

Part 1. Ten-year old saint— A boy from the enemy’s country.

1. The meeting between a girl and a boy


‘Be mine, or I’ll go to war.’

The smooth voice rang in my ears like a mirage. I was practically facing an ultimatum. With the surging troops of the enemy.

This has been the biggest crisis yet since I was born as a saint.

The problem was that he was too out of his mind for me to deal with. The beautiful, cruel young monarch of our enemy, Callis. He was cursed to go mad, hated myself, yet was also terribly obsessed.


I recited his name; the only person who dared to word it out loud.

Where did it go wrong? It was cold reality, how such warm memories faded as this harsh reality overtook its place.

In fact, my relationship with him was not bad. No, it was pretty good.

Before he became Emperor of Callis, and when I was a child during my early days of being a saint.


Chapter 1


Our relationship heads back quite a long time.

Nine years ago, when I was only ten years old, the world practically seemed beautiful. Until I met him!

The reason was simply because I was born as a blessed saint here in the Holy Land ruled by God. As a beautiful and holy lady with jet black hair, possessing the only golden eyes existing in this world.

It was, by no means, a coincidence.

In my previous life, I was a poor girl born in Korea. A divorced family, a child whose parents had turned away from. However, I managed to grow up well between my grandmother’s hands, until I had become a middle school student; until even she left me.

The moment I headed for the orphanage, my mom visited me. My mother’s face seemed surprisingly young and bright. She had met her boss at work and was said to have remarried.

‘My baby, poor thing! How much I missed you!’

She burst into tears and embraced me. Soon, I took her hand and headed for my new shelter. I met my stepfather, brother, and a girl of the same age as me.

It was called for, nonetheless, they both detested me very much. As if looking down on a beggar rolling in their house.

From petty harassment to slander, mental violence, bullying.

For the sake of peace in the house, my mother pretended not to realize what was happening to me, and thus I continued my difficult and unpleasant life. With the conviction that I would leave this house after graduating from high school, I wrapped myself in a blanket and kept crying.

I cried and held on.

It was during the freezing winter, the day that I was killed.

The night my stepfather and mother left for a couple’s trip, I was trapped in a warehouse in the yard, covered in cold water caused by my drunk brother and sister. I was only dressed in a thin pajama.

They probably forgot about me completely as they were drunk.

I shouted for help as I banged violently against the door, while in the cold weather. The freezing air, which had dropped to minus twenty degrees celsius. Now that I think about it, I seem very pitiful.

A miserable and terrible story that might have happened somewhere in this world. Being the protagonist of the story, I prayed earnestly as I slowly, but painfully died.

“I’ve lived like a fool all my life, so please make sure I live happily in my next life.”

Oh, and I hope those who killed me will be punished!

And, to my utmost surprise, God granted my wish. It was a trivial matter, as such a god wasn’t one of this world.

Overwhelmed with confusion of my sudden birth as a baby, I finally accepted God a year after all those events occurred.

Only then did I know why I was born a baby. And what kind of being I was.

It was my grandmother in my previous life who had led me here. My grandmother happened to stumble upon the cracks of the world, finding the remnants of a dying Wolshin.

The fragments of Wolshin were inspired by her rare, pure soul, thus accompanying her until the day of her death.

Grandmother, which had reached the end of her life, failed to help the remnants of the Wolshin.

However, she worried for her only granddaughter who would now be left alone at an early age after her sorrowful death, thus she watched after me for a long time, rejecting the power to move into this world. Not only during her life, but also during death.

Wolshin’s fragment assimilated into the sorrowful grandmother’s feelings and crossed the world with my soul.

My grandmother melted into one with Wolshin and became my god and parent.

Thus, I was born into the bright light with a holy oracle. Inside the white buds existing in the pond deep down the temple, my God!

Ezdel Seraphia, the only woman amidst the Wolshins who could rule the Holy Land in the future. That is my name.

This small but rich country, surrounded by white walls and the sanctuary of Wolshin, was my hometown. All the people inside the temple, located in the center of the Holy Land, truly looked after me, serving me with the utmost care.

Life as a saint was filled with peace and tranquility. As a bright child loved by everyone, my path diverted exactly the opposite from my past life, as I was destined to be.

It was since that day.

The day I met him for the first time!

The priests were rather occupied that very day. I sneaked outside the temple and strolled, lost in my own thoughts.

I was feeling very emotional that day. As a saint, I sometimes felt lonely, as there was no one I could speak on equal standards with. Everyone was constantly serving me as someone of higher position.

That moment, memories of my past life were creeping.

I suddenly remembered my friends who I had become close to. They held no prejudice during those difficult times when I was bullied in school, condemned inside the house at the initiative of my stepfather’s children. Hye-kyung, Yoo, Jeong-i⋯ Would they have been sad, knowing of my death? They must have been.

In that case. Would my mother, who turned away from me in my early age, then brought me in from the orphanage when my grandmother died, feel any sadness? What did she think at that very moment when she had seen me dead?

She shouldn’t have brought me in at all? Or would she bury me in the very place before I left the world?

I was dejected at the question I faced once more after a long time. It was now impossible to confirm.

I happened to bump into someone as I absent-mindedly walked around the corner.

…Rather, he was the one to push me. I violently fell backwards on my butt, in accordance with the strong push.

Oh, it hurts! My butt!

After rubbing my hips, I witnessed the back of the child still walking.

“You, what are you?”

Far from looking back, he moved onwards as if nothing had happened. My anger burst.


Oh, look at this kid? He’s pretending not to know.

I pouted my mouth. I couldn’t let this person, who tried to hurt my precious butt and left without saying a word, flee!

I picked up a small pebble by my feet and threw it towards him.

“Hey, you’re not stopping!”

Puck! Nice hit! It must have hurt a little.

The child, struck by a stone in the back of his knee, stopped walking. Finally, he looked back.

Huh? You look pretty. A lot.

I was out of my mind. Her blue sapphire eyes, which were most likely to have formed from water, glared at me clearly.

Fine and beautiful features. The dazzling hair flowing down her forehead was gleaming gold.

The child, which seemed my age, was literally a baby angel in its torch.

She was so cute, I wanted to hug her and pat her on the head. Pretty children are always liked.

As I stared blankly, I suddenly came to my senses by the voice.

“Do you want to die?”

The surprisingly dreary voice that was a bit too low for a girl. You mean a boy? I raised my chin, relieved at the thought of having one less competitor.

Apart from having a slightly different appearance, that arrogant way of speaking and finely grown up atmosphere. This kid is definitely―

“It’s not enough you pushed this cute girl, to even threaten her! You look like an aristocrat, but your status is nothing in this Holy Land!”

Wow, that’s childish. But since I’m ten years old, it’s natural for me to be childish.

I heard that there were occasions when high-ranking people from other places abuse their power in these holy countries, but I didn’t expect such a child to do that. While astounded, I approached the pretty boy. When I stood in front of him, he lifted the corners of his mouth.

“I suppose so. If you leave this Holy Land, your life will become like that of a fly’s.”

He spit the following, his unfriendly cold face seeming unlike that of a child’s.

“You deserve to die just for interrupting me, but I’ll let you go this time.”

I was standing, dumbfounded, and feeling the urge to smack that pretty blonde head of his. I felt my insides boil.

Have I ever seen such a cheeky kid? I don’t know how precious he was, but he grew up spoiled. At best, he’s ten years old, the same age as me!

…But I’m a saint. I have to be sophisticated. I took a deep breath, then asked, “You have a bad personality, don’t you?”

I know I’ll look easy to this guy, since he doesn’t know who I am. However, that doesn’t mean he can ignore me now, does it?

I flicked my finger. His body turned stiff.

I am a saint, and the atmosphere throughout the Holy Land obeys me. That is why I bound his body in response to my will.

I walked along and stood in front of him. My lips shaped into a winner’s smile.

“Then, shall we accept the apology now?”

The most apparent way this boy will react is bursting into tears like a little baby.

If tears rise from the eyes of this pretty baby, I will feel guilty, then reflect ‘I was too harsh on the kid’. Then this weak-minded saint would forgive his rudeness and leave him calmly.

Even so, he was as arrogant as his first impression. He held a violent temper. Similar to that of a beast who was about to jump… and break my neck. Oh, I’m scared!

So, you’re telling me I need to see blood? I approached him.


When I pushed my head to his face, he glared at me, twinging in anger. Blood sprang up on the back of his exposed hands. There’s no point in resisting. My strength in this country is absolute!

I asked him sternly, as if to give him a last offer.

“Hey, won’t you apologize?”

Although he could freely move his mouth, the boy only responded with silence.

Cheeky! I waited generously for about five seconds and then raised both my hands. His expression was deemed questionable when I lightly touched his pale cheeks lightly.

I pinched his cheeks slightly, using the tip of my index fingers.

It’s very chewy meat. His skin was smooth and soft, as if kneading sticky dough. This is why adults pinch their children’s cheeks!

When I continued playing with his plump cheeks and pulled them to the side, his face turned mortified.

Oh goodness, look at that face. He seems different from how other children react when they are being treated like toys. Dangerous eyes, vivid anger.

Precocious and sensitive. Don’t mess with the pride of a child carelessly. Otherwise, it’ll be crooked.

But the child was already crooked to be any more crooked. His buds had already sprouted.

I smiled broadly, my mouth exposed under the hood.


Add more strength now! Chukk― If he was already accustomed to the pain, release your fingers, then pull again. Tears filled his eyes as I pinched his skin, controlling the strength I applied every time. They were tears filled with physiological pain. I possess a lot of strength in my hands since I learned how to play an instrument!

I could feel the guy clutching his teeth from my hands which pinched his hands.

“You won’t apologize, will you?”

As he tried to resist me, a painful groan reverberated from his mouth. But it won’t work. Is he going to resist while frozen in his place? Not a chance.

I removed my hand, only after the tears finally dropped from the eyes of the boy who had been puffing for a while.

What a tough kid. It was respectable patience. When he grows up, I could see the number of buds that will soon convert into thorns.

Honestly, I’m tired. I’m sure he’s learned that he shouldn’t pass by without saying a word of apology. Hmm… He learned it, right? Possibly, yes.

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“All right, I’ll give up. Go away.”

When I let go of the kid, the same person who was presenting a lot of strength staggered, unable to balance himself. Oh, be careful! You’ll fall.

He hurriedly rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand, perhaps wishing to erase the fact he had shed tears. I’m a generous saint, and I’ll forgive you since you’re in this state.

I immediately turned my back.


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