The Sapphire Prince

Chapter 11 - A Brief Farewell I

Azure's POV

Ah...yes the winter morning dew. Dawn breaks the cold night, the day Cacious will leave. I sat watching at the sunrise, my eyes were as distant as the horizon. it stretched beyond the boulders across the lake as if my gaze traveled beyond the far lands.

"Are you feeling better, your grace?" Lance asked.

"Yes I suppose, have you written a summary of what has been discussed last night? It seems father gave a good performance in the court yesterday." I then sat down, eating the cold bread.

On the bed, I had several scattered books. Most of which are study materials recommended by my teachers. Some others were good romance novels, a trilogy of roses with the normal tragedy to go along with morale and life lessons.

"It seems you were busy last night." He said taking the books, making my bed along with it.

"What would you expect from me?" I sighed nibbling an apple.

"As you've asked, I have written a summary. Though it isn't as thorough as my normal writing. I was sleepy when the meeting had already ended." He replied.

Lance stopped for a moment, then he shook his head lightly. He continued, though he got slower.

"Is something wrong?" I asked.

"You're involved in this...with all due respect your highness, but most of the audience speculated that your presence and opinion weren't needed. That applies to the whole cast of princes, so I wondered what part may you play in this matter." He said. Sitting on the bed, pretending to read.

I am a prince. I'm royalty. What is me without my authority but I don't own everything, I'm a mere puppet of millions? A monarch is always a tyrant, a king could never be unless he bends the wills and laws. My father had his reasons to invite me, though I may want to find out myself why I'm also involved in this.

"It's father's will. I have no position to object. It's just a guess but perhaps, but he may use me as a bargaining tool. As many nobilities treat their children, I may be given out for the sake of diplomatic benefits." I replied.

"Your highness..."

"Don't pity me, Lance. It is how it should be, I'll have the upper authority anyway. it's as if nothing has ever changed." I replied staring out in the open.

Lance paused. I'm sure he didn't want to entertain the topic any longer. He worries both about what may become of him and me, I do worry if what I said is true, but it is normal in the legacy so I could expect much from them. Though it's pitiful that we are negotiating with our local nobilities.

"Are we off to see Lord Cacious away? Or should we be absent?" Lance asked, fixing the bookshelf.

"I'll see myself to say goodbye. I'm guessing my mother left for her duties and father isn't awake yet, so I'll just be the one to bid him a good farewell." I stood up facing the closet.

"Should I have the maids ready the pool?" Lance asked.

I took off my morning shirt and felt my skin tighten, shivering from the mild chill. I was pale, kept very soft where no wrinkles and rough edges were touched. Lance stood by me and took my dirty clothes. He then grabbed me by the shoulders...

"Should I greet him in your stead? Please don't go out of your way to do so." He asked softly, he slid his hand close to my waist. It felt ticklish but he backed off quickly. What was that about?

"An you should clean your bed before lounging on it. There was a stain latched on to your back, so I removed it." He added.

"But this is a clean bed," I replied groaning, shrugging it off.

I grabbed myself a good shirt and put it on. It was of low quality but it was fine.

"I'm sure another encounter wouldn't be as worse. Just have the maids ready the bath and please command others to serve me my garments, breakfast, and jewels." I replied.

"Of course, your majesty"

"Would you like some earrings, your majesty?" Asked a servant.

"Certainly not. It's a goodbye date, not a grand ball. Just a necklace would be fine." I replied.

The servants were getting me ready. Lance stood by the sofa entertaining himself by the books and I could hear a faint argument behind my back. I couldn't make out the muttering though. I just stared at my reflection blankly.

"You look stunning your grace. How I'd give for such fair blue hair and a clear face and we can't forget to mention the imperial family's most notable looks. That would be their marble blue eyes and long lashes fitting for their names and titles." The servant cheered. Joyously dancing her way to a cabinet.

I focused on my face. Beauty, elegance, reshape, and adapt. The servants would never dare to say that I was ugly, everyone is supposed to compliment you, give you gifts. When you're in your royalty, no naturalism comes from greetings. Only charms with shallow excuses. Genuinely, I never believed much complements coming from the pa-

"I looked way nicer." Lance taunted, joking as he flipped a page.

"Oh please, you wouldn't last one moment wearing such heavy clothing," I replied.

( Another hour later )

We arrived at the office finally. My father informed my advisers to have a leave though I'm recovered. I sat by the window then started to write a quick summary of my studies from the last session. Keep myself up with the topics and all.

"Lance, please fetch the paper I asked from you," I said.

"Yes, your majesty." He replied leaving to his chambers.

I sat by and stopped writing the moment he shut the door. I relaxed for a moment, massaging my temples. That narrow space in my head ached a bit maybe because of my breakfast or perhaps stress from thinking a lot.

After all, all I could do is think and think and think. Strategize and organize my thoughts all the time to set myself up in order.

"Young Azure, What were you thinking about?" Asked a voice.

"Cacious!" I said, flinching.

I stood up from my seat and brushes myself off. I took a cough immediately gaining back composure. Cacious stared warmly at me, he casually sat down beside my sofa and made himself at home. What is he doing here? Perhaps another attempt to severe me...guardless, I think I could stand my ground. This is, after all, my territory.

"You've kept a balanced office. Though the fireplace seems a bit off." He said, his hands still quivering.

"It is a rude display not to knock before the host." I grimaced.

"Oh, I see, well then please forgive me. I was perhaps too carefree in the palace. It's such a nice playground, so many trees, flowers, and the ever-powerful joy coming from your household." I could never imagine an even faker sentence.

Again frustrated by his hands, he slapped them down beating his palms with a book until it turned red, almost bruising himself...though why does he smile at it...Why doesn't he weep..?

"What are you doing..." I whispered, having a faint fear over him.

"Now that I've set foot in here perhaps you might ask yourself what I want. Well, to be honest, I just dropped by to express my sincerest form of gratitude." He grinned widely.

"Do you see this?" He asked offering me a piece of paper. I nodded, slightly stepping back.

"This is a manifesto that briefly states the purpose of the nobility's campaign. I know how much you adore the center stage so might as well give it to you..."

"You have of no use to the court right now and frankly, you have of no use whatsoever to your family. This is what at least you could provide as information on the table, a very astonishing piece of paper that could mark critical means for negotiation." He then stroke the paper as if it was some sort of prized piece. He rubbed it against his face as he leered bitterly at my silhouette.

"Your fear disgusts me, and you're disgusting. I'm open to my feelings but this is not hatred, I just simply find you grotesque and immoral...a very sad meek space of meat following the solace of others with no sense of originality nor Independence..."

"You are and you will forever will be a dependent soul feeding on others' joys you copy the feelings of loss. You are the worst type of human. The pinnacle of scums at such a very young age...No growth, just copy. All light with no brilliance." He added, twisting his head slightly to the right giving a dead doll-like expression as he walked closer.

"Why are you afraid of me?" His shaking hands stroking his face.

"Just why are you scared of me?!!!" He shouted shaking his head exaggerating his muscles as if his neck was going to break. He screeched and screamed but all I could do was watch.

"I can't blame you for being afraid as I might strangle you if I want to. I'm invulnerable, the monarchy cannot lay a finger on me. You have no power over me and I could sway each hand from the congress to smite your authority..." He says softly.

"We will meet again, young Azure. I'll leave the manifesto here, but be careful what might you overstep.. I'll overlook all your actions and see to it my grin meets the agony of your loss."

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