The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 1080: See you in the first life

  Chapter 1080 First See You in the First Life

  Lu Huaijiang’s thoughts have long been known all over the world.

  But everyone waited and waited. After waiting for half a month, they never saw his gift of marriage.

  The group of courtiers who tried to oppose was a little discouraged for a while.

  And Lu Huaijiang, but quietly arrived in the Jiang family mansion.

   "Lulu, I'll take you to a place." Lu Huaijiang fell into Jiang's house, staring straight at the little girl by the bed.

  Lulu's smiles and smiles, they all have the light of when they used to be a goddess.

  She is so beautiful.

   but with a bit of a goddess-specific aura, aloof with a cold divine intent.

  Lu Huaijiang came forward and gently held her hand, Lulu only struggled for a while, seeing that his eyes were smiling, but he also gave up.

   "I want to take you to a place."

  Lulu tilted his head, only one flashed away.

  Lulu felt the sudden drop in temperature on his side.

  Lu Huaijiang gave her a breath, and then she warmed up.

   "Where is this place?" Lulu was a little surprised. He raised his eyes and looked at it. It didn't look like a human world.

  "This is the only place that can prove that we have existed." Lu Huaijiang's tone was rare and warm.

   "It's a bit familiar here, but I can't remember when I have been here." Lulu was led by him and went all the way.

  You can feel the howling cold wind and the cold yin in your ears.

  It’s still July and August, why is it so cold?

   "Probably in a dream." Lu Huaijiang held her wrist tightly, and a trace of tension flashed between his eyebrows.

  Lulu raised his eyes and saw that it was dark everywhere, as if forgotten by the world.

  I want to explode in my head, and I always feel dizzy.

  Lu Huaijiang saw that her expression was wrong, so he hurriedly reached out and embraced her in his arms.

   Covered her sight with a robe, isolating everything.

  Lulu then quieted down.

  He leaned on her ear and whispered softly: "I will hold you over."

   hugged her horizontally, a gust of wind rose under her feet, and she went straight into the Samsara Hall.

  As soon as you enter the hall door, you can see the bleak three-life stone in the center.

   "Lulu, come and see."

  "This is the Sanshengshi. In each of my life, your name has been engraved here." Lu Huaijiang put her down and gently supported the Sanshengshi.

  Lulu stands next to the Sansheng Stone, and when his hand touches the Sansheng Stone, the Sansheng Stone glows with light.

  The dense cluster of names flashed past.

  Finally, it was fixed on seven identical names.

  Lu Huaijiang...

  Lu Huaijiang...

  Lu Huaijiang...

  Lu Huaijiang...

  Lu Huaijiang...

  Lu Huaijiang...

  Lu Huaijiang...

  The seven names went down one by one, but there was no her name beside her.

   only left a bunch of **** handprints.

  "Your name is never engraved. You never liked me." This seventh life is his long road to unrequited love.

  Lulu raised his hand and stroked the indentation on it. In each life, he waited alone to death.

  The eye sockets are slightly warm, and I sniffs gently.

  Lu Huaijiang held her hand, his figure flashed, and he came to the mirror of reincarnation.

   Raised his hand and waved on the Samsara mirror, white light passed by.

  In the mirror of reincarnation, a small round figure appeared.

  The little goddess wore a dress woven with Xiaguang, and the moment she landed, she turned into a few-year-old girl.

  White snow, the moment the little girl landed.

   then looked at each other with a pair of black eyes.

  At this moment, it seems that the world has stopped.

  The little girl looked nervous, and the godmother asked her to go down to the earth to exorcise evil spirits. The first time she was in the lower realm, she was seen by a mortal.

  The mortal was ragged and dirty, but his eyes were fierce and bloody.

  It seems to be only seven or eight years old.

When the little goddess' eyes fell on him, he unconsciously put away his **** hands.

   involuntarily retracted his exposed toes.

    My stomach is much better today. Last night, my husband boiled a bowl of brown sugar, **** and red date water. Ah, I'm alive again, hahahaha



  (End of this chapter)

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