The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 1060: Love robbery

   Chapter 1060

  There is right and evil in the world.

  The God of Creation is positive.

  Cthulhu is the gloom of the world.

  The evil **** is not getting rid of, the way of heaven is affected by the greed, hatred and ignorance of all circles, and there are some subtle changes.

  "Sooner or later, he will show his feet. Wherever he can escape, Heaven is looking for him all the time." God of War smiled, his brows were a little worried.

  He had a battle with Cthulhu in the past, and he is far from his opponent.

  God Lord only barely tied with him.

  The only one that can match, the only origin of the God of Creation fell into a deep sleep.

  The God of War is a little worried.

   "Speaking of which, this pond is combined with Tilian. Do you know whose love root is?" Emperor Ziwei asked the God of War.

  The God of War shook his head slightly: "The God of Creation personally put it in."

   "Looking at some divine will, could it be that which **** moved the heart of the mortal?" The Great Emperor Ziwei smiled.

  The Great Ziwei is handsome, and the goddesses of the three realms admire him.

  But he has very strict rules, and no one dares to make trouble in front of him.

   "Isn't it normal for the goddess to long for Xingjun? As far as the little **** knows, this goddess who longs for the great emperor doesn't know how much." The **** of war couldn't help laughing.

  The Great Ziwei's clothes are fluttering, but standing by the pool, there are countless goddesses secretly looking up.

The emperor Ziwei frowned: "If evil is not eliminated, how can there be personal affair with children. Moreover, God has a great heart of love, and if it is mixed with love, you will lose a fair heart." Between words, love and love Love sniffs.

  The God of War was slightly startled, and then shook his head.

  Because of the events between the God of Creation and the Lord, the God of Creation is not limited to the love between the gods.

  The years of the gods are too long, and if someone accompanies them, it is not too difficult.

  But it is also because the years are too long and I have seen too much, almost most of the gods are hard to move.

  "Furthermore, the Goddess of Creation did not forbid the goddess to yearn for Xingjun. You can be drawn out of the love root, only if it is a goddess who longs for someone who shouldn't be longing for."

  "Or, Si Fan?" The Great Emperor Ziwei said softly.

   "No way, there are still people who long for the evil god."

  The God of War wanted to laugh, but looking at the serious eyes of Emperor Ziwei, he couldn't laugh.

  Yes, Emperor Ziwei has always been the most fair and strict.

  The god-slashing platform he masters, I don't know how many gods have been cut.

  There has never been one person who can soften his heart.

   "The Great Emperor Ziwei has made a serious statement, and the goddess is aloft, how can she look at the evil **** who can't see the light." The **** of war waved his hand.

  The emperor Ziwei frowned.

  "Does the **** of war still think that someone looks down on the fact that the underground palace is closed? For the sake of mere love, he lost the face of the goddess! If it were not for the creation of the gods, the emperor would have shown her a good look."

   "Hmph. If she is in the hands of the emperor one day, she must be on the stage of God Slayer!" The Great Emperor Ziwei looked cold.

  The God of War was really angry when he saw that he moved, and he hurriedly changed the subject.

  "Emperor, you can leave things alone about the evil god. When you are in the lower realm, have you thought about who you want to reincarnate in the lower realm? Why don't you let the little **** speak for the emperor's convenience."

  The Great Ziwei will be in the lower realm in a hundred years.

  Hundred years, if you say it is long or not, it is not short.

  For the world, it takes only a hundred years from birth to death.

   But for the gods, it may take a nap, or it may be a hundred years to enter a samādhi.

  The Great Ziwei frowned: "How can it be so. Follow the will of God."

  The God of War suddenly smiled and nodded, and said no more.

  The Great Emperor Ziwei was about to walk away from the clouds, suddenly turned around and asked, "What kind of disaster will this emperor be in a hundred years from now?"

  It happened that Si Mingxing on one side flipped through the booklet: "Emperor, love robbery."

  God of War? ? ?

    Please remember this person...



  (End of this chapter)

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