The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 1101: bothersome

  Chapter 1101 Confusion

   "Don't go, save him."

  Lulu is heartbroken.

  The tears kept running, and I couldn't control it at all.

  Even in a dream, she couldn't bear it.

  In the ear, the man who could hear the demon pill whispered: "The demon clan has lost the demon pill, and the medicine stone has no medicine."

  Lulu cried for a while, and stayed in a daze, as if he had heard it wrong.

  She is a soul, appearing in a dream, how could he answer his own words?

The tears on Lulu's face were too late to wipe, and he heard the voice calmly saying: "I am very happy, really happy. You can cry for me, cry for me. Even if it is not the one holding you in my arms now Of me, I'm content too."

  After hearing this sentence, Lulu was shocked.

   turned his head and looked at him in shock.

   However, he saw the deep affection in his eyes, and he looked at her deeply.

   His azure blue eyes are spinning fast, and the whole person looks mysterious and magical.

   "Go back, this does not belong to you. Don't be obsessed with dreams. I will wait for you in the future." After speaking, Lulu felt him touch his eyebrows, and a coolness poured into his eyebrows.

  The whole person felt the world spin, and a sense of weightlessness came.

  She opened her eyes sharply.

  Moozhi's worried eyes were on his side.

   "Girl, why did you sleep so long this time? It's all three poles a day." Tao Zhi heaved a sigh of relief when she saw her wake up.

  The girl suddenly fell into a drowsiness. If she hadn't seen her breath long, she would almost ask Lu Huaijiang.

  Lulu was still a little dizzy in front of her eyes.

  With more and more memories of the past, she cherishes the marriage that Lu Huaijiang has acquired in this life more and more.

   "Prepare the horse, I want to enter the palace."

  "Girl, you haven't eaten breakfast..." Before Tao Zhi finished speaking, she saw the girl's eyes and swallowed the second half of her words.

   "Yes." whispered back.

  In a short time, Lulu got into the carriage.

  Before getting engaged, she was unscrupulous in the palace.

  Nowadays, the emperor even prepared her exclusive sedan chair at the gate of the palace. Always be prepared, even the Queen Mother does not have the treatment.

  Lulu was very uneasy along the way, she was eager to know what was going on in the second life.

  He must have seen himself.

  He saw himself early.

  In the three days in her dream, sometimes she always felt a line of sight fall on her. She thought it was someone watching her in her sleep, but she never thought it was him.

  Lulu remembered the kiss he usually got as a rogue, a hasty touch, not even a kiss.

  He was sour and sad.

  The king Xiang has a dream, but the goddess has no intentions.

  The heart of the goddess is the most difficult to move, but he persisted for the eighth consecutive life.

  At this moment, it happened to be the time for the next dynasty. As Lulu entered the palace, the officials just walked out of the gate of the Golden Temple, they saw her, and looked at each other with different expressions.


   Their lofty king quickly descended from the temple, walking faster than the servants of the palace.

  I saw a group of ministers' eyelids twitching.

   "Lulu, why did you come in person?"

  The ministers saw your Majesty’s surprise look, and they really didn’t see it.

  If you get married, your Majesty is afraid that he will be the first in the world to strictly control his wife in the future.

  Rao is Lulu's thick eyelids, and at this moment, he can't help blushing in front of everyone.

  Lulu hurriedly pulled him back to the apse.

  Seeing her face is not good-looking, Lu Huaijiang hurriedly withdrew from the palace.

   "You are the son of a monster in your second life. What is the difference between those eyes?"

  Lu Huai and Jiang Yi startled.

  "Why do you ask about this, in the second life...I have a pair of eyes that can withstand all falsehoods."

  (End of this chapter)

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