Chapter 2



Cuck! A hand suddenly wrapped around my neck, making me feel suffocated. I quickly terminated the fierce atmosphere from attacking me. Calm down. You’re just a kid!

How harsh. I turned around to face his arm. The sudden wind blew off my hood.

Unseal! Oh, this wasn’t the right one. My fluttering black hair hovered freely.

Then, the force completely drained from the kid’s hand after he had seen me. His blue eyes, which widened, reminded me of water droplets. Dilated pupils to a certain extent. As expected, this beauty.

I smiled kindly, just as a saint would, in front of the frozen individual. He flinched. It was more than obvious. Apparently, you’re one prohibited young lord.

“What’s wrong, do you have a crush on me? Then it’ll be difficult.”

Maybe this was a situation similar to, ‘you are the first woman to hit me!’ I didn’t hit him, but I do agree that pinching is a variety of the many physical pains that could occur.

He presented his suspicion at my credible speculation.




The boy frowned.

What’s wrong with you? Is it because the girl you pushed and verbally abused was a saint? Or, because you’re intimidated by the difference in status with the girl you’re in love with? Maybe, ‘how dare I witness this beautiful flower on the cliff!’ Because of your frustration?

In fact, even a decent aristocrat couldn’t stand by the status of the saint, the leader of the Holy Kingdom. It would be nice to have a dream, but this one was a bit unrealistic.

All kinds of imaginary scenarios unfolded inside my head, and the boy’s frowning expression gradually unfolded. He tried speaking to me.


It was then.

“Saint, where are you!”

Krrneung! I was both shocked and astounded by the sound; it was as if I had heard a tiger roar from the top of the mountains. Is it Arianne? My God, why is she here!

The most dreaded name, Arianne. She was one of the most powerful High Priests in the Holy Land.

Unlike Eirene, my kind and compassionate nursery priest, Arianne held a sharp insight, a sharp personality, and… To be honest, she was very mean.

She was the one who always scowled and spoke harshly that I shouldn’t do this and that, barely able to suppress her anger if I ever got involved in any accidents. Her expression then was unimaginably scary. Anger you could read from her facial tremors, ugh.

It is said that the young priests which had caused any sort of trouble and were scolded by Arianne, would race to the opposite direction whenever they noticed the hem of her clothing approaching them.

Aside from that, Arianne came to search for me! Why is it not Eirene??

In an instant, I turned into a rabbit chased by a wild beast. I agitatedly turned from side to side. After the boy noticed my embarrassment, he muttered suspiciously.

“Are you sure you’re a saint?”

“I ammmmm!”

Arianne’s call could be heard from an even closer distance. Now, even her growls could be differentiated. Ugh. Had she been tracking my energy, now that I had used my divine power a moment ago?

I glanced around and made out an alley on the opposite side of the road. Inside, there was a random pile of junk. That’s a good hiding place.

Just as I was running there, I glanced back at the kid. Can I leave him like this?

This seems confusing, but if Arianne asked him if he had seen me, he would effortlessly use his pointer finger, leading her to the exact area where I hid.

I immediately grabbed him by the wrist, leading him to the alley. And we ran.

He followed me calmly for whatever purpose he had. Although I had to fully power my hands with strength!

As soon as I entered the alley, we hid among the stacked boxes. I searched for Arianne’s location, as nervous as the main protagonist of a thriller movie. Where is she?

Fortunately, she didn’t seem to have noticed anyone hiding in this place. Only after the sound of her footsteps faded did I look back at the boy.

He was looking at me, his expression mild. His ferocious expression from earlier disappeared as if washed away. He seems to find it difficult to process that I am a saint.

I saw right through him. It’s artificial. That’s a normal adult reaction. A normal child would hold a reaction that looked up to me, or one filled with amazement. But he wouldn’t play it that far.

His eyes were cold. I smiled brightly as I witnessed his observant gaze. No reciprocal smile surfaced.

You still have red handprints on your face. Did I pinch you too hard? I reached out and rubbed his cheek, feeling a bit guilty. I whispered affectionately to the cold-faced child.

“Aren’t you a good boy? Let’s be quiet.”

As I enjoyed the soft, bouncy texture, I spoke to the fierce-eyed kid, who seemed ready to rush forward to his prey.

“You know, no matter how much you like me, you can’t stare at me so passionately.”

God cares about me so much that he might get angry. After I concluded my words, he shut his lips tight.

This is the temple and I’m a saint. I recalled a while ago, when he was rather rebellious the time he had been beaten.

He was a bad-tempered but self-controlled child. I’m ten years old and went through a lot of experience to develop patience, but this child was different.

He’s going to be something big. Looking at the shape of the sprouts, I could estimate how huge his future will be. Why do you go out alone in such a place, when you seem to be a precious child?

“How did you come to the Holy Land? Where is your guardian?”

Are you lost? He seems to have a purpose in being here. He grimaced at my typical question.

“Why are you being chased when you’re a saint?”

Even though the boy knew I was a saint, he stubbornly didn’t change his tone. He’s acting like a child. I laughed brightly.

“Even a saint has her own hardships.”

“Is this the age saints lose the power God bestowed upon them, even in this Holy Land?”

He made an inference, as if there were any great meaning in my words. What conspiracy theory is this?

The distant sound returned, and was suddenly drawing near. I smiled, whispering in a hushed voice.

“Look, that person chasing me is Arianne, a very scary priest. Her specialty is to hold on to any adventurous child like you and hit them so that their butt burns. If I say you pushed me, Arianne will be very angry. So be quiet.”

I don’t think the kid believed my words a hundred percent, but he still shut his mouth.

Losing the power God bestowed upon me… I dwelled on the kid’s words as I held my breath at the sound of Arianne’s feet turning this way.

Priests couldn’t speak about such stories recklessly, so the only words everyone voiced in front of me were praises of the Holy Land and the dignity of God. Do they think I’m still too young to know that?

I observed his cold blue eyes and wondered if he was attempting to catch me.

Are you shaking me with words? Or, is it because I don’t seem to have much power as a saint?

If you show me a miracle, I might change my mind. My pride hurt a little.

In the meantime, the footsteps became very close. It seemed like she finally decided to search this way.


Arianne’s voice caused me to shudder.


I was pushed forward out of the blue.

Oh, my butt! The moment I struck the ground at the area I had injured before yet again, tears circulated through my eyes due to the pain. He pushed me twice!

A shadow cast over my head before I could even rise from the ground. This, this is⋯

“What are you doing in a place like this, Holy Lady? Goodness!”

“A, Arianne.”

Arianne lifted me up and brushed my hips. Her feelings clearly reflected with the sore touch, and my buttlocks became sore.

“Why did Arianne come, not Eirene?”

“Eirene asked me to take a quick look at the saint, but you weren’t in the bathtub, when you had said you would be taking a bath. I came because I could feel the energy from outside. I’m more curious as to why you activated your divine power!”

“Well, it wasn’t a big deal.”

Arianne’s eyebrows soared to the sky.

“If you’d like to head outside. Then you must be with a priest! No matter how safe the temple is, how would the temple be seen if you are caught in such a state!”

“But if you leave a person with me, I won’t be able to freely roam around. The outsiders will know who I am and it’ll be difficult for me.”

Arianne’s appearance gradually softened. She swept her hair roughly.

“Haah… Anyhow, we are heading back.”

“Rather, I’d like to introduce someone.”

I looked back with the hope she would tell me who he was. The only reason I didn’t bother asking him was because there were many other ways to find out!

Priests in the Holy Land had very attentive eyes. The ability to see through the foundations that make up a person. The other person’s lineage, birth, etcetera.

It is said that you could earn a glimpse of it as a vague color, however, this insight has not yet opened to me as a child. Not everyone is allowed this ability, however, Arianne had such eyes.

“What is it?”

I was taken by surprise the moment I looked back. The area where the boy had been standing a while ago was empty.

“Uh, wasn’t he here?”

“There is no one. Who was there?”


He flew. He seemed to have fled before long. The moment I attempted explaining his existence, I ceased speaking. Somehow, I felt like I shouldn’t do so.

Arianne, who had tilted her head in that while, held my hand firmly. Immediately after her divine power gathered around me, I stood in the courtyard of the temple in the blink of an eye.

Arianne reached out and grabbed me, wearing a serious face.

“Holy Lady, I haven’t told you this yet, however, there has been a mixture of unholy energy entering this place.”

“Unholy… energy?”

“Yes. It seems they weren’t tested because they were hidden from the sacred energy. As someone moved it, it was detected that the energy was spreading out. Everyone is searching for the source.”

“Isn’t that dangerous? Shall I participate? I can do it as long as I’m searching inside the temple.”

Arianne grasped my shoulder.

“No, the Holy Lady is still young to use her divine power. During your growth to an adult, your divine powers are not complete until the body is complete. I will let you know if you are needed, so you are better off inside.”

Her speech in itself was soft, but existing within Arianne’s eyes, a firm determination was conveyed: ‘Don’t bother us and stay quiet!’


I unhesitantly nodded. Of course, that didn’t mean I would obey her. This step backwards will lead into another step forward.

I made a plan. The urge to sleep often occurs at my age. I succumbed very well at giving in to that drowsiness, but today was an exception.

That night, in bed, I tried to wake up my mind as I forcibly opened my closed eyes.

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I need a *hot 6! Or coffee! After brutally biting my lips, I eventually chewed on a herb used as a stimulant.

*TL/N: A ‘hot 6’, or ‘핫식스’, is basically an energy drink Koreans have.

Ugh, bitter. The scent of the peppermint spread throughout my mouth.

The God who appeared in my prayers before bedtime, had hit me on my forehead so as not to get into any trouble, but I was going to enjoy the luxury of not having to listen to others, like the child I am.

Yeah, we’re going on an adventure tonight!

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