The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 1059: Full pool of double lotus

   Chapter 1059

  Nine Heavens.

  In the Tianchi outside the Creation Temple, originally only a few koi were fed.

  Because I often hear the Sanskrit sound of the God of Creation, I opened my mind and gained good fortune.

  The sky is sparkling, I don’t know when it will start...

   Tianchi was actually covered with shimmering lotus flowers.

  Each plant has a stalk.

   "Hey...I come to the temple every day to discuss matters, why haven't I found that the Tianchi has a lotus?" The Big Dipper rubbed his chin and looked at the lotus in the pond with surprise.

  And this lotus contains a strong divine will, and it is not a thing at first glance.

  The refined carp was frolicking around the lotus, very happy.

   "The little **** knows that there are cypresses in the pond, but there was only one plant yesterday. Why did the pond bloom in a blink of an eye."

   "And you guys listen carefully, this pond flower seems to have something amazing." The barefooted fairy listened carefully, and there were bursts of Buddhist sounds, which was really surprising.

   "It is probably a rare species that the God of Creation did not know where to find it?"

  At exactly this moment, the Great Emperor Ziwei came on auspicious clouds and fell on the ground lightly. Seeing that full pond of lotus flowers seemed to feel.

  Wearing a red suit on his side, Yue Lao's eyes narrowed slightly.

  "Whose root of love is this? It turned out a full pond and Tilian. Also brought in mandarin ducks and butterflies?" Yue Lao Dian'er ran over and lay down on the pond and looked again.

   "Every plant is a stalk, and the root of love is reborn, even better than ever." Yue Lao murmured.

  The Great Ziwei wears an imperial suit, and there is a certain majesty between his eyebrows.

  "This is the lotus flower opened by the root of love?" The Great Emperor Ziwei was slightly surprised.

  At this moment, many gods come to the Creation Hall to report affairs from all walks of life. Seeing this scene, many people stopped.

  Wearing a red suit and holding a lot of red thread in his hands, Yue Lao grabbed his beard anxiously.

"Of course it is true. I am Yue Lao, and I naturally recognize this love root. Which **** should have pulled out the love root and threw it in this pond. This Tianchi has the effect of washing away the filth and can keep people calm. But look at this full pond of flowers, blooming so beautifully."

   "It must be unsettled. Who is so powerful, who can regenerate after the root of love is pulled out, is really amazing." Yue Lao looked at it as he watched.

  The God of Wealth is standing outside the Creation Hall. He who is shining with gold and jewels seems to have faded a little at this moment.

  It was exactly at this moment that the gate of the Creation Temple opened wide, and the gods converged and entered the hall.

  It's just that someone looked at the pond for a moment, and then entered the hall.

  The gods gathered together and reported the affairs of all walks of life in accordance with the rules of the past.

  The God Lord sitting at the head finished handling the affairs as usual, and then dismissed the gods.

   "Hey, the God of Creation has fallen asleep, and he doesn't know when he will wake up."

   "It's not the same with the gods. Anyway, they are the masters of the gods."

  The God of Creation woke up from nothingness, a piece of blank paper in the lower realm.

  There is no one in the entire Three Realms, and the heaven and the earth are not opened.

  Because of what she thought, there was a god.

  But the **** master thought that his mission was to create the world, so he left behind the creation **** who was still a mortal and became the **** master.

   opened up this **** realm.

   later defected to the lower realm and became a demon.

  The two of them went round and round and cultivated Zhengguo, both of them were the masters of the gods.

   "Hey, no news has been found since the Cthulhu was born. If the Cthulhu appeared, it would be a disaster for the Three Realms." The God of War sighed quietly, and looked at the horizon with deep eyes.

   "What's more, there is something wrong with the way of heaven."

  (End of this chapter)

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