The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 1212: Both 1212

  Chapter 1212 Both Chapter 1212 Execution

   "To live for disaster?"

  Ziwei Emperor said softly.

   looked at the mortal underneath inexplicably.

  "God, he knows that he is benevolent, and cannot bear to hurt innocent children. But the mortal world has suffered for thousands of years, and these two children are born by evil gods, and they must be a curse in the future."

   "God, please have mercy and mercy on the mortal world."

   "May God have mercy on the mortal world."

  "God, if these two children grow up, we will have no way to survive in the future. I hope that God will have mercy."

   "The combination of these two people should not have been, and this evil kind should naturally be executed. Let the mortal return to its original peace." Now that the words have reached this point, where the fools below are still willing to let these two children live.

  Today's words have been exported, and there is no room for change.

  If they survive, they won’t be able to run away in the future.

   "You have a heart and a heart, you have a heart and a heart! You must die, you will be retributed!" Xia cried and screamed and was born.

  How can they do this.

  Lulu helped them secretly, the two children were born, and the full moon feast gave the people countless benefits.

  A moment ago, I was blessing the two children to live a long life, but now they are going to die.

   "How can you be so cruel? You are all wolf-hearted!" Xia's mouth was so angry that he vomited blood.

  Wen hurriedly took her mother-in-law in her arms, and looked at Lulu with compassion in her eyes.

   Strange, she actually saw Lulu smile.

   smiled silently.

  The smile is so cold and cold.

  Civil and military officials looked at the two emperors and queens, and then at the virtuous king who came by taking advantage of the chaos.

Old Madam Fu took a deep breath, and said solemnly: "Your Majesty’s past life is a matter of your Majesty’s past life. Jinsheng is the emperor, and his blood cannot be faked. The two children are naturally of the royal blood. The prince is still the legendary saint. Emperor, veteran, swear allegiance to His Royal Highness the prince."

  Xian Wang's face suddenly became gloomy as soon as he said the words of the old lady.

  The Fang family is full of loyalty, and the old man Fang is naturally standing behind His Royal Highness.

  The veterans hesitated for a moment, and stood up unswervingly.

  Only a few of the original virtuous party feathers remained, and they were still determined to execute the two children.

  Xian Wang didn’t care at all.

  It’s not clear where he has been deploying for so long.

  "God, since ancient times, the hearts of the people have been everything. Civil and military officials cannot represent the mortal world, but the talents of the people."

  Ziwei Emperor looked towards the altar, Jiang Huailu looked at the people below without expression.

   Those eyes that are always smiling are dark, like vast stars.

  Ziwei Emperor slightly curled his eyebrows.

  Although he is a god, the words of a virtuous king are not unreasonable.

  The combination of the goddess and the evil **** is against the way of heaven.

  Two children, logically speaking, shouldn’t stay alive.

  No one mentions it, he can still pretend to be confused.

  But at this moment, the people are asking for orders, it is no longer something he can ignore.

  The gods are in charge of the law and must maintain fairness in the three realms. Today, that mortal dare to lead sentient beings to let him execute two children, it is already doomed.

  "Heavenly soldiers listen to orders." Emperor Ziwei said softly.

  Heavenly soldiers and generals immediately went out to hear the order.

   "Take... the evil **** Lu Huaijiang, arrested and brought to justice."

   "Jiang, fall into the gods, Jiang Huailu, and bring them back to the heaven to receive the divine punishment."

  "Put...the son of the evil **** and the fallen god, on the spot..." Emperor Ziwei's eyes trembled slightly.

   "On the spot, execution."

   "Everything, dust returns to dust, soil returns to earth. Return to the original peace of the world." After Emperor Ziwei said, Jiang Huailu looked straight at him.

  (End of this chapter)

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