The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 1088: Earth movement

   Chapter 1088 Earth Movement

  The relationship is set quietly.

  Nothing seems to have changed, and everything seems to be different again.

  The capital city wall at this moment.

  The general wearing a suit of armor had anxious eyes in his eyes, and he looked at the refugees who could not be seen outside the city and shook his head: "There are more and more refugees."

  "Go and ask, what happened outside?"

  Ms. Jiang, the first richest man tomorrow, and her Majesty have sent a large number of soldiers and money to help the disaster.

  It stands to reason that the number of refugees should be reduced.

  Master Fang stood on the city wall, after thinking for a while, he followed the soldiers down and stood at the gate of the city.

  "Where are you refugees from? Didn't your majesty send disaster relief silver?" The officers and soldiers stopped the refugees and asked.

  The refugees in rags knelt on the ground and kept kowtowing: "I beg the official to let go, the hometown of the people is gone. It's gone..."

  "Officials, the court's money and the officers and soldiers have all been rescued. But...could" the homeless people who spoke could not help crying.

"But on July 20th, there was a thunderbolt on the sunny day, and there was no rain. The river stopped flowing and the ground was deep ravines. Nine out of ten of our villages died. All of them died. what…"

   "Official man..."

   "God, why is this torturing us so much." The refugee knelt on the ground and wept bitterly.

  Master Fang frowned. Why has Jingcheng never heard of this?

  "Where are you from?" Lord Fang asked in a deep voice.

The outcast cried out of breath: "We are the land of Nanjiang. Originally, the land of fish and rice, the most important thing is rain. Who knows that it has not rained for three consecutive months and has been exposed to the sun on that day. The lightning flashed, shaking the sky and frightening everyone. Since the thunderbolt, there has never been a drop of rain."

   "It's like God is angry." A refugee said in a hurry behind him.

  I still feel shocked and terrified when I think about it.

   "And... even the Hall of Salvation we built on the mountain was directly split by a thunder. It directly disconnected the Hall of Salvation from the middle. The whole world seemed to be divided into two halves."

  Master Fang's expression tightened, Nan Jiang didn't even hear the slightest news?

   "You have settled the refugees, I will enter the palace and report to your majesty." Master Fang turned around and left after speaking.

  This matter is not trivial.

  July 20, that day...

   seems to be the date of his majesty's appointment.

  Master Fang reported the matter, which immediately caused an uproar.

  July 20, three months from now.

  The drought is so terrible.

  The emperor was furious that day.

  Late night, all courtiers stayed in the palace trembling.

  In the middle of the night.

  The courtier dragged his tired body to prepare to leave the palace, but when he left the palace, he suddenly felt a tremor.

  It seems that the world is shaking.

  The palace bells jingle under the eaves.

  The glazed tiles on the roof slipped and crackled to the ground, smashing to pieces.

  Xian Wang stood at the forefront, unable to evade, and was directly smashed by the glazed tiles.

  The courtier was shocked, and hurriedly supported the surrounding walls before barely standing up straight.

  In an instant, I felt horrified screams around me.

"what happened."

   "Protect your majesty quickly."

   "The ground has moved. The ground has moved. Everyone knelt down and begged God for forgiveness. The ground moved."

  I don't know who shouted, and the courtiers knelt down in horror and bowed to the sky.

   is shaking everywhere, the sky is spinning around.

  Even a trace of cracks appeared on the ground, and the ministers were in a state of confusion.

  (End of this chapter)

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