The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 1076: Emperor favors

  Chapter 1076 The emperor is partial to favor

   "She is in charge of my money, and the military power is also in her hands. What else can I give away."

  Lu Huaijiang has a single stick, spreading his hands.

  The ladies turned pale with fright. They seemed to be in trouble.

  Offended someone who shouldn’t be offended.

  A group of ladies looked at each other, and the coolness rose from the soles of their feet to the Tianling Gai.


  This time I really hug the wrong thigh.

  Damn Guan family, **** Mrs. Xiao!

What is even more unexpected is that Jiang Huailu was in charge of the emperor's warehouse and military power when he was only a few years old.

  The money and power of an emperor made her squeeze.

   And how old was she then?

  The more people think about it, the more frightened they are.

   "Obviously you asked me to keep it..." Lulu stared at the rascal man.

   "Give it to you." Lu Huaijiang said with a light smile.

  Brows are warm, with a slight smile on the corners of his mouth. This is a scene that everyone has never seen before.

  It seemed that all his iron-blooded wrists turned into soft fingers in front of her.

"However, today, I also prepared a separate gift. Lulu and Yu grew up to become a big girl. How can I come empty-handed on such a grand festival?" Lu Huaijiang stood up, in front of the civil and military officials. Said a meaningful sentence.

  Master Xie’s family suddenly trembling and said: "Your Majesty, there is no need for the gift. Miss Lulu doesn’t care about such vulgar people."

  Master Xie blinked frantically at the surrounding colleagues, and everyone immediately understood.

  Your Majesty has sent both the military power and the warehouse. In this big day of waiting, his gift will only be heavier than the first two.

  Rao is Jiang Huaian could not help but persuade: "Your Majesty, today is the day of my sister's rejoicing. You are already very satisfied if you can come. Just congratulate me."

   "Yes, your Majesty, Miss Jiang Huizhi Lanxin doesn't care about these vulgar things."

  Those thoughtful ladies are also secretly shocked, what are they going to give away? ?

  The emperor waved his hand: "Lulu likes it, everything is given away."

  After speaking, Lord Lu, behind him, brought up a small tray. Covered with a red cloth, Lu Huaijiang opened it, revealing a small delicate sandalwood box inside.

  The best red sandalwood, a piece of invaluable value.

  The ministers were frightened, and they always felt that your Majesty wanted to make a big deal today.

  Looking at him, it seemed that after years of forbearance, he could finally explode.

  A pair of eyes lit up.

  Thank you, your heart trembles. Your Majesty seems to have waited for this day for a long time.

   "No need to persuade, I can send everything." As long as you like, Jiangshan belongs to you, and naturally I also belong to you.

   Father Lu didn't look at him.

  I saw the emperor personally come forward to take the small box and hand it to Lulu.

  Xia's heart was raised, and she shook her head frantically at her daughter.

  A group of ministers trembled, not to mention the Xia family.

   For fear that the emperor will give something terrible.

The   box was placed on the table beside Lulu's body.

  Lu Huaijiang puffed up at her: "Open it and take a look." This thing, he was finally able to put it in front of her upright.

  He doesn’t care about the ministers, he only wants his Lulu to be happy.

  He just wants to take an oath of sovereignty, just want the world to know his mind.

  Lulu frowned lightly, raised his hand and gently clicked on the delicate little box.

   With a click, the lock opens.

  Glistening like jade, small jade stones that are square but palm-sized are quietly placed inside.

   is carved with a lifelike Kowloon, which looks extravagant and domineering.


  The ministers only glanced at one corner, and then took a breath, all knelt on the ground and did not dare to get up.

   even trembling with fright, his face turned pale.

   Hey, my stomach hurts. See if you can persist in writing another chapter. You can’t live by committing a crime, and you won’t dare to eat unscrupulously anymore...



  (End of this chapter)

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