The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 1084: Big Trotter has come to order her

  Chapter 1084 Big pig's hoof is coming to fix her

   "Don't be afraid. I'm fine." Lu Huaijiang took her into his arms.

  Lulu was weak, she didn't understand it in her first life.

  What is love and what is love, I only know that I feel uncomfortable.

   can't even respond to him in the first life.

  Lulu’s mouth was a bit bitter, and he only held his hand tightly and did not dare to loosen it.

  What is good?

  Every life exists for her, and every life dies because of her, is this good?

  "Do you know that I am your robbery?" Lulu asked in a low voice.

   "I am your love, right?" Lulu's voice was bitter.

  Lu Huaijiang was slightly stiff, as if he was holding her and sighed slightly.

   "Well. I knew it very early." Every life is attracted to her and meets with her. Where does he not know?

  Know how, every life is still attracted to her.

  The first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh life, every time, she knew her threat to herself.

   But still letting himself sink.

   "You have to kill me to break the robbery, right?" Lulu asked, biting his lower lip.

   can almost smell the fishy smell in the lips.

  Lu Huaijiang's hand tightened a bit, and his eyebrows smiled: "How can love and robbery be so simple." He naturally wouldn't tell Lulu.

  Lulu didn't speak, only lying in his arms without saying a word.

  Lu Huaijiang’s love is hers.

  Her robbery is Lu Huaijiang.

   "Do you still watch it today?" Lu Huaijiang asked in a low voice.

  Lulu shook her head. She received part of the memory, and her brain hurts terribly. She also felt that she had lost her mind, and she had to be prepared for it seven times.

   "Then I will take you back. When you want to come, I will accompany you." Lu Huaijiang picked her up, lying in his arms, looking extremely petite.

   There was a cracking sound in the surrounding area, and he opened his eyes again and returned to the world.

   "Tomorrow, I will fix you." Lu Huaijiang lay on her ear and said softly.

  The warm breath made the tip of Lulu's ears heat, and the little girl's pale face became faintly ruddy.

  He had to be anxious.

  He was afraid that Heaven would find him.

  Having trouble each other, but fell in love.

  The wrath of the heavens can be imagined.

  Lu Huaijiang lightly kissed the center of her eyebrows, feeling the heat of her ears, and the center of her eyebrows was cold.

   Raised his hand and wiped it lightly, the eyebrows became cool.

  Lulu was startled.

   "It won't matter. Everything is with me. Don't worry about being my bride." Lu Huaijiang lay beside her ear, and disappeared into the air after she finished speaking.

  When he left, Lulu's whole body's oppression and shyness faded a bit.

   Stand up and stand in front of the window.

  The days of July and August are sultry and dry.

  Lulu took a deep breath: "Goddamn, Lulu only violated you this time." This heavy love made her unable to leave it behind.

  After speaking, he closed the window.


  Early the next morning.

Before Lulu opened his eyes, he heard the sound of beating outside the door.

   seems to be beaming, and seems to have heard the congratulations from everyone.

   Taozhi smiled and looked at her with a pair of eyes full of playfulness.

   "Girl, get up quickly. Today is a good thing." After saying that, she hurriedly freshened up the girl and combed a nice hairstyle.

Lulu guessed something, bit her lower lip and followed out.

  Sure enough...

  As soon as he left the house, he found that the people in the mansion were beaming and seemed to be kneeling on the ground to take orders.

   "Our little cabbage finally has a big pig's hoofs to make a decision." Wen walked behind her with a gentle smile on his eyebrows.

  Lulu blushed all at once.

  (End of this chapter)

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