The Sapphire Prince

Chapter 27 - To The Capital II

Azure's POV

"Cheers to the great union!"

"To the union!"

The sounds of bells and chimes armed with the auspicious cries of the maidens. From the carriage window, I could already see so many things happening at the same time. I've expected a very busy street, by which I mean that the festivities are mellow. Glad to be fooled otherwise.

"Is there suppose to be an occasion I'm not knowing about?" I asked combing my fingers through my hair.

"It's a small patronage organized by a local dealer. Their company seemed to bloom quite excessively that they decided to take over the city square." Lance laughed staring outside.

As I nudge myself and rub my sleeves for the hundredth time, Lance mocked me with his trickster grin. With respect, he yearned not to laugh but he found me the center of his hilarity and coughed a little.

"That waistcoat discounts your representation yet it suits your color." He said.

"Was that a compliment or an insult?" I scoffed.

"My compliments is to the people. Coincidentally giving you a bright reception worthy of a sovereign." He replied.

"So where exactly should our little adventure start?" Crossing my arms I looked at him with some high standard.

"To the market, I'm in need to purchase an item. We are out of the palace so it's best for you to lay low, you have no business out of the ring and your presence would cause a bit of suspicion." He said.

"Why'd you invited me out if I'm not to be out then?" Sarcastically I asked, crossing my arms.

"Indeed I promise you I'd show you the capital but I never said anything about letting you go out in the open for-"

"Spit out what you're making! You gypsies are whores of the devil!"

The carriage drove slowly, we were in a very secluded road and from one alley, Lance and I could see three coppers pointing their blades at a cloaked person. A gypsy they said? Nothing but travelers who do witchcraft. All in the days work as practitioners, patrons of magic.

One copper was small, thin and he look idiotically frail. The other wan was fat with a very silly moustache, probably their leader and the last one must be the extra muscle, since he was as gigantic as my father.

The three of them cornered a gypsy and from the looks of it, the woman refuses to comply.

"Your majesty I know what you're thinking but please we need to get a move on. Don't be a hero and leave them to their business." Lance sneered at the scene and I could tell that the coachman was terrified.

"I have nothing to admit! I'm not with the devil!" The cloaked figure is a woman. She cried mixed feelings of torment, confusion and anger but on her knees she went.

"Dirty magic from your scummy den of devils." He then grabbed her cheek and made his way to her neck,his goal was to fulfill dėsɨrė as the evidence was out open in daylight.

The man tried more intimate parts, ċȧrėssing sėnsɨtɨvė sections all over her body.

"So what did you sold to hell? Your soul? Your freedom? Your virgi-"

The copper continued but it was the expense of his tėstɨċŀės shattered to bits. The one muscled copper held the woman for the climp would punch her on the stomach the moment he'll stand up and then after would probably take her life.

"You whore!" As I expected, the fat copper knocked the lady.

"Ugh!" The woman flinched handling a series of blows.

The gypsy had no power here, yet they have magic. Of course use of magic against authority won't be overlooked even for self defense. Unless of course, you have a powerful ally by your side.

"Officer do we have a problem here?" Lance came up from behind and beamed at the coppers.

"Who are you?" The fat copper asked.

"You don't need to know who I am, but might I ask you what the situation here is?" Lance inspected the tired woman raising her chin.

"Confidential business now fuċk off." Said the fatman.

"What's your name? Ah, a constable. Constable..." Lance's eyes narrowed looking at his badge in need of identification "London Gray." He added.

"We are honorable gentlemen here, and it's a pride of men to honor the wishes of women. Wether it's by pŀėȧsurė or respect."

"If it is what they demand then that's what we give and more importantly, you're all servants of he crown." Lance smirked putting his hands in his pocket while shrugging his shoulders turning for a play of a smart-talking nobody.

"We got a talker eh? Why don't you mind your business and suck your-"

"I ȧssure you that if you don't follow my orders, you're little badge and your knackers won't ɨmprėġnȧtė a woman. Not that this woman already took care of that message."

Officer London held Lance's collar and pushed him against the wall. Lance could do nothing but scoff and taunt him, he was toying with these gentlemen and I too couldn't help but cheer a bit inside.

"This segment is taking us long."

As much as how much Lance is having fun with this, I best believe that we shall end this facade.

Like I said earlier, it is a very secluded street. It looks amusing, let alone these fools have already dug themselves a grave of trouble. Whatever do I have to lose with these people, a simple threat would be easier enough as it is.

"Let go of him constable." I said marching to the scene, proud and excited might I add.

"Now who is this ba-"

"I heard about a gypsy, I heard of your speech and your hatred. Now if we could get this thing going, I'd like to have my noble steed back if you may." I crossed my arms.

"Your majesty, I didn't mean to-"

"While we are young gentlemen."

With my words, Lance and the lady was released. Gestured Lance to carry the lady and brought it to me. I hear no voice of the person, unconscious perhaps.

I looked under cloak and saw a young one. Blonde hair, long lashes, soft face and wardrobes lack of jewels. Her picture is purely local as volume and bands were amissed from her already distinguished wardrobe.

"If you did not amuse yourself a while longer, we would have been at your destination half an hour ago." I said nudging my head to the direction of the coach.

"I'm sorry your majesty." Lance went back in and the treated to the lady with the other servants as for these officers.

"A gypsy is a traveler. Though I know of our ancestors shielding this capital with magic, honors has changed, people have looked for peace the other way you chose violence."

The officers kneeled, lowering their heads. One was shivering, one was stoic, and one was an idiot.

I see that they are royalists, loyal to history, but a fool to carry out its narrative. A bit hypocritical coming from me, but I'm not half the helm of their minds hence, I don't understand nor the bindings of this time will, and yet hot wax pours over their skin martching gold above the surface.

"I could see from your sad bandless hand that you are not married. Your lack of intimacy with woman doesn't make it an excuse for you to lash your miniscule saber at a lady." I sneered.

"I ask for your forgiveness, your highness. We were merely carrying out our duty." He said.

"And you've proven yourself a failure of that duty, Might I ask what did the woman do wrong for you to treat her mercilessly?" I scoffed.

"She was rasing suspicion of witch craft a street before here. We took our justice and-"

"You licked her neck and fondled whatever it is that your pants dėsɨrėd? Indeed, have our officers begun to spin dishonor for their name." I scanned them all one last time and kneeled for where my face met with the leader's very closely.

"I'll have an arrangement with your district superior and write a report about their lack of competence. With your cause being the center of it all. Imagine all those men having the same anger for you as you had with that woman..."

His face seemed like a doomed man to be hanged. Quite it did give me a bit of satisfaction.

"You wouldn't last one moment out of your home and not a word will come out of you or else I'll have the infantry join the frey." I stood up and straightened my waistcoat.

"See to it that you enjoy the afternoon, for it will be your last day being called a constable. Gentleman, constable. I bid you a merry farewell." Leaving, I didn't lay another glint at their sorry party.

( A Few Moments Later )

"I asked that you handle the situation very quickly." I ġrȯȧnėd at Lance.

"So what did you say to that man?" He inquired tending to the Lady still.

"A barrel of shallow threats though I'll expect you to write something to have him off the lead. Mention that you were the the witness." I replied.

"You're doing much for this gypsy now are you?"

"She's not a gypsy. Local wardrobes, Avedon rogue and lack of alien jewelry. Now what we're going to do is drop her off to a copper station and with-"

"I know, I'll write a recommendation by my family name and title to have this matter settled first."

"My father knows who runs the place. An old friend of the family. They formerly worked for us, his wife and son." Lance said.

"That family friend of yours runs three fools who can't even manage to identify a local over a traveler." I joked.

"That makes things a whole lot easier." I looked at the lady closer. Lance made the unconscious lady sit properly with her cloak on. Of course, we didn't know what to do with her.

"She suffered very stressful blows to her abdomen, one slap to her face but nothing to fearful to be fatal. She'll be fine in a few weeks time." Lance briefed and sighed in relief.

"Is it possible for you to take her to see a healer?" I asked.

"That will be her choice if she wakes up and before she does, why we see what's underneath that cloak of hers. Surely she must beautiful." Lance beamed on the outside, probably imagining the girl of his fantasies.

"Let's not..."

"If you do not wish to see, then you'll just have to close your eyes your majesty."

"Please no."

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