The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 1077: The minister is crying

   Chapter 1077 Ministers are crying

  Your Majesty, he...

  He! !

  He even sent out Yuxi, a token representing the king of a country! !

  This prodigal son! !

  The ministers breathed for a while. They knew that your Majesty had finished thinking about a big vote, but they didn't expect him to be so crazy! !

   Yuxi as a gift to Jiang Huailu/???

   is something that has never happened before thousands of years.

  Where can the ladies sit still, they must worship when they see Yuxi.

  At this moment, they stood up with pale faces and knelt on the ground.

  Lian Jiang's family was sluggish, and then they knelt down quickly.

   "Your Majesty, you can't make it."

   "Your Majesty, the jade seal is a token of the emperor, without a token you cannot become a king. Seeing a jade seal is like seeing a king!!" Strictly speaking, the emperor is not considered a king without a jade seal.

  What's more, she still has military power?

  She still has the warehouse key?

  The minister was dizzy in front of him, and he felt untenable even thinking about it.

  "Your Majesty, these precious things cannot be used. You can use other things instead of loving Miss Jiang. Everything is negotiable, Your Majesty!" The minister knelt on the ground and cried constantly.

  Jiang Huaian also paled, how did he know that your Majesty actually played so big.

   hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, this gift Lulu can't accept it. Your Majesty, Lulu is just a little girl. Where can I need Yuxi as a gift." Jiang Huaian was almost crying.

  The eyes of the veterans behind him almost burned him through.

  Those ladies don’t need to mention them, they are already trembling all over.

What it is? A token that represents the prince of a country, it is a token of the world.

   Did your Majesty give it to her?

  I feel dizzy just thinking about it.

   scolded Guan Jia a **** head, and only hated that he was blind and stood on the wrong team.

  Your Majesty can give her the military power and the warehouse key. Is this out of favor? ?

  This is the housekeeper.

  Her Majesty is under her control.

  The ladies with eyes above the top want to cry without tears, this woman of Xia is so fateful.

   "Lulu, speak up." Jiang Huaian winked at his sister.

  Lulu is sticking his chin with one hand, while holding the jade seal in the other, tapping on the table.

  Every time, the ministers who knocked on it felt painful.

  I saw that the little girl took a walnut from the table and smashed it in front of the ministers.

"When I first returned to Beijing from the wasteland, I was only four years old. You gave me this thing, smashed walnuts for a few years, and cushioned the corners of the table for a few years. What did you send it back to?" Lulu looked on. Looking at him innocently.

  As soon as this remark came out, everyone was shocked.

  The audience is like petrification.

  Xian Wang Dangyu's eyelids jumped sharply.

   When the Jiang family returned to Beijing, the crown prince had not yet ascended the throne, but he had the power to supervise the country. In order to find out the jade seal, the first emperor wanted to deprive him of his prison. I turned the palace upside down and couldn't find it.


   Actually smashed walnuts at Jiang's house?

  Pushing the table foot in Jiang's house? ?

  Don't say that it is turning the capital upside down, it is impossible to find it even by digging the ground three feet.

  Who would have thought of playing in the hands of a three or four-year-old child.

   "I don't want it, you can take it back. A walnut is a chicken rib. After a few years, the foot of the table is not flat enough." Lulu looked disgusted, and squeezed the walnuts with light pressure with two fingers.

  These words made the ministers feel cool.

  Yu Xi, is it a walnut that has been smashed in her hand for several years? The corner of the table has been cushioned for several years? Your Majesty sent it out, but they didn't even want it.

   Dislike cumbersomeness.

  The ministers who knelt down were crying.

  (End of this chapter)

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