The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 1086: Phoenix Crown Xia

   Chapter 1086

   "It's really strange. Since your Majesty ordered the marriage with the Jiang family, the flowers in the capital are all blooming."

   "It's August. It's scorching everywhere, and it's full of flowers overnight."

  Early the next morning.

  Everyone pushed open the door.

  In fact, I saw the city full of flowers in full bloom, and all kinds of rare and exotic plants were vying for beauty.

  The appearance of the flowers and flowers, I don’t know, I thought it was spring.

   "Oh, girl, your piece of green grass has new leaves." Peach Branch took advantage of the cool morning weather to water the flowers and plants in the garden.

  When I lowered my head, I saw the grass of the girl’s treasure.

  Lulu hurriedly ran out, only to find that a young leaf had grown on the top of the grass.

  The tender yellow leaves are full of vitality.

  Lulu saw this tender leaf, and felt a little more joyful in her heart.

   Stretched out his white fingers and gently touched the green leaves: "You have to grow a few more leaves. After a few years, one leaf will grow. Last night I was struggling, and another tender leaf grew."

  Lulu clicked on the delicate and dripping leaves, looked at it for a long time, and then got up happily.

   Tao Zhi smiled and said: "Girl, you and your majesty are really a match made in heaven. Your majesty only made a marriage appointment with you yesterday. Today, the city is full of flowers, and it is said that you are a well-deserved queen empress.

  The smile on Lulu’s mouth faded a bit.

  For God, anyone can be a queen, but she can’t.

  "These flowers and plants..." They have accepted their own favors, so they are celebrating her.

  Tao Zhi doesn't quite understand why the girl is always a little sad.

"Girl, your marriage is scheduled for eight months. For the emperor to marry the queen, the time is a bit too late. I don't know whether the clothing bureau can prepare the phoenix crown and xiamen. It will take a few years to prepare." Tao Zhi muttered.

  Lulu couldn’t help but smile: "Believe it or not, he can send Fengguanxiamen today?"

  Tao Zhi's eyes stared, as if she didn't believe it.

As    was talking, he heard the news from the front yard, and there were people in the palace.

  Lulu followed the maid to the front yard.

  In the front yard, there were more than a dozen boxes carried, and Grandpa Lu was all smiles.

"Miss Jiang, this is Feng Guanxia, ​​please try the size. The clothing bureau estimates that there will be some minor changes, so let people send it to try in advance." A few palace officials from the clothing bureau stood behind him. See you here.

  The Xia family's eyes widened, and they only made a marriage agreement yesterday. Today, Feng Guanxia was delivered?

  The palace staff of the Garment Bureau approached Lulu and invited Lulu into the house.

  Lu father-in-law waved his hand: "The slave dare not be rude."

  Grandpa Lu knows the position of Jiang Huailu in His Majesty’s heart best.

  The Xia family couldn't help but asked: "Father-in-law, this phoenix crown xia..." Rao knew that she had never had a concubine in her family and was born as a fateful wife.

  Phoenix crown and xiamen almost need dozens of embroidered women to be embroidered day and night, in units of years.

  Grandpa Lu smiled: "Your Majesty has asked her to make a phoenix crown in the size of Lulu girl every year since she was ten years old. You can always use it if you are prepared for it."

   Grandpa Lu lifted his hand, and the Xia family saw the pile of open boxes.

   was actually full of phoenix robes.

  Every year, I prepare it for her.

  Xia's mind was shocked, she knew that His Majesty had a friendship with Lulu.

  I can see those phoenix robes at this moment.

  She thought, Your Majesty, maybe a bit more affectionate than she thought.

  (End of this chapter)

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