The Sapphire Prince

Chapter 4 - The Guests IV

Azure's POV

I awoke before dawn. The sounds of bitter tinkering reign in my ears the whole night and I could bȧrėly keep my eyes shut. Today will be a bright baffling day. Another reconciliation with a former ally or maybe another collision between friendly enemies but I digress. Today is the arrival of the Cynthias hence my father's effort to present them with our best possible selves.

"It is a very clear day." Said Lance matching my speed holding a cup of water.

The clouds are very thick and the morning ambience seemed fitting for a cemetery.

"I couldn't have picked a better atmosphere." I took the cup and looked outside.

"Your lace is a little loose." He said.

The day had a very ominous weather. Yesterday was outright bright though today is very depressing. I wonder if it will rain. Rain might sound good, it sets up a very good picture.

"You there, the small one with the iron mace. Take my belongings to the kitchen and have my thanks reach their staff" The small man bowed. He took the cup and the apple core rushing to the kitchen with his adorable little feet.

"Are you sure about not taking a proper meal? I could understand a light breakfast but your composition is very used having a very balanced routine." Lance said.

"I will be fine. Is the parlor ready?" I asked.

"It has already been organized since last night, your grace. Though we have to pardon some of the emperor's officers. Beforehand, they said they wanted to see how things will go in the conversation." Lance frowned.

"Who gave the order?" I asked.

"They stated themselves, your grace. There were no grounds of the emperor sending them but they insisted they would stay."

I was selfish and on the first arrival, I wanted to have a word with their entourage myself. Father would always be late with these events and mother would always be too early but I made sure that everything will go my least for now.

"I see, but still, I want this conversation." I said pressing to the east as I ġrȯȧnėd.

Father's courtiers are very persuasive. Their tongue is poison to the ears, though yes, they do provide a great image and advisory standing upon my father's grace.

"Is there a specific reason why you chose this parlor? It's a very far room across the exit and peculiarly silent too." Lance rubbed his hands on the handles. He looked at me one moment then his eyes beamed in surprise.

"Isn't this where you and the Mistress usually go to? I could remember the gloss of the door. It is isn't it?" Lance's smile grew weight, slowly frowning.

"This room was specifically used for us, yes. It's been a long time since we've last visited here so I understand why it took you a second to realize this was a special space..." I sighed before tightening my ribbon.

"Lance, please don't hold me off too long. Mother will notice the guests gone and I'll get in trouble." I said.

"Why did you even want them before the supreme monarchs. After their conversation with the empress and emperor, you'll have every time of the day to ask them for an audience." He slowly opened the door, it creaked bitterly as it widened.

"I will not disclose any reason. Let's press on forward." I replied passing through him, pushing the door open his hand flinched back in return the moment my palm rammed on the door's palette.


A likely very reason that the noble faction is furious is maybe because of the continuous change in the regime. Adaptation is important but heavy and all too hard to normalize. Change by change inaugurates problems ranging to political unrest much like so.

To explain bluntly, a noble family has a state of being modern. Modernization is very significant to the government and the civilians. If the government imposed multiple alters, everyone follows. That said, change imposed by the system degrades natural values of modern noble houses.

I've been seeing some of father's works and some just confused me. I don't retain the needed governance to refuse, and when I reason with him, the answer remains constant.

"My goal is every goal of each spectacle persiding amidst the contents of our golden masterpiece. As long as there is me, there will be change and as long as we draw breath to the sacred sky, discord will persist."

I don't blame him. The anxiety he never shows is all trapped behind his royalty. He shows no emotion to secure the people's emotion. As long as he doesn't raise a hand to slap the city, the people would think everything is fine.

"Maybe that is why," I mumbled.

"That is what?" Lance

"I was just conversing with my mind. I have an idea about why the noble houses could be mad." I said holding my chin raising an eyebrow.

"Is that so? Care to enlighten me?" He asked.

The knock came before the answer. I think it was them. I hope they-

"Your grace. Please reconsider your decision. We are just looking out for you. Everyone knows how diplomatically impulsive those nobilities can be." Said Sir Amberstone, one of my father's court attendee.

Sir Amberstone. A middle-aged man with lengthy black hair and thick amethyst eyes. He carries so much of a light aura with his pastel garments. Though underneath that exotic skin tone and white wastecoat is a very overshadowed ominous history.

"Your majesty, I'm quite surprised to see you in the Ashfall parlor. Aren't you supposed to greet the guests over with your family? Or is there something that they don't know about that perhaps lead you here to isolation." He taunted smiling widely as though laughing inside his head.

"I have the right to do everything in my palace. My mother's command may obstruct me but this palace is still my common residence." I replied.

He is one of my father's courtiers. He's very hated in the officer council as he has this habit of sharing vague but truthful information throughout the castle leading the imperial household to gossip about diplomatic affairs.

It's already bad that my mother would find out soon and now that one of father's officers drop by, my plan would inch closer to failure unless I could prompt a way to salvage it.

"Child, you do not know how unstable they are. We will merely serve as extra force in the conversation. Isn't that reassuring?" He then looked at me smiling softly.

"We don't need your aid. I can handle everything along with my adviser. Though, thank you for the offer." I answered.

"In the case of political matters, forgive my rudeness but I don't think his majesty has the experience to bear contact with the Cynthia Family" He crossed his arms leering at me. Sharply, his iris moved to Lance. He scanned him head to toe, Lance clenched. Raising his eyebrow, he then sat across me.

"Now now, no need to get all defensive young Lance. Frankly, I'm truly worried about his majesty. I was there when the chaotic kindle began. In that timeframe...I could still see that his majesty doesn't have the narrative to act accordingly to royalty?" He cackled softly.

History speaks of how the mistress of the Cynthias died in the blaze of glory. The investigations died after finding no more leads for the mistress' death. The devastated Azure, traumatized, acted passionately about continuing the investigations, but his efforts ended in vain after a few years time...

It was then that he felt sorry for himself and the Cynthias. Turning a blind eye faintly to their faults because of the precious memories of his friend akin to what was suppose to be a mother.

"You've asked for my permission and my answer is no. Thank you for your time but I have to and you to leave." I said. The grimace and cold compasses my voice as my eyes sharpened at his figure.

In the silence. He still sat, not showing any sign of leaving. The Cynthias are close, this is my parlor and I have the upper authority over such grounds but he is my father's pet of honor, I should just...leave.

"Lance. We are leaving. Hurry up to the escort and inform about the location change." I said standing up.

"The Cynthias are probably on their way here" Said Lance.

"Then make haste and find them." I replied. Lance nodded then he went off strutting.

"Then I-"

"Go back to my father? That's beneficial. If you could, please hand over that cup to him. A guard will have you supervised so that cup will be secured." I sighed at the sight of his surprise.

It was a small tea cup with nothing in it.

"Consider it an imperial command. Now if you'll excuse me, I have presiding matters to attend to. A stain on that cup will cost you much, find a way not to let your fingerprints mark it's handle." I smiled. That will for sure buy me some time out of disturbance.

"Your grace, I'm not the one to hold off on imperial information so easily. Let's say, I would like to inform your mother. You know how twisted my tongue can be, no?" How imprudently amusing. I stopped from my tracks and flashed him a very warm smile.

"Who are you to her? Knowing my mother, she probably know that the Cynthia's aren't meeting her specifically somewhere. She'll be confused at me, but I'm royalty. I don't lie to charm my way out of you." I then brushed my sleeves and left.

The faint sounds of complaints behind the door. That takes care of that. I looked left and right first then I exhaled, relaxing myself as though clearing me head.

"Chaotic kindle....That sums everything about the Mistress just right."

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