The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 1216: She is going crazy

   Chapter 1216 She is going crazy

  The sword is coming!

  The sound of her sword came, and everyone had no time to react.

  I heard the exclamation of everyone in the Tianji Pavilion above the water curtain.

   "The sword has moved. The sword has moved! Po Xi has moved." The Tianji Pavilion disciple yelled, pointing to the divine sword in shock and screamed.

   Above the water curtain, a scene of ghost gate closing suddenly appeared.

  I saw that the majestic ghost gate was closed with a magic sword inserted in it. I don't know how many years the magic sword was stuck in the door.

  Has become gray, only the hilt of the sword is still shiny.

  Before everyone saw it, the Heavenly Secret Pavilion could not pull out the Po Xi Divine Sword with all the strength of all beings.

   couldn't even make Po Xi Divine Sword shake a point.

  Naturally knows that Po Xi is the sword of the supreme good, which can only be used by people who have a heart to be good and have never killed innocent lives.

  But now...

  Jiang Huailu only called a sword across the distant sky.

  Po Xi Divine Sword was trembling violently, and the whole sword hummed. It seems to be responding to his master.

  The rusty Excalibur, trembling constantly at this moment.

The rust on the body of the sword actually began to fall off, revealing the smooth body of the sword, and the divine light faintly flows on it, which makes people look at it.

   can't help being afraid.

   "How... how is it possible?" Guan Yingying sank to the ground in a daze.

   "How could Po Xi be attracted to her?"

  The ancestor of the Tianji Pavilion is suddenly, the jade pendant on Guan Yingying's body is from the goddess back then!

  Back then, she closed the gate with a sword, and she wore this jade pendant around her waist.

  The ancestor of Tianji Pavilion was shocked, how could it be possible?

  Does this mean that Po Xi still recognizes her as the master?

  The ancestor of Tianji Pavilion suddenly felt a little uneasy. What seemed to be a mistake in Tianji Pavilion? When the goddess closed the gate of the underworld, she only said one thing: closing the gate of the underworld can bring peace in the world.

   Is what she said is true?

  Jiang Huailu summoned again at this moment: "Po Xi, come back!"

   "You and I are the guardian of the world, but now you end up like this, are you willing? The guardian is not worth it." Lulu sighed, with a little coldness between his eyebrows.

   Before everyone had time to react, they saw Po Xi let out a hum.

   turned into a dazzling and brilliant light coming from the ghost gate towards the sky.

   "Po Xi is out!"

   "Po Xi still recognizes her as her master! How could this be possible?!" Many gods were shocked, and the sword of Po Xi had existed in the God Realm for many years.

  When each **** ascends, he draws his sword once from the upper realm.

  Since the beginning of the God Realm, no one has ever pulled it out.

  Until I met Jiang Huailu.

  At that time, she was still a ignorant young child, and that magic sword automatically recognized her as its master and followed her for many years.

  At this moment, Po Xi still obeyed her order, and with only a word, he rushed thousands of miles to pursue her.

  Everyone was stunned.

  In the blink of an eye, I felt a fierce pressure coming from the heavens and the earth.

  All sentient beings could hardly resist this force, and the people knelt on the ground. His face was full of fear and worry.

  She, how can she pull out Po Xi?

  Why is she so powerful all of a sudden?

  Everyone was about to cry.

When Po Xi returned to her hands, Lulu could clearly feel its grievance.

   "I'm wronged you, my partner. You and the sword of goodness, the way of heaven produced consciousness in those days, and was perceived by me and the evil god. In order to kill the evil god, the way of heaven prepared to open the underworld and overthrow all beings, just to find the evil god."

   "He was willing to kill the whole small world by mistake. But I thought that mortals' life was short and hard-won, so I closed the door with Po Xi. Now I think it's all wrong."

   "It's all wrong, old buddy."

   "What the mortals want, how about we give them back?" Lulu chuckled lightly, holding Po Xi in his hand, and flashed onto the cloud.

  (End of this chapter)

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