The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 1087: Your majesty protects short

  Chapter 1087 Your Majesty's Protection

  Lulu tried out the phoenix robe.

  The palace staff of the clothing bureau looked at her in a daze, until she changed her clothes and came out, still a little stunned.

  "Does the clothes need to be changed?" Grandpa Lu asked carefully.

The palace staff of the   Clothing Bureau returned to his senses and shook his head hurriedly: "No major changes are needed. This size is still measured during the Chinese New Year, and only a few simple changes are required."

  Since this aunt turns ten years old, Your Majesty has asked the Garment Bureau to make a phoenix robe in her size every year.

  The entire clothing bureau has been busy for her all these years.

  Grandpa Lu nodded in satisfaction, as long as it does not affect the wedding period, that is a good thing.

  Until the palace clerk left, Xia's pulled Lulu back into the house.

"Your Majesty is powerful, our Jiang family is too weak for your Majesty. Mother, I'm afraid you will suffer and be wronged by marrying your Majesty. Now I want to come..." Xia shook her head, maybe she can safely teach her daughter. His Majesty.

  "Now, don't you worry about your daughter's failure to be hammered to death in the future?" Lulu looked at her carefully.

  Xia slapped her with anger, this unobstructed guy.

   "Mother, don't worry. It will never be me who will suffer." Lulu's mouth curled up.

  Xia felt helpless and relieved.

  Lulu can only be so arrogant and indulgent in front of someone who he trusts.

  Jiang’s house is quiet and peaceful, and the red envelopes Xia gave to everyone, hidden joy.

  In the capital, there were waves of envy and surprise.

   "Your Majesty sent something to the Jiang family again?"

   "The Jiang family is really going to take advantage of her daughter." Everyone was envious.

  It’s even more desperate.

  The second day of the Jiang family's marriage.

  Jiang Huaian jumped two levels in a row, from the fourth rank of the positive, leaps from the third rank, and directly promoted to the third rank.

  Master Xia was promoted from the third rank to the second rank.

  And the Guan family, was called back to the capital by His Majesty’s imperial decree.

  The close ministers and pets in front of your Majesty, everyone thought that the Guan family was a proper first-grade product this time.

  Which knows...

After   , the Guan family changed from the original second-grade to the second-grade Cong. It was one level lower than Master Xia.

   was only barely half a level higher than Jiang Huaian.

  The problem is that Jiang Huaian is only in his twenties, young and strong, while Lord Guan has entered middle age and is on the decline.

   Suddenly in an uproar.

  It is said that Lord Guan was above the court at that time, and his face turned pale and extremely ugly.

  All the ministers trembled. This is your majesty's hatred of Guan's family for embarrassing his fiancée.

  All the adults looked at each other and wanted to persuade them.

   Seeing your Majesty’s newly recruited adviser, he suddenly carried out a series of memorials.

  The new admonisher only belongs to your majesty, and has many eyes and ears. He can know anything that happens in the capital.

  At this moment, I saw him chanting a lot of names. It turned out that they were all the wife's family who attended the banquet at Guan's house that day.

  The scary thing is, how can an official not wet his shoes.

   More or less there will be times when the line is stepped on.

  And that Majesty’s confidant admonishes the officials, I don’t know where to find out their private troubles.

  Some occupied houses, some accepted bribes, some spoiled their wives, some disrespected their parents, etc...

  Stunned that he caught the handle.

  This is all right. If you haven't interceded for Lord Guan, you must first ask your majesty for mercy.

  A group of ministers hit the board at the time, screaming screaming, and everyone went in and lay out.

  Ouch, screaming again and again, snot and tears.

When    went back, he scolded the blindfolded ladies in the mansion.

   hurriedly sent someone to Jiang’s house to admit his mistake.

  This matter has only been revealed.

  Everyone also understands from this, Your Majesty...

  This is a fair and honest way to get back to the scene, and protect the shortcomings.

  (End of this chapter)

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