The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 1179: I am a counterfeit

   Chapter 1179 I am a counterfeit

   "Where did it go wrong?"

   "Why didn't the crystal ball respond?"

   "Who hurt me?!" Guan Yingying almost bit her lip, her eyes full of hatred.

  But she thought of countless people, and even scolded Lu Huaijiang and Jiang Huailu a few times, but the two of them didn't even know that she was a saint in the past few months.

  I don’t know where she is, how could it be them?

  She even suspected Taoists in Tsing Yi, Xiao Tao Tong, and Tianji Pavilion.

  Just two Taoists don’t seem to be fake.

  Guan Yingying's face was pale, with tears in her eyes, she tried her best to calm herself down with full of horror.

   Constantly thinking and thinking in my mind, after all, I have a bit of eyebrows.

  Guan Yingying stared at the crystal ball, even though his hands were numb, there was still no red light.

  She only took a deep breath, and now she can’t abandon the Tianji Pavilion even when she is dead.

  The people's compliments to her, and Tianji Pavilion's pursuit of her, can no longer make her return to her original life.

  Guan Yingying stood up. She wore that long skirt every time she touched the crystal ball. Could it be because of the long skirt?

  She hurriedly shivered and changed her long skirt, and bowed her respectfully to the crystal ball. She was no longer contemptuous and arrogant.

   "It's me, it must be me. It can only be me." Guan Yingying said with a calm face.

  Go forward and touch the crystal ball again.


  There is still no half dividend.

  Guan Yingying felt soft and collapsed to the ground.

   almost crying.

  She could almost imagine that she could not make the crystal ball appear red and was driven out of the Tianji Pavilion by Taoist Tsing Yi.

When Guan Yingying looked in a daze, she suddenly remembered something.

   "That piece of jade..." That piece of jade is said to be given to her by the gods.

  Guan Yingying staggered to get up, stumbled forward and picked up the jade pendant that was randomly thrown on the table.

   Stand in front of the crystal ball.

   took a deep breath.

"Mother said, before giving birth to me, I was a child bestowed by a god. I was born extraordinary. This jade pendant is the proof. Only you. I only have you." Guan Yingying took a deep breath, holding the jade pendant in one hand and the other. Cover the crystal ball.

  The crystal ball burst out with a hint of red light, like a brilliant sunset.

  The sky is full of light, like a miracle.

   "Really, jade pendant." So, the rain she begged for, everything she begged for, came from jade?

  Guan Yingying didn't know whether to cry or laugh, she couldn't make the crystal ball bloom.


she is not.

  Guan Yingying held the jade pendant in her hand, remembering that the jade pendant had been worn around her neck and never left her body. This is also the reason why she has never been noticed by any mistake.

  "Why, the saint is not me? If it is not me, where is the real saint?"

   "My mother said that these jade pendants are a pair, but where is the other half?"

   "If I can find the other half, I will be stronger if I want to. I will find the other half of the jade pendant first, and I will never let anyone break me!" Guan Yingying took a deep breath and placed the jade pendant on her chest extremely preciously.

   never dare to leave it again.

   was still unsure in his heart, secretly searching for the other half of the jade pendant as soon as possible.

   Find Jade Pei, and kill the owner, no one can take her current position.

  The world is so big, and now the crystal ball is on me, how can the true saint be discovered?

  Guan Yingying smiled at the corner of her mouth.

  Since half a piece of jade pendant can pray for rain, if she owns a whole piece of jade pendant, even if she is a counterfeit, one month later, she will surely be able to pull out that divine sword and open the gate of the underworld, right?

   Then, let her replace the other party.

  The only thing the world can remember is Guan Yingying.

   Poxi Excalibur: You deserve a ghost! !



  (End of this chapter)

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