The Sapphire Prince

Chapter 10 - The Contract V

An hour had passed and it was late. The gusts got colder each minute went by. Every paper has been taken and all are being processed as we speak. The majesties await, relaxed for some reason. How could that be? Of course, lazing came from confidence...Their power and what is a monarch without esteem.

"The papers have been arranged according to their respective sides, all in randomized order. Processed by our monarchs, they oversaw some of the court's most favorable opinions." Said Sir Hugo.

"Before we speak. I would like to ask all of you..." Her Majesty stood up grinning at everyone. Pressing her intimidation over the court.

"May we all plead to everyone in this office that we are of no sorts puppets of the nobilities? Such unrest, I'm sure one of you had the thought...Joining perhaps? to their side." She said.

"Miranda..." The emperor tried to calm her down, tugging her hand but she objects. Her paranoia or as she calls it "Certainty" has already snared her thoughts.

She was potent but she had little trust over her specific table, monarchs are monarchs and they push almost every power they dispose to secure the title.

Seeing as how the noble's turn against their local sovereigns, she guesses that maybe one of her courtiers would do the same.

"W-we would never your grace!" Said an officer.

"We are only loyal to you and the whole imperial regime. Though in a narrow space, please do not think that our loyalty is a mere shallow expanse of our individuality." Added another.

"Is that so? Yes, perhaps I've thought lowly of you. You are bitterly shallow, but you have a tight grip on your sentiments."

"We'll pray that your oaths won't be hoaxes. You will die for us and you will live in our name, everyone should and as it should be. Correct me and I shall see that no one serves their purpose in this congress with a complete body..." She threatened, composed as she sat down. The emperor sighed at the sight of his woman.

Though exaggerated, her threats are honest. Treason, revolts, and uprises are very deep crimes not to mention prejudice against the will of the church.

Civilians know, even from their first breath, that monarchs are blessed by the holy figure. In that sort of entitlement helps the people devote themselves, granting the monarchy favor and protection.

"Oh...How surprising. Well, not really. It was all too expected." Said the Empress.

"The votes have been tallied and the majority in this court have settled for peace. We will negotiate with the nobilities with the queen and reverse transgressions if the third party cooperates gently as our court will." Sir Hugo explained.

"This is absurd! With our local nobilities? What if they ask something heavy like a quarter of the royal treasury?!"

"Fool, it would only be natural for a simpleton such as yourself to think of fortune, rags to riches you are but I'm disappointed your ideals about luxury never changed." The emperor rubbed his temples.

"They are refined noblemen of great status, prestige, and privilege. If I were to ask a monarch of his riches, I may as well be a poor sack of meat with no charisma nor intelligence whatsoever as I've invoked a possible war for the sake of money alone." He added.

"Right. If we recollect previous negotiations, there were only several cases where the outside party requested treasury rather than diplomatic benefits." The empress followed brushing her gown feeling her corset.

A hand raised followed by a very familiar silhouette. A representative of the military, a very close figure befriending the emperor and the second royal family.

She was the lady with a parasol, Mejava Liev Hallvadur, in all awe. Her short light brown hair complementing her sweet freckle etched face, she stretched her pale soft sultry lips, beaming as she faced her majesty.

She was attending in her husband's stead, though separated from the military front-lines, she shares proficiency in gadgets along with specialized weapons. Astonishingly, despite being a central inventor, she is a well-versed politician and a strategist making her a crucial powerhouse in the arts of warfare.

"What if they ask for an office? I could say with certainty that one of their wishes has to be an office within the imperial court. Maybe a commerce table or perhaps a continental ȧssociation." She asks.

"That might be, even so, I do not wish for them having an office under our rule. The table has already been laid out fundamentally for inside parties and the format is critically fragile..." Said the emperor.

It is true. Due to the raw materials that make up the monarchy, their table is easily bent over. Despite constant pushes to make it more stable, the court still stands upon the glossy edge beneath the political ruin.

"Lady Mejava, though shameless of me to bother your research, can I ask you to personally deliver a letter to my sister? Their castle isn't far from the capital so I'm sure the travel won't be long." Asked the empress beaming at her.

Everyone stared at the Lady Mejava. They all grimaced at her image. Though wearing soft yellow garments and white ribbons embellished by beautiful stars native to her homeland, she stood out in comparison to most diplomats on the table.

"Of course, but why me your majesty?" Lady Mejava asked.

"I forgot that there are some instances where even my husband's name doesn't meet her attention and of course, I know you have acute connections to their court. Seeing as how you are a very experienced diplomat, I'm sure you can persuade her to accept that invitation." The empress replied.

"I see. I will then drop by your office for further information." The lady sat down.

"As for this audience, we will resume further discussions tomorrow afternoon. As it is already late and I have several appointments to deal with at the first break of dawn." The empress then stood up facing the door.

"Y-Your maje-"

Before Sir Hugo could add anything. The empress has already slammed the door. Her footsteps fading around the corner each time their drowsy eyes blinked.

"Forgive my wife for her informal exit. Seeing as how she ended this meeting by her authority, we can consider this meeting adjourned." The emperor followed his wife so the servants tidied themselves up. Lance, on the other hand, sat for a while trying to process everything.

"Sir Lance, you're not leaving?" Asked Sir Hugo.

"Please do tell me Sir Hugo that I was invited here to represent the prince's stead." He pleaded. Looking cold and distressed.

A cold pause. Lady Mejava stayed as well staring at the two casually as she beamed.

Lance worried for himself and his friend. Midway in the conversation, he started to get lost, in the bȧrė thoughts of the prince's security.

"What does this have to do with Azure?" He asks again.

"Goodness, both of you. You're like my two young sons. Bickering over small things like mushrooms and broken claws. Lay it on yourselves that this is just a mere ŀȧpse of time...nothing to worry about." Lady Mejava says.

"Lady Mejava..." Says Lance.

"The young Prince Azure has his own right in participating in his parents' matters. You are here to represent him are you not? Young Polish here confirmed it to us a few moments ago, that's why no one asked where the young Prince was." She explained closing her parasol.

"You are not leaving too, Lady Mejava?" Sir Hugo asked.

"No, No. I'm waiting for a mushroom. She'll be right here after an hour. That precious garden of mine gets lost around these sacred halls, I'm sure she'll just forget or wonder where I am if I leave." The woman blushed drawing a pen and paper from her pocket.

Though Azure is royalty, in everyone's opinion, he has no purpose to be near that table since this isn't something he should be handling.

"It's better for us to leave Sir Lance. I'm sure you are needy of a good slumber." Sir Hugo says pulling away from Lance silently.

"You care so much of your friend. I can see why her majesty is very fond of you." Lady Mejava giggled drawing something.

"Fond of me?" Lance asked standing up to leave.

"Why yes. But that will be a story for another time, I haven't even told my sons about it yet. Speaking of which, say hi to the young Prince for me."

With a friendly smile, Lance said goodbye. He was unsure, though how could you not if you're facing the likes of those two figureheads. Confusing, pressured, and flustered. They're all valid at their presence...

"What if suddenly everything will bite us in the back.." He says ambling down the red soft carpeted halls.

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