The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 1189: Resist the savior

  Chapter 1189 Resist the Savior

   "That's it. How much incense did you fool us?"

  "It's the savior, it turns out that this is the work of the savior of Rao Shizi."

  "Bahh Savior, how do these people deserve our worship?"

  Everyone talked a lot, guessing about the most noble person.

  At this moment, some people who have been blessed by the Salvation Hall are a little hesitant: "But apart from giving incense to the Salvation Hall, it also confiscates us a penny?"

   "The incense money from the Hall of Salvation is directly managed by the shantang and returned to the victims of the world. Every time a major disaster occurs, the Hall of Salvation is at the forefront."

   "And at first, we didn't dare to go out at night. It was also the gods from the Hall of Salvation who dispelled the evil spirits. The Hall of Salvation didn't ask us for anything." Several people said cautiously.

  You can see the cannibalistic eyes around you, and several people suddenly dare not say anything.

  They muttered in their hearts, they believed in Tianji Pavilion for half a year, and Tianji Pavilion almost emptied their possessions.

  It is almost impossible to provide for Tianji Pavilion alone.

  But they dare not say anything.

  The Hall of Salvation will restrain believers, but Tianji Pavilion will not.

  Their believers sometimes add up their hands and feet to others because of a quarrel. The saint of Jige met that day, but on the contrary, she appreciated the hands-on people and did not restrain the believers at all.

   "Speaking of which, how many noble people can there be in this world?" The people suddenly slurred their lips toward the altar.

   "The most noble and enviable person. But some of them are like that one." Someone said something, and the crowd was quiet.

that one…

  If you say the most noble, it is nothing more than your majesty and...the queen.

   can be said to be the most enviable...

   His Majesty was born a prince, which is enviable, but more frightening.

  Only the queen, born in the Jiang family, was obviously exiled thousands of miles away in the deserted capital.

   was recalled to Beijing.

   Mingming was expelled by the Jiang family, but the queen’s elder brother got the top pick. She became the prince’s soul-suppressor again.

  Now her brother has become the premier high-ranking official, and she herself has married into the palace as she wished, becoming the emperor’s favorite.

  The emperor vacated the harem for her, and vacated the throne for her, just to wait for her to grow up.

  Now he has a son and a daughter.

  The birth of a son is his Royal Highness.

  Daughter has to be loved by your majesty, the most enviable person, besides her, who else? ? ?

  The whole world, no one else has her life!

   "The queen empress...I was exiled at the age of three and arrived in the deserted capital. The Hall of Salvation in the deserted capital was born. Later, when he was recalled to Beijing, there was also the Hall of Salvation in the capital, and then it spread everywhere." Someone whispered.

  The past of the queen was ups and downs, many people know that this incident brought her into the savior.

   Actually all the time can be matched.

  Everyone was shocked.

   "The Temple of Salvation was born from the wasteland back then, how old was the queen at that time?" Everyone stammered.

  Everyone was obscure: "Three years old. The empress was only three years old at that time."

   At the age of three, she was able to order the ghosts of the world to expel evil spirits.

   can even be a god!

   "It is said that she is in control of the life and death book, isn't she, she also controls the life and death of all of us? But she is clearly a fallen god, who has killed the world for thousands of years, and I don't know how many lives have been killed!"

   "How is she worthy of this? How is she worthy to control the life and death book, and also to be the mother of the world! If the mother of the world is worthy of the mother, I am afraid that there is only the kind-hearted saint woman?"

  When everyone talked about the saint, they all praised.

  (End of this chapter)

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