The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 1090: Arato Earthquake

   Chapter 1090

  Early morning.

  When the first ray of sunlight hit the ground, everyone stared at the sky blankly.

  The bright red tomorrow finally broke the darkness.

  Everyone stayed up all night, hugging their knees, or kneeling on the street, seemingly out of control.

  Everyone was blushing, looking at the red sun.

  As soon as the city gate opened, he heard the sound of horses hooves galloping.

   On the street, the horse was already tired and vomited blood.

   There was a pop.

  The steed fell directly to the ground and passed out.

  The messenger fell with blood all over his face, and he fell into the dust, and his legs were completely out of strength.

  "Baili is in a hurry. The wasteland is moving, and there are countless casualties. Baili is in a hurry, and the wasteland is moving, and there are countless casualties." The reporter vomited blood, and someone immediately reported to the guard on patrol.

  Everyone watched as the guards brought the informant into the palace, and everyone suddenly talked.

   "The wasteland moves? The wasteland is far away from here, and there is such a big action in the palace. The wasteland should become a purgatory?"

   "All the deserts are changing. Could it be that God wants to kill those criminal officials?"

  Huang is a place of exile, and it has been preached by everyone.

  But as we all know, there is a place of being abandoned.

  If it weren’t for the Hall of Salvation to rise to fame from Huangdu, I am afraid that Huangdu still represents death and despair.

   "Doesn't there be a Salvation Hall in Famine? It is said that there are gods in the Salvation Hall. Why don't the gods save the famine?" Some people asked in a low voice.

  Everyone didn’t think much about it. The Hall of Salvation can drive away evil spirits, so they can’t take care of natural disasters, right?

  But the caring person's eyes flashed slightly, and disappeared into the crowd in an instant after listening.

  The wasteland moved, causing an uproar in the capital.

   Above the court, the atmosphere was tense, and all the officials tightened.

  The messenger who was so tired that he drove out from the famine overnight and ran to death with three horses, almost vomiting blood.

"Huangdu was extremely sultry yesterday. In the morning, there were countless birds flying in the sky. The birds were all screaming and fleeing. At noon, even the cattle and sheep began to move, and the fish in the pond began to jump out one after another. I feel bored in my heart and feel terribly uncomfortable."

   "Many people are uneasy. They have been guarding against something bad. Who knows, by last night..." The messenger paused suddenly, and he sobbed as he spoke.

  "Last night, everyone turned off their lights and rested. Just when they went to sleep, they felt the sky spin and the whole house was shaking. All the objects should fall and shattered."

   "Move faster, and ran out hurriedly with his family members. The front foot came out, and the house on the back foot collapsed directly. A dust was raised."

  "This is just the beginning. Houses collapsed one after another, and cracks began to appear on the ground."

   "Everyone ran out crying, but didn't pay attention to their feet. They fell directly from the crack, and even the capital of the corpse could not be found."

   “I don’t know how many people died in my sleep, but some of them escaped and were swallowed by cracks. Everyone ran toward the flat ground, like a purgatory. The ears were full of crying, like **** ghosts.”

  The messenger witnessed this scene with his own eyes.

   At that time, there were ten people who came out to deliver letters, and he was the only one who left the deserted capital alive.

  At this moment, thinking of the tragedy of last night, he vomited and vomited blood.

   "One more thing..." The messenger paused, and a panic flashed in his eyes.

  He looked at His Majesty hesitantly.

  (End of this chapter)

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