The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 1218: Pierce the sky

   Chapter 1218

   "She really split the underworld and proved herself innocent."

  "Aren't you a goddess? How can you do such a thing?" Some people yelled in panic.

   Where did Emperor Ziwei have time to control her at this moment, the gate of the underworld opened wide, and countless evil spirits surged out.

  Many gods are walking towards the ghost gate.

  Lulu looked at the crowd condescendingly, holding a divine sword, his face was indifferent.

   "When I was a goddess, you didn't know how to cherish it. Now..." She smiled happily.

  "The goddess has a lot of restraints, so it's better to be a demon. I have been a goddess for many years, but you have harmed me and killed my children. Why should I repay my grievances with virtue? This goddess doesn't do it."

   "The gate of the underworld you want is wide open, I have already helped you. It's time to be content." Lu Lu's eyebrows contained a bloodthirsty sneer.

  "From now on, enjoy the gift to you." Lulu saw the blood underneath, wailed and screamed again and again, and never frowned.

  The mortal world is full of wailing. Wherever the people of the God Realm can resist, they can only watch countless creatures being killed.

  Ziwei Emperor looked at the child's eyebrows, suddenly a little heavy.

   finally forced her to this point.

  The little girl who was ignorant and ignorant back then forced her to rebel out of the realm of God.

   "Take the evil **** and the children back to the realm of the gods. Go to Zhu Xiantai." Only Zhu Xiantai can kill all gods and souls.

   "Dare you!" Lulu whispered, a red light in his eyes.

"Jiang Huailu, you are the daughter raised by the God of Creation himself. You are the daughter of the God Realm. When you closed the underworld, the gods wronged you. But how can you open the gate of the underworld and wantonly harm innocent creatures in the world!" A **** scolded angrily.

  The whole world has become a purgatory.

  "It's really interesting. I have wronged me for thousands of years, and one sentence can offset it. Why can't I open the door of the underworld? This is the order of the heavens that you want to awe. If I don't open it, how can I prove my innocence?"

  "As for the mortal creatures, what does it matter to me? They are dead, it is their fate." They are not worthy, not worthy of her mercy.

  Many gods were horrified, and she is now truly fallen into the devil's way.

   "Today, no one wants to leave."

  Her clothes are fluttering, no one knows.

  This scene is a nightmare for the Three Realms many years later.

  She almost killed the Three Realms cleanly, and almost hit the God Realm all the way, forcing Tiandao to take action.

   "I think you are crazy, so you dare to be an enemy of the God Realm! Cthulhu is the scourge of heaven and earth, if you don't get rid of it, there will be endless troubles." There was a **** who immediately became cold.

"Who did he harm? Then who was he born for? It's nothing more than that the Dao gave birth to a demon that day, and let a crowd of filth nurture him. What did he do wrong, and why should he take all the responsibilities for the Three Realms? . Is he born to die?"

   "Since no one seeks justice for him, then I have to seek justice for him personally!" Jiang Huailu never even glanced at Lu Huaijiang.

  She was afraid of seeing Jiang Jiang’s disappointment.

   Jiang Jiang once said that she is the most beautiful girl in the Three Realms, but now she is not.

  She was destined to kill.

  She didn’t know. If she turned her head at this moment, she would be able to see Jiang Jiang’s desperate and heartache, the little girl he wanted to protect.

  For him, there is really no turning back.

  She really became a fallen **** and betrayed the realm of God.

   is the enemy of the Three Realms.

  Lulu sword pointed at the sky, directly blocking the way of the gods of the gods.

  Since this day was unfair, she broke it!

   Ask for justice for her Jiang Jiang!

  (End of this chapter)

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