The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 1089: Rumors are everywhere

   Chapter 1089 Rumors Rise

   "Protect your majesty quickly."

  "Go outside the Imperial Garden. There is an open land." Master Xia shouted and hurriedly led people to the Imperial Garden.

  All the officials staggered, and all the old officials' hair was almost white, and their calves were trembling with fright at this moment.

  Everyone ran to the open land in shock.

  Some veterans collapsed to the ground impolitely, as if frightened.

  His Majesty is wearing a dragon robe and standing in the garden with a calm face.

   "Your Majesty, I'm afraid where the ground moved. Every time the ground moves, the sky collapses and the ground shakes. This is a punishment from the heavens."

   "Your Majesty, I am afraid that we will hold a sacrifice immediately and pray for God's forgiveness."

  The ministers knelt on the ground one after another, and fell to their knees.

  Lu Huaijiang stood upright in the same place, his body was cold and his body was cold.

   "I just want to live in peace and stability for a while, without asking for anything, why wouldn't I let my heart be fulfilled?" Lu Huaijiang whispered.

  At this moment, the Cthulhu said in his mind: "You cannot live by yourself. You cannot die by yourself. The way of heaven is so domineering, benevolent to everyone in the world, only cruel to you and me."

  At this moment, Cthulhu's eyes narrowed slightly.

   turned into an invisible force and merged directly into Lu Huaijiang's body.


  A flash of lightning struck the sky, illuminating almost the entire sky.

  The harsh lightning was crisscrossing the sky, thunderbolt around the palace.

  Wind, the hem of the emperor's clothes made a sound.

  I don’t know why, at this moment, everyone is actually afraid of your Majesty.

  Everyone can only keep their heads down, afraid to look at the figure.

   didn't dare to accuse him of kneeling down and praying to heaven, only that such a majesty was extremely terrible.

  The ground movement lasted for half an hour, and soon everything calmed down.

  The capital was probably far away, and only a few small objects were shattered everywhere. But there was a mess in the hall, fortunately, it did not cause much harm.

  "Go and find out where the disaster has occurred." Lu Huaijiang said coldly.

  During the day, we are still discussing the sudden drought on the Nanjiang River, but now it is ground motion.

  Is this threatening him?

  Lu Huaijiang sneered.

  The ministers got up tremblingly, the wise king was holding the blood on his head, but there was a cold light in his eyes.

  "Your Majesty, the minister suggested that the Qin Tianjian preside over a sacrifice to the heavens, so as to soothe the hearts of the people." Mr. Yang said loudly.

  The ministers knelt down to ask for orders,

   His Majesty chuckled lowly: "Sacrifice to the heavens, pray to God. What can I pray for?"

   "I won't mention this matter again." Lu Huaijiang flicked his sleeve and left.

  The ministers looked at each other, and the King Xian raised his lips slightly.

  Things are a bit more serious than imagined.

  The people stayed up all night, fled the house hastily, and slept on the street all night.

  Everyone was uneasy, and they cried almost all night.

  Uneasy and fearful, and awe of God.

  Sometimes, rumors spread.

   "God sends out warnings and disasters one after another, is it because of the emperor?"

   "The disasters are all after your Majesty’s engagement. Is it because your Majesty is not in harmony with Na Jiang? I heard that an expert once said that your majesty’s queen should belong to the Guan family?

  This matter was fermented ferociously in just one night.

  Some people say that Jiang’s girl is not worthy of being a queen, so she went to heaven to warn her after the marriage.

  Some people also say that your majesty's throne is not righteous, brutal slaughter, and God sends punishments. As long as Mingjun appears in the world, everything will be solved naturally.

  Some people also say that your Majesty and Ms. Jiang’s characters are incompatible and should not be matched. If they match, it must be blood flowing.

  Rumors have spread, and all parties have changed.

  (End of this chapter)

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