The Sapphire Prince

Chapter 5 - The Guest V

Azure's POV

Finally, he's out of my palm. In a very unprepared yet doable parlor not far from the former setting, I silently waited. My eyes could look at nothing more, the large window blocked by overgrown thickets and brambles filled my eyes.

The parlor's subtle orange candlelight gave the atmosphere a somewhat cryptic ambiance. I threshed the gold lace hanging on my shoulders, bored yet uneasy.

"Your majesty. Your honored guests greets you." Lance knocked. They're finally here.

As the door opened, it creaked. Must be a very old, unkept door. This room hasn't been used in a while it seems. I looked at the dark cedar table, then at the melted candles, through the cobwebbed ceilings, lastly, at the stains etched on the cold satin curtains.

"How did I not notice that?"

"Notice what your majesty?"

"This reunion is much pleasurable and to see the young Azure grow so tall. It's somewhat very satisfying to see." The man said flashing his infamous smirk.


"I suppose introductions are formally requested but I'll spare you the effort. I'm sure you know who I am your majesty?" Proudly, he walked towards me.

Pale, tall, dry lips but silky silver hair. All the more cynical as he already is. I don't know whether to feel afraid or confused. His silhouette changed so drastically that I only recognized him from his eerie smile. What on earth happened to him...

"It's been long Cacious. Please take a seat." I said clenching myself, forcing a smile.

As Cacious sat down across me. Lance, whispered to my ear.

"Your highness. I don't think this is our Lord Cacious. The moment I saw him at the forecourt, he seemed different from a few months ago..." He said pulling my shoulder.

"His appearance is quite different but his essence remains recognizable. I'm sure you felt that as well. Best leave personal happenings for now as we'll find the reason sooner or later." I replied.

Amongst people with magical capabilities, our magical output memorizes the essence of an individual. It's a natural spellbound aligned with our mana empowering brain cells leaving the mind closed and strict with magic.

There is a certain period where mana can suddenly restart and all essence data would be stored in its material. Though locked, traces can be still recognized as it is a very familiar ambiance to agitate.

Both of us then locked eyes at the sorry man. Lord Cacious turned his head from west to east constantly. His eyes popped open, his fingers were anxious along with his thɨġhs...and that wide smile just complements every edge of his aura.

"I feel unsafe leaving, your grace." Lance tugged my sleeve, sharing his concern as his eyes narrowed.

His sinister stare mocked himself, his fingers shaking the while he looks at Cacious. Slight tension, and fear. Lance never felt the grace of Cacious' kindness. He never drew a line nor did he ever cross the one I drew. I could only remember his hatred, another person of sorts occupying Lance's movement.

"You know I'll be fine. It's me" I said smiling at him, pulling away. I drew foot, slightly stomping the ground, I raised his chin then I faced Cacious.

"This room is perhaps a very soft spot in the castle. For one moment, I felt a tickle in my ċhėst and somehow, I don't feel famished anymore..." The man looked at me.

"Perhaps I see that even you could easily dethrone the tension upon the space. Your capabilities too have shown improvement...Frankly, I'm very surprised."

So he have noticed. A change in the environment was my doing. It's only hollow but I think it would serve well. The small, faint magical atmosphere should last enough until this conversation is over.

"My lord, this palace has first-class mentors for arts, magic and social sciences. I see you doubt the castle's capabilities of cultivating my talent?" I then sat down across from him.

Lance still refusing to leave stood by the back leaning against the old spookish dark oak shelf, filled to the brim with layers of dust and a handful of cobwebs.

"My lord? Since when did the casual gesture stop. I always ȧssumed, even losing contact, you would still treat me" He smirked rigidly but his glare meant the cold inclement weather.

"Ahem...Of course, we have other matters to discuss such as the occurring conflict. Please enlighten me about the side of the nobilities." I replied.

He was still shaking his hands and thɨġhs. Up and down, left and right then left and right, again and again. Cacious never had a nervous nature. Steadfast, straightforward, and maybe this-

"Ah yes. The conflict...the very reason we are here..." He says still grinning.

"I remember him. He is the-"

"Oh Blasted-! How I wish I could just cut you off, flail or thresh it!" He said slapping his hand on his ŀȧp. As well as scraping his skin but the expression on his face told yellow bliss rather than frustration.

This man. The man of wisdom, the backbone of the nobility's new and ancient generation is acting uncanny in front of a supreme monarch inside the highest authoritative setting in the city of opulent history...

"I apologize. Ever since our family's dilemma. I seem to have this condition, growing worse and worse every day. It's been years, but you'll find it surprisingly manageable." He said. managing his arms, though it was still shivering.

"Yes well...about the conflict?" I asked, sinking along with my throat's weight as I prepare my breath for another sentence.

"That joyous boy. I remember him having mischief all over the castle's walls. He would dance around with some armory in his hands and once laid a very good fire mania in the former throne room,"

"Too bad. It seems that joy has been overtaken by their influence."

"Which influence?" Lance scoffed.

His hand shivering as if the frostbite caught its muscles, too cold to keep still. His long nervy finger pointed at me.

"His." He says.

He forced his mouth to stretch wider. the smile severely protracted. His teeth shown, glowing as white as pale dandelions on the late hour before winter. it was until his face clenched to a stop after the thunder ruptured the clouds. A bright flash before the roar echoed in the room's golden dark radius.

"Our matter is about the conflict not this, Cacious," I said.

He withdraws his arm then he spoke in a very very welcoming tone...

"Oh, but we did. You see, kingship in your family and your influence is rather unpleasant to follow, I don't see how you'd understand but I'll get into your thoughts..."

"Your regime is ridiculously unnerving. Years to months, months to weeks. Shift by shift, this is really the way of the monarchy? I could name a thousand philosophers who could do the same as to play with the hectares of land pledged at your disposal." He relaxed his eyes, it narrowed slowly to a cold grimace.

"The changes in the regime? Is that the concern of he nobility?" I asked.

"I'm clueless about what all of the noble think. I'm not a spokesman nor a representative of their group. True, I have the highest influence amongst the faction but I hold no relationship nor idea about this bickering." He replied.

I see. So he isn't colluding with them. I expected something else, but that is very much a good news to hear. If we could have him on our side, then we can-

"Lord Cacious, perhaps you can fool the majesty, but your deception is as clear as glass..."


"The noble faction, including my uncle, have received a manifesto to join the opposing side. Thanks to his loyalty, he refused and even gained a handy information."

Lance stepped forward, behind my back he leaned.

"My uncle said with certainty that not only you are the organizer of the coup but also the founder. Due to my uncle's involvement, several opposing nobilities have tried to shun our winery, through bankruptcy, our house might've fallen but the service of our workers proved us lucky to have them." He explained.

"Cacious is that true? Are you with the noble faction's opposing side?" I asked.

Cacious grimaced for moment then he turned. He flashed us a very fake act of surprise. He brushed his hair off then he leered at me.

"Your highness, I was going to let you take you time and deduct your conclusion but it seems you still trust me that your adviser quickly stepped in to correct you. This proves that you still look to us AHAHAHAHA!" He taunted, smirking.

"What do you want from us Cacious? Sure-"

"You are more intrigued of what happened to us rather than your empire's actual cause. It's written all over your flesh."

"Untrue," I said grimacing.

Lance lit the old candle by his flames. Lance involves himself with elemental spellbinding. Though small, just a few minutes of magic could be really taxing to one's daily energy and mood.

"I don't think you are selfish, your grace. I like to use the term "Attached". It's quite obvious, as someone who studied psychology, I could tell wether someone's stressed over a memory. You'd rather hear me explain the deceased mistress rather than the current and possible civil war." He said.

"I would not submit to your mind games old count. Intelligence bickers with emotion and right now, I'd like my intellect to dominate feelings." I said.

"Ah yes...intelligence. The mistress also said that same emotion of words when I get drunk on liquor. The same sweet concern in her voice just as much as the obsession you have over her." I stopped for a moment then he giggled.

"We came here to talk about one topic and that was the nobilities and the monarchs." My fist clenched...I could feel him staring at me.

"Of course, Of course. What was I thinking. If you'll leave now, it would remain useless...You see, just because you hold a crown doesn't mean you can do anything. You're naive and obsessed...that is why she left you."

"Silence!" I shouted.

"Your grace..."

"Anger? is that really your ideal retaliation. I have heard and seen better outbursts than this petty excuse, but I's normal." I hear his teeth gritting. The cold air wept, the depression in the atmosphere was too heavy. My mind bent down shaking...

"I'm here to company you. It is by my duty as the host-an imperial monarch to provide a formal space to my audience." I looked at him as if I wanted to cry.

"Do you really? You weren't the one who I was suppose to meet. You were secondary of my list but your dog heralds the strain of your mind. Your dėsɨrė, your soul wishes for answers, but you aren't deserving of that. You and I aren't different but certainly we are never similar. You're boneless and I'm structured." He then stood up.

"That is enough Lord Cacious." Lance said pulling me away.

"The loyal pet you are. Well, I'm not here for you, but I digress. Azure, I consider you my own, I really I do. You are simple and I could not see you helping with the current problem..." He said.

"So why did you ask me for an audience?"

"It is to give you a reminder. That you wasted the life of my wife. Call it petty but it was needed. You should consider more about your toys, that they too have different owners."

"But don't worry about our cut conversation. I'll resume this with your father. Have the guards restrain, take me away, I don't care. I know I'll get what I want and you'll weep regardless." He added giggling.

I thought my magical atmosphere could be kept but he overwhelmed it with his own spell. I don't know what it is, but I can't say anything back. It's hard to say anything as if my throat carried an anvil. It's stuck and broken...

"Are you wondering about your little magic trick? Oh Azure, you couldn't be more amusing. Seeing you fill your head with such hopes that your amateur spell could trample mine..." The man then laughed loudly.

"That is enough!" Lance shouted.

"Of course, how rude of me. If it's making our host discomforting then I shall. I was merely speaking facts. My, how his conversation turned sour after a while..." With genuine modesty, he withdraw the tension, lastly giving me a warm scary smile.

"Your highness, we need to go.." Lance then pulled me away to the exit.

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