(There is a chapter about thoughts about the next world in the related content of the work. Please take a look~~ and then help to vote~)

In a small shop on the street in Athens, Greece, two godslayers and a disobedient god are sitting here. Erica and Liliana sit aside reservedly without saying a word. This is a conversation between the two"kings" and it is not their turn to speak. When there are outsiders, they will never do anything that is contrary to their status.

The local magicians in Athens are on pins and needles. They want to leave here, but they dare not leave. They can only sit upright, watch their noses and their hearts, and try their best to make themselves invisible.

Athena didn't want to talk much. Being with the godslayers made her feel uncomfortable. For the disobedient gods, they would rather communicate enthusiastically with ordinary people than stay with the godslayers. That is, Roy's power can change himself. Otherwise, with Athena's pride, she would never be willing to get close to people who"stink all over."

"Madam, regarding the money I paid for you before……"

Roy was like a businessman who was obsessed with money. After ordering a few drinks, he directly brought up the vulgar"money".

If he had brought up the issue of money with any other God Slayer, it would have been futile, but he could only do this with Lady Aisha, so Roy did not hesitate to hit Lady Aisha's pain point.

"Ah, about the money. I will pay you back later, but I am in a tight spot right now and I really don’t have a penny. I will pay you back in a couple of days when I find a job… By the way, you know my name but I don’t know yours, which is a bit unfair." Lady

Aisha blushed, but luckily her skin was brown, so her blushing was not too obvious.

"Roy Crowley, this is my name. I killed a god more than a year ago and became your compatriot, Lady Aisha."

Roy introduced himself. Even the Eastern Master who lived in seclusion knew Roy's name in the past year, but Lady Aisha didn't know it. It seems that she has not been in the world for the past year, but has lived in the ancient world.

"By the way, the stall owner who was hit by your power will not be able to work today, so I gave him 500 euros to compensate him! In other words, you have to pay me back 500 euros, Madam Aisha. In your current situation, you can only work in Athens, but the economic situation in Greece has been a bit bad recently. If you only do odd jobs, you will not be able to pay it back in less than a month."

Roy was like a stingy man, calculating every penny with Madam Aisha.

"One month……"

Mrs. Aisha's body stiffened, then she laughed dryly:"……Well, although it takes a while, Mr. Roy, if you can wait for me for a month,……"

"I don't mind waiting for Lady Aisha for a month, but the people of Athens may suffer. I know that your power is uncontrollable, just like what happened on the street just now. If you stay in Athens for a month, it will be miserable for the people of Athens."

"……Or do you hope to use your power to make money from ordinary people? With your power, I estimate that as long as you say this, the fanatical believers will definitely give you all their family property.

The people of Greece are already living in dire straits.

The government just went bankrupt not long ago.

When your power disappears, the poor people who donated all their wealth to you will be penniless and can't even support their wives and children.

You, a kind-hearted person, would not want to see this scene.


Roy's tone was compassionate. Under the effect of"Seeing the Face of God", it was as if he was really a savior who had compassion for all things and was sad that there were so many sufferings in this world.

The local magicians in Athens also nodded hurriedly. What a joke, let Lady Aisha stay in Athens for a month? Then this city would probably be doomed. The magicians all knew how terrible Lady Aisha was. She was a catastrophic figure that was more terrifying than the God of Disobedience.

"Mr. Roy, how can you say that to me? I'm really angry.~~~"

Mrs. Aisha's face turned red, and she was threatening like a little angry kitten.

"But I'm telling the truth"


This sentence made Mrs. Aisha feel discouraged.

"I don't want to do this either. I also want to control my power, but I can't control it at all."

Mrs. Aisha lowered her head and cried in a sad tone.

A kind-hearted person like her is really not suitable to be a godslayer. After becoming a godslayer, she could have become a Rakshasa King who saves the world from suffering like the 'Saint', but fate played a joke on her and made Mrs. Aisha unable to control her power, thus turning her into a natural disaster that everyone feared.

"So, I have a suggestion. I wonder if you would like to hear it, Lady Aisha?"

Roy finally showed his true colors.

"I am able to become friends with the God of Disobedience. Mr. Roy is now my idol. Please speak directly if you have anything to say."

Mrs. Aisha said generously and cheerfully.

"It is natural to pay back debts, but Mrs. Aisha, you are not really in a good condition to make money. How about this: Mrs. Aisha, you come to work for me. The salary is generous and I can quickly pay back the 500 euros you owe me. At the same time, I can also save money for your future travel. I also know you and I know that you love adventure and traveling. How about this suggestion?"

"……Working beside me, if the power of"Queen's Curse" that can most affect your daily life is activated, I can also stop it with my own power, just like what I did just now. And if your power of"Corridor of Fairyland" is activated, as a godslayer, I am not afraid. You see, this way I won't cause trouble to others."

Roy said in a coaxing tone, like the big bad wolf who was trying to trick Little Red Riding Hood.

No one else present said anything. Erica, Liliana, and the magicians of Athens all knew that Roy was fooling around. Athena also glanced at Roy lightly, her amber eyes full of approval. In the eyes of the goddess, this was wisdom. Lady

Aisha certainly knew that Roy was fooling her, but her personality was such that she wouldn't care about these things. Roy was sure of her because of this.

"Mr. Roy, you...how do you know me so well? You haven't been waiting for me here for a long time, are you going to do something to me?"

Mrs. Aisha put her hands around her chest, a look of fear appeared on her beautiful face, and her body shrank back.

"I'm not interested in a 150-year-old woman."

Roy spoke without thinking.

As soon as he said it, he knew he had said the wrong thing, and quickly raised his left hand to surrender.

As expected, Athena glared at her, and Lady Aisha was also embarrassed and angry:"……I am not 150 years old, I am a beautiful girl who is only 17 years old this year!"

"I said something wrong."

At this time, Roy did not show his dignity as a man, but apologized quickly.

""Your suggestion is good, but what do you want me to do?"

Lady Aisha quickly restrained her emotions, leaned forward and asked.

Roy's suggestion was actually exactly what she wanted. Roy had previously shown her how to eliminate the power that troubled her the most. This was the reason why Lady Aisha lived in seclusion most of the time and had difficulty interacting with others, because of the influence of the power that turned people into fanatical believers.

If this power could be invalidated, she could live a daily life with contact with others, and also earn travel expenses legally and reasonably, which was exactly what she expected.

"I remember that you used to be a maid, right? Do you still have the skills?"

Aisha's eyes lit up and she said excitedly:"……Do you want me to be a maid? That’s absolutely no problem. I have always been a very good maid!"

She said very proudly. She didn’t think being a maid was a menial job at all. Instead, she regarded this job as noble because it was because of being a maid that Lady Aisha changed her life.

Aisha was originally a low-caste Indian one hundred and fifty years ago. She was born in a low caste in that era. It can be said that her life was already full of sorrow. However, she was very lucky to become a maid of an English nobleman and thus escaped from India. Moreover, the nobleman’s family treated her very well and let Aisha learn to read and write, thus saying goodbye to illiteracy.

After becoming a godslayer , Later, she worked as a maid for the Marquis of Vauban. It was also at that time that she tricked the Marquis of Vauban and the leader who was looking for a fight with the Marquis.

So she didn't care at all about becoming the maid of another godslayer.

Roy laughed and didn't say much. He knew how good Madam Aisha's maid skills were, which couldn't be said to be bad, but it definitely couldn't be said to be good either. She was an average maid.

But he could trick a godslayer into working as his maid for 500 euros. There might be no one in the world who was better at business than him.

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