The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 1079: Take it from the people and destroy it from the people

  Chapter 1079 Taken from the People and Destroyed by the People

Yes it is.

   is not quite right.

  There has never been a concubine who can control the country's treasury key.

  No concubine can hang military power around her neck.

  No concubine can smash walnuts with jade seals since childhood.

  No concubine can wet the bed on the dragon bed, and even ask her to embroider her and give her homework.

  All of this, only she has this preferential treatment.

  More than the ladies in the backyard were shocked.

  Even the court is extremely disturbed.

"It's a good thing that your majesty treats girls from the Jiang family differently. Your majesty has been on the throne for nearly ten years, but the harem is empty..." Master Xie raised his eyebrows. His father, Mrs. Xie, Fu Zeng bluntly said that Ms. Yep.

   "Thank your lord, it is a good thing for your majesty to resuscitate you. But if you love a woman so much, I am afraid that the disadvantages outweigh the benefits." Your Majesty was too mindless in front of her.

  Usually, they only met once in the Imperial Study Room, and they felt that Your Majesty had been forcibly demoted before her.

  If you get married, do you have to? Your Majesty is afraid that she will be her ancestor all day long.

  "I don’t agree. If your Majesty wants to marry the Jiang girl as his wife, she must not be the queen. And if she wants to enter the palace, your Majesty will have a few more favors. She must not be alone."

  All the adults talked a lot, filled with outrage.

  Although I haven't seen your Majesty get along with the Jiang girl privately, today I always feel that your Majesty seems to be crushed by that girl.

  I don’t know if it’s an illusion.

"It seems like you can change your majesty's decision. The palace gate is there, so feel free to mention it if you have any comments. It's nothing more than a few more corpses of loyal ministers who crashed to death on the Golden Luang Temple. Your Majesty has succeeded in the throne these years, so few people have been killed. ?" Master Xia made a stubborn mouth.

  Everyone immediately glared at him: "If you get a bargain, you still sell well, you are not like your father at all!"

  Master Xia rolled his eyes, yo yo yo, he is still attacking.

  The ministers discussed it in private, but at the moment the Guan family fell out.

  "How is it possible! Your Majesty is so cold and indifferent, how can he support her face, body...even can do this!" Guan Yingying almost broke her teeth.

   "It is clear that the expert said that I am the fate of the Phoenix!"

   Guan Yingying was so angry that she broke the delicate tea cup on the table.

  'S eyes are full of coldness.

  Ms. Xiao's complexion is also not good-looking, how could she admit that she had chosen the wrong one in the first place. Obviously she chose it herself in her sleep, and Jiang Huailu could not compare to her own Yingying.

  How do you deserve to get such a favor from your Majesty!

   "Don't worry, you are the bright moon on the horizon, Jiang Huailu is just mud on the ground, how can you compare to me? Did you forget what the master said?" Madam Xiao hurriedly comforted her.

Guan Yingying took a deep breath, and it took a while before tears fell.

"Mother, I just feel unwilling. What's so good about Jiang Huailu? Her Majesty only sees her. She seems to be lowered. Since she was a child, Yingying knows she is responsible. Only if I marry her, Da Zhou can be peaceful. Yingying has never been selfish."

  Guan Yingying's grievance crying, Mrs. Xiao felt very distressed.

  In my heart, I hate Jiang Huailu more and more.

  Not only your Majesty values ​​Jiang Huailu, but her reputation among the people is extremely high.

  On her birthday, the young master of the Yang family set up disaster relief offices everywhere in the world. This gift did not come back until a few days later.

  This made her prestige reach unprecedented heights.

  She is the richest man in the world. She has rescued countless disasters, and the people she has rescued are countless.

  What the people want.

A coldness flashed in Mrs. Xiao's eyes.

  Take it from the people, and it can be destroyed by the people!

  Jiang Huailu, see how long you can laugh!

  (End of this chapter)

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