The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 1083: You are my catastrophe

  Chapter 1083 You are my catastrophe

  The man smiled slightly.

  With the knife in her hand, she took a step forward, but the goddess took a step back and did not dare to reach out and take it.

  The little goddess struggled between her eyebrows.

   "It's time for you to go home. I will be very happy to be able to take you home."

  The little goddess shook her head, stepping back step by step: "Is it worth it? Why do you want this? I..." She raised her hand to caress her heart, why is it so stuffy and blocked.

  The man smiled deeper and deeper: "As long as you can remember me, everything is worth it. The goddess should have been soaring in the nine heavens. It is the luck of my life to be lucky enough to meet the goddess. Just ask, you remember me."

  After speaking, he quickly stepped forward and grabbed her.

   pressed her hand tightly.

  The sharp knife pierced his abdomen.

  The warm blood flowed down the hilt of the knife to her hands, dyeing her hands red.

  The blood was hot and scorching, and it made her heart seem to be scalded.

   "You have endless years... I just hope that in your long years... I can have a trace of memory." The man felt the vitality passing by quickly, and slowly fell to the ground.

  The little goddess was full of panic, why she was not happy at all when she killed the big demon.

  Why is she so uncomfortable?

  He became the demon in order to perfect himself.

  The little goddess tried to recover his injuries with divine power, but found that her injuries were actually accelerating his death.

  Suddenly, his face paled with fright.

"remember me."

  The man said word by word, with a bang.

  The mirror of reincarnation raised a vast expanse of fairy mist.

  Lu Huaijiang collapsed to the ground, helping Lulu with tears on his face. She could almost feel her trembling all over.

   "The reincarnation mirror can't see the gods." Bai Wu, probably the goddess returned to the Nine Heavens.

  Lulu's heart is tingling so badly that she can hardly control her trembling herself.

  She remembered.

  At that time, she stabbed ‘him’ with a single knife.

  She wanted to heal his wound with divine power, but found that the other party had accelerated death.

  As soon as his body touched her divine power, it turned into a white light and returned to the underworld.

  At that time, she stumbled and returned to the realm of God.

  She cried and said that she had killed the wrong person and made a mistake.

She even hugged her godmother incoherently and cried: "Godmother, I killed the wrong person. He, he...he wanted me to go home, so that I could find my father and mother. He made me perfect, he became a big demon. I am. Kill him... Godmother, he was wronged. Godmother, he was wronged. He was trying to perfect me. Can you save him..."

   Ganniang looked at her and shook her head slightly: "You are attracted by fate. Never missed it."

  The sentence at the time directly made her stunned on the spot.

   Going around, his fulfillment.

  It was originally him?

   "You did a good job. But..." Ganniang frowned, as if looking at her with pity and distress in her eyes.

   "Lulu, you have a deep bond with his destiny. You have to be firm in your heart. This time you did a good job, and the next time, it will be the same."

  She was stunned.

   "He is a born demon, even if it is not because of you, he will fall into the magic way. This is the case in every life. You don't have to feel guilty for this." Ganniang said.

  But she felt terribly uncomfortable in her heart.

  At this moment, Lulu remembered the memory of the first life, but he still didn’t understand.

  Her disaster is Lu Huaijiang.

  Lu Huaijiang’s robbery is her.

  The two are ups and downs in reincarnation, each other's troubles.

  (End of this chapter)

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