The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 1081: Give him a name

   Chapter 1081 Give him a name

"What's your name?"

  The little goddess is round and round, a bit more delicate than the little virgin sitting down by Guanyin.

  The young man looked at her in fear, and took a step back faintly.

   "I said, what's your name?" The little goddess muttered. Why are mortals so difficult to get along with?

  But here is white snow, and she can't see the side at a glance, she actually doesn't know where she is.

  The teenager in front of her did not want to pay attention to her, and the little goddess was not angry.

  She seemed to never know the sorrow, and followed him in a chattering voice.

  Yes, she fell in love that day.

  Little boy seemed to be more unlucky than she thought.

   was born homeless and was abandoned in the mountains.

  He was raised by wolves.

  Savage and bloodthirsty like a wolf cub.

  But the little girl looked like a rascal: "My name is Jiang Huailu. Do you have a name? If not, I will get one for you."

   "Hmm..." The little girl scratched her head and thought for a long time. She hadn't read many books yet, and she couldn't get a name.

  But the big words have been blown out.

  If you don’t take out one, I’m a little embarrassed.

  Besides, the little brother raised his head and looked at her rare. For a moment, she raised her head and pondered for a long time before stuttering one: "Lu, Lu Huaijiang. How's it going?"

   "Look, my name is Jiang Huailu, the reverse is Lu Huaijiang. I am in you, and you are in me. What a good name, I am such a genius," the little girl akimbo her hands.

  In the cave, the little girl circled him happily: "Is this name good? Okay? If you don't speak, you will be Lu Huaijiang in the future."

  The young man didn't speak, and the lit fire was crackling.

  The moment he lowered his head, he seemed to see the corners of his slightly hooked lips.

  From now on, he will hunt twice.

  His cave was given to the little girl.

  He always gives his straw mat to the little girl to sleep, even if he hasn’t said a word.

"I'm here to find the big demon. I'm looking for the worst and worst big demon. I just need to kill him and I can complete the task. I can find my parents..." , Often pulled him to tell him how bad the big devil was.

  The little girl looked for a long time, but also disappointed for a long time.

   "I can't find the big devil, so I can't go home. Do you want to find it for me?" The little girl was teary.

  The boy did not agree to her.

  Lulu stood blankly in front of the mirror of reincarnation.

That is…

  It was the first time, the first time she was in the lower realm.

  She stared at herself in the mirror of reincarnation blankly, and she fixed the original boy at a glance. And renamed him, Lu Huaijiang!

  She watched the two in the mirror of reincarnation grow up.


  In the mirror of reincarnation, the family of the abandoned boy found him.

  This is a turbulent world, disputes in a turbulent world, and everyone is gambling, all wanting to have a vast world.

  Young, he is decisive in killing, calm and calm, and is a natural master.

  The day he was retrieved by his biological father, the little goddess sensed the breath of the big devil.

  That day, she left without saying goodbye.

  The young man walked out of the mountains in order to retrieve her and also for his own ambitions.

  In the mirror of reincarnation, the two run in opposite directions.

  The little goddess looked around for the big demon king, and the boy stepped on the blood and stepped on countless bones to a higher position.

  The little **** girl is innocent, and for the first time, the lower realm has not even concealed her figure.

It didn't take long for    to separate, and then he was aware of the aura on his body.

  Fortunately, the other party is a family serving the gods.

   then offered her up.

  The opposing teenagers went farther and farther, standing higher and higher.

  Person, the big devil.

  Wherever he went, blood flowed into rivers, where he stood, bones piled up into towers.

Years later.

  Until...the day when the two actually met.

  (End of this chapter)

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