The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 1184: Involuntary

   Chapter 1184

  I heard that Princess Xian entered the palace.

  Lulu took the time to see her. Before she was out of the pavilion, Princess Xian was actually a noble woman.

  But in this era, how can women be the masters?

   Married to King Hyun and became Queen Hyun. But she didn't want her auntie's sister to enter the house to be a child, and she lost her face all these years and rarely attended major banquets.

   Seeing that she was a little uneasy at the moment, Princess Xian sighed softly: "The mother has a good fate, and her sons and daughters are good. Originally, my concubine didn't want to come today."

Princess   Xianxian forced her laugh: "The concubine originally had a child back then, but it was a pity that she lost it by mistake, and she never became pregnant again."

   "Today, I am also cheeky and want to dip into the joy of the two children." Princess Xian has been paying homage to the Buddha over the years and rarely goes out.

  Although Lulu didn’t like King Xian, he didn’t have much defense against Queen Xian.

  Furthermore, today is the day when the two Highnesses are happy, everyone is watching, but they dare not do anything.

Princess   Xianxian knew that the two highnesses were raised in the sleeping quarters of the Tibetan Deer Palace.

   "The two majesty slept late last night, this will not get up yet. Mother, take the princess to see." Lulu whispered.

   Princess Xian did not know when, she also dyed white hair in her temples.

  Lulu lightly sighed, Princess Xian was also a hard-working man.

  Yang Dianfeng’s mother is the daughter of the Zheng family and the aunt of Princess Xian.

  When he was in the deserted capital that year, Lulu also met the sage princess who was still a girl. Such a dignified and virtuous woman has now been rubbed up here.

  Even the temperament back then has changed.

  With the downfall of the Zheng family and her sisters fighting for favor in the mansion, her life has become more and more difficult.

  At that time, the Zheng family begged her to help her sister calculate Lu Huaijiang, but her sister got into Xian Wang's bed by accident. On the contrary, he competed with himself for favor. Under the stimulation, he lost the baby in the womb.

   Said pitiful, but hateful.

  Fortunately, the elder son was born before, and now the elder son is gradually growing up. As long as the virtuous king does not harm his relatives by death, future happiness will be indispensable.

  At this moment, Princess Xian walked to the sleeping hall with the palace people.

   entered the hall, originally wanted to see the jade pendant.

   When he opened his eyes, he was fascinated by the two babbling and cute twins.

The princess   xian was full of envy and affection. Seeing that the mother had no objection, she stretched out her hand and hugged Jing Shu carefully.

  "This is Princess Jingshu, right? She is really smart and cute." Princess Xian was full of regrets. The child she dropped back then was her daughter.

  In these years, she has been conditioning her body for several years and has never been pregnant.

  She resents her sister, resents the Zheng family, and resents herself.

  She is the daughter of Zheng's family, and she cannot help herself at birth. She has not bothered to embarrass the concubines in the Fuzhong these years.

  But when her mother knelt in front of her, trying to figure out Lu Huaijiang for her sister was already the beginning of her violation of her nature.

  Sure enough, I have suffered from the consequences.

   "Does Princess Jingshu have a big name?" Princess Xian looked at the little princess with unrelenting eyes.

  The tender child still carries the fragrance of milk. If her child is born, she will be so cute, right?

   "Back to the princess, Princess Jingshu will go to Jade Butterfly to worship her ancestors today. The name seeks immortals. His Royal Highness is the name of Lu Yueze."

  "Looking for immortals to find immortals...Yes, your father really found a fairy-like wife." After hearing that, Princess Xian smiled.

  Her sister calculated Lu Huaijiang, and she felt that her sister was not worthy of him.

  She can't even compare to Jiang Huailu's half-face.

  Looking for immortals, Jiang Huailu is the unattainable fairy in His Majesty’s eyes.

  At this moment, Princess Xian could not help but be deeply shocked.

  (End of this chapter)

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