The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 1100: Digging demon pill

   Chapter 1100

  The dream time seems to pass quickly.

  Lulu squatted beside him, trying to reach out and touch him.

  My hands flashed past, and I couldn't touch anything.

  It’s just that the man would stare at her in a daze from time to time, and would stretch out his hand to cover her cheek when she raised her hand to touch her cheek.

  Obviously, he couldn't feel anything.

   "Don't be stupid, don't be so stupid, she is just a stone that doesn't heat up."

"Jiang Jiang, I am willing to marry you. I am willing to marry you in the seventh life. Don't be stupid, don't be stupid, okay?" Lulu knew he could not hear, but still couldn't help squatting in his ear and muttering .

   Entangled for generations, he is the seventh son of the demon clan.

  In the past three days, the man did nothing but knelt in the stone room and rubbed the puppet.

  Lulu sometimes helplessly hugged her knees and squatted indoors in a daze, but she never noticed that the man’s infatuated gaze followed her faintly.

  Three days are fleeting.

  Lulu watched his hands turn into a sharp blade, and Shengsheng took out a fiery red demon pill from his chest.

   "No, no. Jiang Jiang, Jiang Jiang...Don't no." Lulu almost cried crazy, and rushed forward to stop him regardless.

  I knew it was a dream, but I still couldn’t help it.

  As soon as he passed through him, a touch of sadness flashed across the man's face, but it was mixed with joy.

   is like a person who is on the verge of death reintroduced to life.

  Shengsheng dug out the demon pill, and the man grew older in an instant.

  A head of blue silk was directly drawn to life and turned into long white hair.

  When the little goddess reappeared here, she saw him completely cut off from life, and his face was withered.

  She looked at him with shocked and complicated eyes, and there seemed to be a dull pain in her heart, but it was not obvious.

   is just terribly uncomfortable.

   "Hey. The demon pill you want, I got it for you."

  The fiery red demon pill bloomed with traces of light, and there was still a trace of blood on it.

  The little goddess trembled, she didn't even dare to reach out to take it.

  The little goddess who is wanting and asking for nothing, the blood-covered Yaozu Da Neng, kneeling, looked up at her.

  The little goddess doesn't know why, but she feels terribly uncomfortable.

  I just feel empty.

   "What you want, I can do it."

  The little goddess looked at him blankly: "Then what do you want?"

  The man gently pressed his lips: "Come here." There was hope in his eyes and expectation.

  The little goddess showed no defense against him, and went straight forward.

As soon as    approached, the waist was confined by the man, and he pulled it down.

   A light touch on her lips, as if with piety and long-lost expectation.

  The little goddess' face changed drastically, and she felt her warm lips tremble all over. A strange sensation reached the limbs and eight meridians from the heart.

   "You are presumptuous." The little goddess's face was flushed, her eyes almost glowed with fire, but her ears were scary.

  The man laughed lowly: "Demon Pill, take it away. From now on, we won’t meet again."

  The little goddess frowned, and the man smiled provocatively on her eyebrows: "Why, do you want to be frivolous by me again? Or do you want more?"

  The little goddess stomped with anger: "Hmph, Deng the apprentice, Deng the apprentice." Then Nei Dan flew into her hands, and saw that she turned her head and stared at the man on the ground, turned her head and left.

  Anyway, he can steal the treasure and dig the demon pill. How can he be trapped here?

  The little goddess didn't doubt his ability at all.

  In other words, she is still pure and unwilling, and has never been tempted by him.

  If you are not tempted, you will not feel distressed.

  (End of this chapter)

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