The Sapphire Prince

Chapter 3 - The Guests III

Azure's POV

I was in my usual office doing my academic papers. Today hasn't been the best amongst other days but I digress. My teachers are very strict on my written works and they are very specific of what they want me to say, write or play during class hours.

My pen rammed through the linen paper. The silence was torn by the sound of the peafowl quill wavering second by second by my stress. Maybe I should've started on literature first before belief systems.

Both of these studies mean a lot to my empire though being influenced by the Sancriterian church, I believe there was a need to simplify the narrative of it's name. Honestly, the formal writing of that country is less than my cup of tea.

"Your majesty, your reply has been answered." Said Lance as usual on his bright bliss. Approaching me from the doorway, again, without knocking.

Letters come in late as expected. The castle holds direct communication over it's citizens through letters. Though the castle maybe open, the message would need to pass through methods of formalities in order for it to be claimed valid and significant.

"So what's your plan when they arrive?" Lance asked, pulling back the letter before it even fell on the desk.

"The discussion is the only thing I'll have to plan. The first moment after arrival is for themselves to be settled before my meeting." I replied.

"So you're just going to talk?"

"There is not much to do. I'm already versed in their family's public information. The records have shown their normality but it seems he has made an improv court, settling some of the most notable socialites at his disposal."

"Those are?" Lance then started to spin the books using his index finger.

"Still not quite sure. The information given is very vague, the imperial agents have least to know about this surprisingly. It's only by the maids did I found out this accusations were factual." I sighed. The maids truly have their methods.

Lance blew his cheeks, steady to laugh but then he belched. As he pulled his face back, the scent of steak and berries mashed in the air. It smelled like dog's slobber combined with roses.

"Sorry about that. Breakfast was big you know?" He punched his ċhėst gently before letting another one out. I rolled my eyes and went back to writing.

"The reason why your father might've forced their stay is maybe because of that reason. Any council made by a third party is considered prejudice of the monarch's royalty and is identified to be illegal." Lance continued to read.

"Forced their stay?" I asked.

"Right. The Cynthia's will be staying here awhile they settle for the emperor's invitation. It would only be at least three days long. Though, I would say forced due to their reply sent a few days ago. It read that his majesty aggressively persuaded their stay." He smiled.

Of course, Lance is still a part of the formal imperial officers. Having the courtiers their own offices were a bit risky but through the finalization of the previous monarchs, this court was settled as a primal table in the imperial office.

Lance, being a part of hat court lets him oversee the imperial status critically and let's me in any information needed to display.

"I see, but I wouldn't go as far as to say this is prejudice. After all, they are still in touch with the Queen and there seems to be no struggle between the two forces apart from now of course..." I paused my writing then looked at Lance.

"That will not be enough to consider their act. Of course, being in touch with the Queen will give them a clean slate. Perhaps they don't hold a grudge over Rochileu's royal family but that would illogical since the foundation of the dispute resides within the sole monarch they answer to." Lance crossed his arms then he locked his gaze over an old leather book.

"The monarch and the nobilities are in general conflict. You sound as if you are stating they have leadership in the matter." I sighed.

"There is something exclusive about their family that highlights their command over the chaos. It's just a feeling but the clan is in a neutral sight, it's the best we could ȧssume and frankly it's the most logical out of all the accusations.." Lance immediately changed his mood. Flips the pages intensely before closing it with a loud thud.

"We'll just have to wait and see. Let's not make this matter a race against time shall we?" I said.

"With all due respect your grace, it already is." He answered firmly though sitting with a white lily above his ear.

Lips parched, I drank my water. Benched before my desk, I started to seek the bread served two hours prior before I went seeking for knowledge.

Thoughts came fast, if anyone was in a situation like this, they feel more concerned about the thirst for knowledge and I'm a man who seems for that thirst, an insufferable drive of humanity almost anyone can match.

"We'll have to wait until their arrival and seek what we can do from there," I said with my mind settled in the clouds.

"The two supreme monarchs have already kept an eye over the Cynthia clan. The clarification we need will come from the emperor or the empress as they oversee the plane of this matter. Of course, they're the only ones who could really clarify that family." Lance stretched his back, over his head and hands went scratching his hair while he's at it.

"My mother would be difficult. History is vital to her and tradition matters most to her ego. Under the circumstances mentioned, I don't think the two parties will reach an agreement." My answers on my hand but my vision leaned somewhere else out the window. Still, I dipped my quill over the ink bottle slowly.

"History is the a vague reflection of the future, the empress may be traditional but her pride kneels before her wit, people are smart they just need to swallow some of their pride. The empress is intelligent, she has only herself to lose in exchange of one agreement. Have faith in them." Lance then leaned his body on the desk. He slammed the old leather book on my desk, it startled me. My hand flinched and the ink splattered over the marble floor.

"I'll clean that up later" He answered. Nonchalantly picking up the wet bottle.

"Anyway...They held off the Wednesday schedule due to some errors but they gave their decision to arrive three days from now as the letter states."

"What exactly do you think of them now that the mistress is gone from the limelight." I shrugged that question off and answered ever so lightly.

"Mistress Mimosa. Did you know that the citizens now call her the Amber woman. The long history between her legendary craft and you is beyond a tall tale. Sadly-"

"You are an adviser and I'm royalty. You are my friend, a comrade but you don't have any permission to speak of hat history until I command you to do so." I grimaced at him. The grip over my quill tightened then the sudden tension in the air hardened seemingly making the ambience heavy and stressed.

"Mimosa Cynthia is a figure of history. She is a jewel to our empire everyone respects but we will not speak of her that way here. She has a different definition in this palace, and it would insult her to just casually word out her past." I calmed myself down. I controlled my breathing then I pressed on writing.

From the back of my mind I could tell that he wasn't happy with that answer. Beyond curiosity, that concern of his tends to have more of an insulting compass.

My body trembled so little as I felt more memories coming back. The Noble house Cynthia is a very chronological name in the empire's foundation. Very formidable. Through the years they served the crown under graceful favor of the church and the civil.

"Keep your head high. You will be fine somehow." I mumbled.

Paranoia is every monarch's enfeeblement. Once the mental craze encroaches even a tiny spectrum of intellectual order. An alter ego made by false nightmares will haunt you, even for a moment, you won't have the slightest grip over your reality. Perish, and the bliss fades away softly, inch by inch.

( The Day )

The day as I see it, marvelous. Such weather like any other. Where the chunks of clouds are minuscule and the star being the center of the spectrum graced the flowers well. I was then greeted by a gust of wind with the faint scent of oil and crowgrass perhaps from the fields of corn or the bounded shore local to the river.

The majesty felt tired even at the start of the brim day. He envisioned the day, he felt a bit torn from what he thought was joy and doubt. He felt a few scars open up as though the shadow of anxiety started to make him mildly delusional.

His mind floated weightless as his sweat dripped down his jawline. He saw thoughts warped by memories, entangled with sentiments long that he abandoned like a child looking at a blurred painting.

The day is upon me and I need to prepare. I felt heavy crossing the hallway. I started to tamper with my gloves distracting me from whatever it is that I need to be distracted.

Lance is probably in the office. As I asked myself once, through distant winter gaze to the star etched diamond sky, it has crossed my mind over and over even after that time.

"Where is your normality?" Hmmm...

Time heals. Even the deepest wounds would be ashamed of time. As scars continue to heal, we change, that change imprisoned by our memories based on emotions we make and relish...

"Good morning your majesty!"


Lance caught me off guard. I didn't even hear him walk up to me. To my surprise, my elbow jabbed his jaw. Distorted, he looked furiously at me fixing his slightly misplaced maxilla.

"I'm sorry! Are you alright?" I said as I went to check on my friend.

"I'm fine...But I have to admit...That was a pretty good blow, your grace." Even injured he still tried to strike flattery.

"You shouldn't just shout out to me so near when you could just speak to me from behind."

"I was calling your name across the hallway 5 times already and you still ignored me. To my mischievous joy, I decided to play a trick on you." He then smiled.

Was I that oblivious? My emotions are getting the better of me and I was deaf for one moment?

"Perhaps you need more rest, your grace." Lance finally aligned his jaw. Fixing his composure raising his eyebrows at me.

"You seem paler than usual, did something happen?" I touched my face shaking my head slightly.

"As you said, I'm tired. Rest ȧssured I can continue, Just get me a good piece of bread and an apple along with it."

A simple snack would make me feel a bit better I'm sure. Even at the peak of panic, the simplest apple or maybe the tasteless bread would be enough tranquilizers for emotions. Yes....Just a simple apple would do.

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