Chapter 1061 Heaven's Punishment

  The full pond of lotus in the Nine Heavens provokes the gods to stop.

   But just stop.

  After all, no one knows whose love roots were drawn by the God of Creation.

  The Great Ziwei originally suspected something, but the goddess has been reborn and has already started a new life.

  It is impossible to come.

  The power of reincarnation is that he dare not touch it.

  Because of the contempt of the gods, Lulu in the lower realm took a deep breath.

  No one found that the Salvation Hall had closed the passage, and no one found that she was moved by Lu Huaijiang.

  Lu Lu Meiyu had a delicate smile, and his eyes seemed to be full of smiles.

  It makes people feel sweet at first glance.

  Lulu woke up the next day, and when he came out of Jiang’s house, he stopped in his footsteps.

  The power of the gods in her, it seems...

   is a bit weaker.

  Lulu sighed slightly.

  Out of the door without hesitation.

  Lulu walks on the prosperous long street in the capital. The bustling and prosperous streets in the past are now in depression a lot.

  The capital gathers the richest and most powerful people in the whole big week. They usually wear first-class clothes.

  Now everyone has a lot of low-key.

  Occasionally, I can see the people in a hurry.

   "What's the matter?" Lulu asked, holding the person.

  The little vendor saw that she was a charming little girl, but he was a little more patient.

  "Not all the vagrants are to blame. More and more vagrants flock to Dazhou, some rob and some steal, and many people in this city are robbed. Look at this street has become depressed.

  The vendor shook his head.

   "Girl, you should go back soon. This capital is in chaos right now."

  "Recently, the Imperial Forest Army was also arresting people. Do you remember the time before? The water in the palace. Harm, it means that the palace personnel accidentally caught fire and water. But some experts said that it was a punishment from heaven."

  "This is a warning from God."

   "The Imperial Forest Army is catching people who spread the rumors everywhere. Hey, I don't know when they can live a good life. The people just want to live a good life." The vendor sighed, picked up two baskets, and hurried away.

  Lulu looked in the direction of the palace.


  That day, did she say that she would marry Jiang Jiang?

  Lulu had a dull heartache, and stood on the side of the street and took a deep breath.

  At this moment, I saw Guan’s carriage galloping, and there was a little naughty baby standing in the middle of it.

  Lulu frowned, before Fei took the little milk baby in his arms.

  The galloping carriage hit a lot of things all the way before it could stop. Lulu was about to get angry.

   saw Guan Qing suddenly jumped off the carriage.

   Seeing Lulu's appearance, Guan Qing's face was startled, and the tall boy blushed the moment she saw her.

   "Lu...Miss Jiang, I'm sorry, the speed was too fast and almost hurt someone." For some reason, Guan Qing saw her and felt afraid to face her.

  Lulu put the little **** the ground, patted the mud on her body, and told her not to stand in the middle of the road in the future.

   looked at Guan Qing and said, "What are you doing so fast? What should you do if you hurt someone."

  Guan Qing frowned and sighed softly.

   "It's the twin sister of my compatriot. I came back from the palace yesterday and vomited blood."

   "I will be anxious to ask the doctor."

   Guan Qing remembered the words of his parents, hey, could not help sighing.

  Father and mother always said that when she was pregnant with him and Yingying, she often dreamed.

  Dreams that the daughter in her womb can save the world. If she enters the central palace, she will surely soothe the world.

   Now your Majesty threw out the younger sister who entered the palace for the first time, and the younger sister began to vomit blood.

  Fuzhong has long been anxious.

  (End of this chapter)

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