a disobedient god and rise up in this city. You have to know that this is Athens, the city of Athena. No one can be sure how strong Athena will become here.

Erica and Liliana also looked stern. They didn't know what happened, but Athena's expression was definitely not right.

""Look at me, Athena!"

Roy shouted, causing Athena to subconsciously look up at him.

When Athena saw Roy's face, her amber eyes flashed with a trance, and her reason gradually returned.

This was Roy's ability to"see the face of God". He used this ability to change himself so that he no longer had the"flavor" of the godslayer that could make the disobedient gods lose their minds. As long as Athena did not resist, he could use this power to change Athena and make her temporarily lose her disgust for the godslayer.

"Phew... I'm much better now."

Athena, who had regained her sanity, exhaled softly and said with a sweet smile:"……Roy, you did a good job. Now I am completely sure that I can get along with you like this."

Roy smiled and said to his two knights:"……Come on, Erica and Lily! Let's go meet Lady Elsa."

"Madam Aisha?!"

Erica, Liliana, and the magicians of Athens exclaimed in unison.

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