The Sapphire Prince

Chapter 12 - A Brief Farewell II

Azure's POV

Sweet, bewitched memory of mine. I call upon the day where I dozed off carelessly as the gold winds reigned my flesh. Where the beauty of tomorrow rests upon the back of my shallow mind. Hear me, please oh please. Hear my call.

Where shall I get back that moment? In my entire lifetime? The hatred of once a man she loved curses my name. Where could I blame if I yearned a selfish love of mine? I'm selfish, but all humans are. Distant from greed is inexistent, no people live without witnessing love. Overjoyed over my pain, will it be easier if I said sorry...

"Tears..." It traveled down my chin, tickling a quarter of my jaw. I could feel my lips tremble. Where is this taking me?

I leaned on the desk. I grabbed a napkin, I started to wipe the tears off. My vocals ached for a scream, salvation over the weight I cursed upon my voice.

Every time he shouts, why does it feel so painful? Why does it slice me? Shallow insults and a full voice, I've faced such from my teachers but why does my emotion clench and suddenly falter.

Why envy the love poured by an angel when you are her lord. I never broke her wings where she won't go back to you, I never took her halo for I knew it was her kindness that earned your love. Just why stress me? Why are you so petty? Why are you so complicated...Just what has grief revelled inside your head..?

"I'm selfish, I'm not the kindest man, I'm not a horrible man, I'm just a fabrication. People believe what they want to believe, it shapes, breaks, twists, and taints my image. If Cacious believes I'm the one to blame..." I closed my eyes trying to draw a deep breath.

I suddenly heard loud footsteps, I looked at the doorway, it was half-open. Before I could close it, Lance stepped inside with a hand full of documents. Quickly, I turned around redrying my tears with my shirt's collar. I sniffed one moment then softly regained composure.

"I could see from the napkin on the floor...that you were perhaps crying?" He asked warmly almost trying to sound like a father.

"A napkin on the floor means much more than so," I said picking it up.

"Your majesty, I may be a geezer but I'm not dense. Your presence is astonishing but you lack the masks of emotion, and one could easily see the splash of liquid broad on the floor held by daylight."

"I suppose so. I may have cried, what about it?" I took one folder and started to scan it.

"It would sadden you if I entertained the topic much longer. The diplomat is already on his way to the forecourt, seeing as this hall is the quickest way there..." He paused. He could feel the cold gusts dancing beneath his black-gloved hands.

"Is that so? Then I may as well go." I replied.

"Why not skip for a while. I mean, the prince Vellore already went out of his way to attend on your behalf." Lance smiled.

He pressed the moment lower. The rhythm was low like the classics from taverns. Lance beamed unconsciously. No matter what may come of his mind, his priority lies within the crown. I should be thankful. Though his attempt to make me happy fails to complete the day.

"Vellore is a very dormant prince. Seeing him out of space feels very new to me." I said.

Vellore is the youngest amongst us princes. He isn't the smartest nor the least talented. Merely, he plays the tertiary role making him least significant in comparison. Unpopular among the audience, it feels as though he's inexistent amongst the minds of commoners.

"But as the host-"

"Oh please, as if he's going to pay attention. The third prince will imprint a very good lesson to him. With all due respect, I believe that Vellore is the most viable when it comes to social interaction." Lance laid down completely shrugging the room's weight.

My lips softly stretched. I went on my feet and started to overlook a better light.

"Let's get started shall we?" He taunted.

"We'll begin on the first chapter of your summary," I answered.

( Meanwhile )

"I believe you are mistaken. How do you expect to make amends with this? Securing the alliance between the nobility with this?! Isn't this going overboard?!" Sir Hugo rampaged. Stomping back and forth, his hands clenched almost suffocating as it trembled.

"Sir Hugo, please calm down. What we said is merely a possibility. We cannot rule out the fact that his majesty would make a harsh decision." A courier said.

"And how will the imperial council respond. The kingdoms have been on the same page for how long and now that our nobilities are in would this be a perfect time." Hugo replied biting his nails thinking hastily denying him a rational image.

"Sir Hugo, It's not as if you're the one dragged into this. The council will prevent all measures that will lead to the first Prince's demise. In all possible angles, we simply just guess where the emperor might take us." Another courtier replied.

"The young Azure would deny this completely. In the matrix of law, we must stand before logic above all else. We use emotion in wisdom, not in knowledge, thus we can only put emotion in the right place to make our statements more logical."

"Thus the young prince doesn't have a choice..."

Suddenly the door opened. The emperor, Claudius, springs back to his office with a neutral expression etched across his cream-studded face. He had complete knowledge about their opinions, he was eavesdropping. Knowing their opinions differ from when he was present, he was curious about what they would think on their own.

He sat on the high desk where his courtiers could see his elegance perfectly. It intimidated them all. He looked rather bored and quite sleepy. Perhaps it was the midnight grind that expensed his energy.

"See what your dependent minds can accomplish without me? Hugo, summarize what was heard from your shouting. The hallway was far too narrow that your cries along with the shouts of the congress echoed to the kitchen." He says trying to jest though the congress took it seriously and lowered their heads out of shame.

"Y-Yes well..." He took a brief cough refreshing his composure.

"Before his majesty's arrival, several courtiers have hypothesized that we, the emperor's council, would impose the first prince as a possible bargain for the noble faction. As such, the room grew discord the moment the word was spoken..." Hugo explained.

"Your majesty can we prevent this possibility to happen? The court wishes to spare the first prince from being a political currency to our local nobilities. We cannot have the nobles gain power over the line of imperials." Hugo added.

"Azure is a possible ȧsset to reconcile with the nobility. As the mediator of peace, ironically I'm a tyrant. There will be a possibility that the noble blood will earn a spot to inherit the imperial throne." To the surprise of many, their gaze sharpened in disbelief. Their jaws dropped as though their rationality.

"Azure's marriage has not been set for any of the kingdoms nor has been for any noble faction. Sovereigns marry for the sake of their land's benefit, hence Azure could be used as the last line of negotiation," Claudius added.

"Azure has no control over anything, let alone his routine. Marriage is his biggest of concerns yet he doesn't have a single finger over it. Who knows, maybe we may or may not reach an agreement but one thing is fixed..."

"The kingdom will have a very interesting outcome out of this."

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