"Ahhhhhhh————"Wallet, my wallet is gone!"

On the streets of Athens, a girl who looked about 17 or 18 years old was being watched and pointed at by people.

However, the girl did not care about the gazes of others. She just searched her body left and right. After searching all over her body, she finally found sadly that her wallet was gone.

In this modern society, it is difficult to move forward without money.

"Hmmm... Let me think, where did I lose my wallet during my trip? Wow, even if I could remember where I lost my wallet, I can't go back."

The girl showed a distressed look, bit her fingers with her teeth, and uttered a sad cry.

The reason why the citizens on the streets of Athens pointed and watched her was not only because of the girl's unusual behavior, but also because of her clothes.

Her clothes were neither modern and ordinary clothes nor had any Greek or Roman style. If you have to say it, it was more like the clothes of the Huns 1,500 years ago. If it was just strange clothes, people wouldn't watch her like this in this modern society where COSPLAY is rampant. The main reason was that the girl's clothes looked too tattered, and there were even bloodstains on them, as if she had just experienced a life-and-death struggle.

Some people with good intentions had secretly called the police station. In modern society, seeing such bloodstains, no matter whether the girl was the perpetrator or the victim, she should be handed over to the police for handling.

The boss of the stall in front of the girl looked very unhappy. Although the English spoken by the girl in front of him had a strong"curry flavor", he also understood one thing, that is, she had no money!

Looking at the food that had been eaten on his stall, the boss almost cried and said:"……We are just a small business. If you don't pay for what you eat, I will have worked for nothing today."

The boss was so cautious because he saw the blood on the girl's body, and the blood didn't seem to have dried up completely. If he saw an ordinary traveler daring to eat a free meal, he would probably curse at her.

"Sorry, sorry! I'm so sorry, I lost my wallet! But don't worry, I will pay for it. Please wait for me for two days, I will go to work and pay you back!"

The girl clasped her hands together and said with her head down.

This girl was naturally Lady Aisha. She had an extremely tricky power called"The Corridor of the Fairyland", which was a power that could open the door to the past world. Through this power, Lady Aisha could go back to the past like a time traveler.

This power had almost no combat ability, but the ability to go back to the past was incredible enough. The only tragic thing was that Lady Aisha could not fully control this power.

As a result, the"Corridor of the Fairyland" often went out of control. Maybe when Lady Aisha was sleeping or walking, this power would activate itself and take her and The people nearby will take them to ancient times, and then after a difficult journey in ancient times, they can find the way back to the modern times.

The reason why Lady Aisha has always been the most mysterious and elusive among the seven godslayers is not that she is really elusive, but that she is always inexplicably trapped by her own power and returns to a certain ancient era. In other words, most of the time Lady Aisha is not in the real world, but is time traveling in a certain period of time in ancient times, so it makes people feel mysterious.

And this time Lady Aisha has returned from a time travel, and the place she returned to is Athens, Greece, because she had experienced a great escape before. The death of the gods made her extremely hungry, and the food in ancient times was not very good, so Lady Aisha found a snack stand and ate a lot. When she was about to pay, she found that her wallet was lost in ancient times, so the scene above happened.

Unlike other godslayers, Lady Aisha is the one who has the least sense of being a godslayer. If other godslayers have no money, Salvatore will probably buy on credit and leave, the leader of the East may kill someone in the chatter of the shopkeeper, and Anne Charlton, who is relatively conscientious, may call the local magic society to help pay.

But Lady Aisha is different. She neither She would run away from her debts, and she would not order the magic society to solve the problem as a"king", and she would not kill anyone. She is an outlier among the godslayers. It is not an exaggeration to say that she is the kindest and gentlest one. In fact, because of her kindness, she can restrain the instinct of the godslayer and will not have uncontrollable killing intentions towards the disobedient gods.

Working to pay back the money...

When the boss heard what Mrs. Aisha said, he was sure that this beautiful girl was just teasing him. He didn't believe in working to pay back the money. The boss even suspected that this girl, who looked Indian, didn't even have a visa!

Thinking of this, the boss decisively took out his mobile phone and called the police.

"Ahhh——Don’t call the police, please! I will really work to pay you back!"

As the girl put her hands together and begged, the boss, who was originally impatient, suddenly became enthusiastic. At the same time, the crowd around who heard the girl’s words also became as crazy as the boss.

"My Queen! I'll pay for you!"

"Your Majesty, Queen! How dare this man ask you for money? Let us beat him to death!"

"My Queen, ah, you are so beautiful, just like a god in Greek mythology!"

"Queen, please look at me, please look at me"

"No, no, how dare I ask the Queen for money, Queen, I am willing to dedicate all my property to you, just hope you can look at me more."

The boss and the onlookers around shouted enthusiastically.

"���Ahhhh————No, no, how come it became like this again?"

Mrs. Aisha held her head with her hands and cried out in grief.

This power was called"Queen's Curse", which was the power that Mrs. Aisha usurped from the god 'Ishtar' in the Sumerian region. As long as she activated the power, her words would have the magic power to seduce others, making all those who heard her words become fanatical believers, and even willing to sacrifice their lives for her.

This power was almost useless to godslayers and disobedient gods, and it could be said to be a super chicken rib, but it was a big killer for ordinary people and ordinary magicians. Unfortunately, Mrs. Aisha could not control this power either, and she always activated it inexplicably, bringing devastating disasters.

Speaking of the god 'Inanna', she was also miserable. She was killed once by Marquis Vauban, and her power as the goddess of the underworld 'Ereshkigal' was usurped by the marquis; then she was killed again by Mrs. Aisha, and her power as the goddess of the sky 'Ishtar' was also usurped.

Just as the situation was gradually deteriorating and there might be a riot in the whole of Athens, a man's voice came from a corner of the block:"……Look here!"

This sentence also carried a strong spiritual power. Although it was not as powerful as Lady Aisha's power and was just a kind of magic, it also took away the consciousness of everyone present in an instant.

The people on the block looked in the direction of the voice and saw a man in a cardinal's robe standing in the middle of the street. He had a peaceful and compassionate expression, like a priest listening to the prayers of believers in a church. When everyone's eyes fell on his face, Lady Aisha's power instantly lost its effect and was replaced by another power.

"Lord, your devout believers can see your coming here, this is heaven!"

"Lord, you have given us your child, the Son of God, the Holy Son. Your lambs must worship here and offer you our piety."

"Praise our Lord!"

"Our Father in heaven, may all people obey your name, may your kingdom come, may your will be done on earth as it is in heaven, give us our daily bread today, forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for the kingdom, the power, and the glory are all yours, Amen!"

Under the astonishment of Lady Aisha, the people who had previously fanatically called her queen all became devout Christians.

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