"Ha, I finally arrived in time and didn't expand the disaster."

Roy is not a good citizen who is eager to help others and will work hard to save the city.

It's just that Roy knew about Lady Aisha's power and the possible consequences from the Council of Sages and the"Clairvoyance".

In order to avoid getting himself involved in too much trouble, he had to take action himself to calm the storm.

He used his own power"Seeing the Face of God" to take over Lady Aisha's"Queen's Curse", and thus turned those citizens who were fanatical because of Lady Aisha's power into his believers.

This ability to forcibly distort the beliefs of others is the effect of"Seeing the Face of God", but this trick is useless against godslayers and disobedient gods. Roy doesn't need ordinary people to believe in him so fanatically, so Roy has never used it in the past.

But at this time, this ability played a big role. Compared with the arbitrariness of Lady Aisha's power, Roy can control his own power freely, so the crisis was solved.

‘This is simply a transition from one crisis to another.

The local magicians in Athens watched this scene with a chill in their eyes, feeling horrified. The God Slayers were indeed a group of demon kings who distorted the will of mankind at will. And looking at the attitude of Roy"King", he seemed to be indifferent.

As a magician, he could see that this power was not only effective for ordinary people, but also for magicians like him. Thinking that he had inexplicably lost his will as a human being and turned into a pure fanatical believer, the head of the Athenian magic society was moved and horrified. The God Slayers were indeed not something that mortals could fight against. Just one word, just seeing his face, could make people lose everything.

"My believers, go back to your homes and pray to the Lord we believe in! God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, me, to you, so that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life!"

Roy shamelessly compared himself to the Messiah, the savior of the world, and these people who were blessed with power really regarded him as the Son of God and the Christ who came to the world.

The crowd on the street knelt on the ground again and cheered from the bottom of their hearts, and then they all bowed to Roy with fanatical but obedient expressions, and left the street and walked to their homes.

In the blink of an eye, the whole street was empty.


Roy stretched out his left hand and said a word. Just when the magician in Athens was puzzled, Erica smiled slyly and quickly took out a 500-euro note from her wallet and put it in Roy's hand.

Roy was very pleased. After more than a year of getting along, he and Erica became more and more tacit. This girl was extremely smart and could be said to be Roy's best helper.

After getting the huge denomination of euros, Roy slowly walked to the stall where Mrs. Aisha was eating a"free meal". The owner also received his power and went home. He put 500 euros in the stall owner's cash box and said to Mrs. Aisha:"……Eating a free meal is not a good behavior, madam!"

Mrs. Aisha blushed. Although she did not intend to eat a free meal, it was force majeure, but judging from the result, she was indeed suspected of eating a free meal.

""Thank you so much for helping me out, sir!"

Lady Aisha said gratefully. It was unclear whether she was talking about Roy helping her to remove the power, or helping her to pay the bill, or both.

Only then did Roy take a closer look at the mysterious queen.

Although Lady Aisha was called"Madam", she had never been married.

"Madam" was just a respectful title for her.

She was a typical Indian with brown skin and a very slender figure, but her towering breasts made Roy have no doubt that she could completely cover a part of him with that fallen place like Erica.

Her facial features were three-dimensional and distinct.

At first glance, they were not very stunning, but they were extremely attractive.

She was the type that became more beautiful the more you looked at her, just like Indian women who had their own unique charm.

What was particularly striking was that although Lady Aisha looked only seventeen or eighteen years old, she was kind and compassionate, which easily reminded people of the"Virgin Mary", even though she had been killing gods for more than one hundred and fifty years.

, she should be quite old, but she still has the innocence of a young girl.

She seems to be a woman who never has worries and lives in happiness.

Mrs. Aisha now looks a little embarrassed, and her clothes are dirty. The previous shop owner was kind enough to let her have a meal. Now she looks like a beggar.

She is a low-caste Indian without a surname.

She was like a slave in India in the past.

She has a gentle and kind personality.

She used to be a maid for an English noble family.

Because she was loved by the noble family, she was taken away from the chaotic India to England.

The time of her godslayer can only be roughly verified, but the specific circumstances are unknown.

There are even rumors that she has made the Marquis of Vauban and the leader of Luo Hao look shabby.

She is an extremely mysterious godslayer.

Roy recalled the report of the Council of Sages, and at the same time used his"clairvoyance" to trace Mrs. Aisha's past. Almost in an instant, he understood everything about this mysterious woman.

"Ahhhh————God, God, it’s the God of Disobedience!"

At this time, Lady Aisha realized that Athena was there. She retreated in panic and even hid behind the dining car. The expression on her face was neither the impulse of a godslayer to kill the God of Disobedience, nor the fear of an ordinary person. Her face was only panic, a panic that she didn’t know what to do.

"Humph, this look of treating me like a cockroach is really annoying."

Athena snorted coldly and said to Lady Aisha in dissatisfaction.

Indeed, Lady Aisha's reaction was exactly the same as when a woman suddenly saw a cockroach.

""Goddess, I don't want to fight... Please, I really don't like fighting, and I don't know how to fight. I used to kill gods out of helplessness. They always chased me to kill me, so I had no choice but to fight back."

Lady Aisha said with a sad face.

This is not a lie, but the truth. Although she is a godslayer, Lady Aisha is not willing to fight with the disobedient gods. She did not become a godslayer out of her own will. From Lady Aisha, we can see that the so-called godslayer relies entirely on luck to kill gods.

"Although the smell on you makes me sick, my freedom is no longer entirely mine. I will not attack you before Roy gives the order."

Athena just looked at Lady Aisha with disgust, and did not show any intention of attacking her.

Roy looked at Athena in surprise. This proud goddess actually admitted to listening to him in such an occasion. This was really giving him face. Could it be that Athena also knew the secret of women giving men face when they were outside?

"Don't look at me like that. I am a goddess who understands justice. Be grateful for this."

Noticing Roy's surprised gaze, Athena turned her head slightly and said in a proud tone.

Roy did not expose her arrogance, but just smiled and said:"……Just as Athena said, as long as you don't attack her, she won't attack you either. Of course, if you really can't help attacking, as someone who is in the same camp as the goddess, I can only regretfully kill you here."

Roy stood up for the enemy of the godslayer, the God of Disobedience, and issued a killing declaration to his compatriots.

In response, Athena's beautiful and lovely face unconsciously showed a beautiful smile, and she was very satisfied with Roy's declaration.

""Hey, hey, hey? Sir, are you friends with this... Goddess Athena?"

Lady Aisha looked at Roy in surprise. Even though a God Slayer could not detect another God Slayer, Lady Aisha was able to tell his identity when Roy used his power to attack.

"You can also describe it this way, Lady Aisha"

"They are actually friends! Great! Godslayers don’t have to be enemies with disobedient gods. I have met several disobedient gods in the past, and every time I enthusiastically made friends with them, but these gods started to chase me as soon as they saw me. It was simply too much. In the end, I had no choice but to kill them to save my life."

Mrs. Aisha showed a relieved look, as if her wish had finally come true. She looked at Roy and then at Athena, her emerald eyes full of joy.

"Madam, the commotion here has attracted the attention of ordinary people. How about we go somewhere else to talk?

Seeing that Lady Aisha was not young, but seemed as easy to deceive as a girl from the countryside, Roy was tempted.

"Well, I have many questions for you, sir.���He followed the local routine and nodded vigorously with joy.

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