The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 1191: The atmosphere is tight

   Chapter 1191 The atmosphere is tight

  Old lady Xie Fu only took a look and recognized Jiang Huailu as the woman in the portrait of Shi Huang Di Palace.

   is the goddess who told Shi Huang to abandon the world in the legend, just waiting for her.

  Xie old lady Fu took a deep breath, and pulled Old Master Xia in a low voice: "Your granddaughter...not ordinary."

  Old man Xia glanced at her like a second fool: "Marry your majesty to be a queen, give birth to a baby of dragon and phoenix, and you are the richest businessman in the world. This is not ordinary. You are not the first day you met."

  Old Madam Fu Xie glanced at him, and Mrs. Xia patted his hand.

  "Don’t worry, the rumors from the outside world are unbelievable. How could the savior of Laoshizi be my Lulu? How old is my Lulu when the Hall of Salvation was born?"

  Old man Xia pointed out: "Three and a half years old, only three and a half years old."

   "Three and a half years old, then she would wet the bed." Old Master Xia felt that those people had problems with their brains.

  Thanks to the old lady, Fu was still a little shaken, but at this moment, she felt that she was right.

  What can you do when you are three and a half years old?

  His grandson is considered premature, and he often pees his pants when he is three and a half years old. Where did you hear of salvation?

  A group of veteran officials sat underneath, and hundreds of civil and military officials stood up to salute his majesty and the queen.

  Lu Huaijiang stretched out his hand to hold Lulu, and the two sat side by side.

   There are two cradles on his side, wrapped in bright yellow swaddles.

   "Ai Qing is flat." Lu Huaijiang raised his hand and everyone got up.

  The people below salute one after another, but it is quite noisy.

  I can still hear words such as the savior, empress and empress faintly.

  A lot of eyes fell on Jiang Huailu.

  Lu Huaijiang lightly held Lulu’s hand, and the dark sky let out a ray of sunshine.

  Lu Huaijiang's eyelids twitched slightly.

  "General Chuanfang stepped forward to meet him." Lu Gonggong shouted.

  General Fang was watching Xia's blush, and at this moment he was taken aback and hurriedly stepped forward to salute.

   "General Fang has done a good job in disaster relief, and Fang's family is full of loyalty, and now he is named a super general general. He is in charge of the capital guards." When Lu Huaijiang said this, the whole country was in an uproar.

General   Fang still holds foreign power in his hands. In the past few years, the people in the barracks convinced him the most.

  All the military power outside is in his hands, and now the capital guards also give him...

Isn't    guarded both inside and outside? Your Majesty trusts him too much.

  Lulu pinched the corners of his clothes, Jiang Jiang, making plans.

  Everything is planned with him and her not by the prince’s side.

  General Fang was startled, and then took the order.

  The ministers doubted or didn't want to, they couldn't change Lu Huaijiang's mind.

  Lu Huaijiang knows that this Lord Fang will be his future father-in-law in the future. He has no children and is also the heir chosen by the Fang family. He is willing to believe in the Fang family.

  The text is assisted by Jiang Huaian, Xia Family, and Xie Family.

   Wu is guarded by General Wu Fang, all in the line of a queen.

  The emperor’s move made the civil and military officials a little uneasy, but helpless.

   "Your Majesty, there is a vision in the city today, and the people are kneeling and begging, wanting to meet the Holy Master." A minister stepped forward and replied.

  Lu Huaijiang lifted his hand, his expression indifferent: “Today, the princess is the first for everything. Let them go to the jade butterfly to worship the sky.”

time is limited.

  Lu Huaijiang raised his eyebrows.

  Everyone didn't know what your Majesty was anxious about, but seeing that the weather today was indeed not so good, they didn't say anything anymore.

The   Hundred Days Banquet is extremely lively, the whole city plays music, and countless red packets are scattered from the sky.

  These are all his blessings for his children.

  Singing and dancing are flat, countless fireworks rise from the high platform and explode.

  Like a beautiful flower.

  The gunpowder in the air is like this tight atmosphere.

  (End of this chapter)

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