The Sapphire Prince

Chapter 26 - To The Capital I

Azure's POV

Upon any other day, I waited restlessly for Lance's return as I ordered him to fetch me all of the Cynthia's formal records.

I've never heard of them from last april's social season, well on the contrary, rarely do candidates often show themselves before the imperial majesty and perhaps at the time, Cacious' resentment was slowly creeping on him.

"Where is that man?" I tapped on the desk rapidly as I focused outside the terrace. A very very beautiful day it is, but it will be spent upon this inside this study.

I waited with little images flying around my mind. How did they look like once again? Did they have blonde hair? Did one of them have the same green eyes? Is there a mirror-reflection of the late mistress in one of the ladies?

Perhaps I'm expecting too much, or perhaps not, after all they belong to a very illustrious bloodline

The Daughters would be, as I'm expecting, were raised in their county. True they have a capital residence, but I would think that Cacious kept his daughters from where he could observe as well as keep them safe.

A half an hour has passed and Lance was nowhere. My anticipation turned sourly in frustration. To turn the tides of focus, I found myself drawing a small magic circle where it would soon speak of my disappointment as it did nothing but glow.

Just what am I missing for my original spell to heed me...

At the sound of a knock, I immediately shattered the spell and hid my hand under my desk. I fixed my hair as well as my posture.

"Your grace, I've arrived!" Lance barges in with several folders in his arms. I stood and checked on his baggage and I was no less than satisfied.

"These are only formal files of course. Personal traits are left at the mercy of their mansion or the streets." Lance added.

"Let's get to it then." I said.

A few hours had passed and we managed to summarize everyone's information. We narrowed the bits to a single biography which would be our foundation for movement.

Lance and I prioritized much on their possible interests basing from some of their accomplishments. To be frank, I was caught off guard by their marks along with their son, the heir.

"This Cynthia has bloomed quite nicely. He is currently residing in their capital residence with his father, finishing his studies in University." Lance laced his arms and smiled at the page about Count Alice.

Alice Venedict De La Cynthia is a young man living the best of his father's connections. Instilled in his late 20's, this young count has his tongue tied to language, literature and political sciences. Impressive but very adamant to the ears. Like any heir, he's primed to do all of these sorts for his becoming.

I'd ȧssume that he's doing his best in his academics in the hopes to meet the standards of society as well as his long lineage. From the reads, this man seems tobe just an ordinary delegate from the faction of the counts.

"Of course being the only male in the lineup, must be very pressuring to him." Lance says with his eyes playfully staring at me as if he wanted me to give him a day off in the capital.

"Like any heir should be." I scoffed.

Lance raised both his arms to the side and smirked. I shook my head at him and continued to reread.

"It says here that Lady Elizabeth had been seen helping with the county's affairs and capital trade."

Lady Elizabeth is 2 years younger than Sir Venedict. Like any noblelady in society, she serves as a debutante for other lords to marry.

"Several locals from their territory have been very satisfied with the reign of their lord and had always considered that the Lady Elizabeth and Lord Cacious had always been the public image of the family." I held my chin then narrowed my brows to think.

"My uncle had trades within their county and he too mentioned in his letters about how versed Lady Elizabeth was in hosting the proceedings." Lance added.

"You think she's a good match your majesty?" He teased.

"Duty-wise she would be." I answered.

A paper mentioned that the countess had rejected all proposals from distinguished noblemen from her previous seasons, remaining independent in her own right governing in her father's stead while he was settling affairs in the capital.

"To think Cacious honored her daughter's wishes." Lance joked.

"His love for his daughters, as the last living remnants of his wife's image, he considers them valuable. He need not break a priced jewel for the sake of a few golds and coins." I replied.

"The other daughters have not much information on them. The void answers- indicating that they have been isolated from any form of exposure whatsoever."

Indeed they are, there is far too little to work with concerning the last two daughters. Publicity was needed for the debutante while his heir was open in the public eye, hence the easily caught details. Only until the other two daughters debut, do we find answers. But right now we are to starve with nothing other than the knowledge of their existence.

"Should we ask your father?" Lance asked.

"Remember that father is swimming in different pools than we, only mother would be able to aid us but I'm afraid we would be violating the Cynthia's privacy as it is their right to seclude identity." I replied.

"And what of your respect will lead to us? You can't just expect them to-"


Not one word spoke after so but it felt as if I declared him dismissed for he excused himself to the terrace, where he'll taste the refreshing breath of the day's delight. I sighed and looked at the papers a while longer, thinking about how I'll proceed after this.

"Do you want to go to the city? I heard there was ought to be a dance in the square." Lance said.

Not long after he said that, I laid the papers down and joined him to marvel the outdoors. It was surprising to see some of the trees still having beautiful flourishes around them.

I let the winds whistle, stirring emotions from where the sweetness of the past had mourned. It billows beautifully with the ribbons and doves, along with the clouds gracing the ever azure sky.

"To the city? Would it not make a scene if I were to be recognized?" I asked smiling at the endless horizon.

"With all due respect, the locals would not come near to an imperial majesty. Truly our society deems themselves unworthy even to lock their eyes upon your direction." Lance replied.

"Is that how the people view me? Some sort of purity that could be stained by the touch of a simpleton?" I looked down disappointed.

"They could never put their feet in your shoes, and it's for them to imagine how it would feel like to be wearing it. Others wouldn't dare so as some believe they were born just to admire the jewels of sovereignty." Again the winds declared freedom above my skin.

"Retell me, what's the city like?"

"Industrious, convenient and very social. Wherever you see, it's busy. I'd give credit to the stylish carriages but the bards do a better job at decorating the very colorless streets." Lance beamed.

I could imagine the people already, poised and polished with their parasols and attendants. To the bittersweet care of the palace, It's been rare for me to attend practices in the capital city...despite the invites.

Luncheons, balls, tea parties, all must be notified first to my parents before attending and frankly, I've never bothered to attend any since I dislike greedy noblemen.

Youth has never been a limitation for mothers to accustom me with their children, much as so, the fathers would force to include me in their gambling or perhaps pique me to clubs and brothels to which they say "Lust is only a sin to the poor."

"So why not your highness." With a pull, Lance twirled me around the terrace and then smirked, laughing at me in his insides.

"Why not what?"

"The capital is in full bloom despite the autumnal lament. Perhaps the day would promise your good time upon the city streets."

Though it would not hurt to visit the city, I could not help but have the thought of my parents refusing me to go and even if I were to go, they'd have a handful of guards nudging me and my company throughout the day so why waste the effort.

"My parents would not think twice considering my visit. Best we get on back with our business." I said walking back inside.

"What if they won't know?" I stopped at my tracks and looked at him.

"You might not have the same strict surveillance as I have so they will still know." I scoffed.

"Then it's settled, I'll arrange a carriage. Remember to wear something a commoner would for the people would recognize you." He said ignoring my statement.

"Didn't you hear what I just said?"

"Do I look like I care? Despite the offset of your parents, I have the whole household as my mighty battalion, the only people you'd have to worry about would be the courtiers." He said.

"We'll rendezvous at the forecourt a quarter passed 2. I'll have the carriage ready by then." He added smiling, walking towards me as he mocked my face.

"Life is never as short as a sapling and never as flavourful as it's yield. Learn to enjoy yourself will you, your majesty?" He clapped my shoulder before he went inside.

"B-But Lance Wait!-"

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