The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 1224: Gray hair

  Chapter 1224 Gray Hair

   "You and others are in control of the common people, it is really a disaster for the common people."

  Lulu sword tip dripped blood, looking at Tiandao with dread.

  Today's Dao Zun has a hazy consciousness and has no compassion for the Three Realms.

   Said that it was Dao Venerable, but it was not Dao Venerable. No one knew whether the original Dao Venerable was annexed or suppressed.

  The way of heaven today is like an arrogant arrogant who has just given birth to consciousness.

   "Leave the Cthulhu, I will save you from death." A voice came from the gray mist.

  Jiang Huailu was bloodthirsty at the corners of his mouth, evoking a cruel smile.

  The consciousness of Heavenly Dao has existed for a long time.

  It’s just that it is extremely cautious and leaves very little handle.

  This time, she upset the Three Realms, letting the entire Three Realms know that he has self-awareness. Having broken its biggest secret, it now hates Jiang Huailu, I am afraid it will surpass the evil god.

  Ziwei Emperor's heart sank.

   glanced at the God of War, the God of War, even if he ordered the soldiers and horses, guarded the Nine Heavens.

  Now it is not just Jiang Huailu who are on guard.

  A bigger threat is right in front of us.

  Lulu let go of Lu Huaijiang's hand. I don't know when, the delicate and soft girl also showed coldness on her face.

  Like a female **** of war.

  God blocks and kills gods, Buddha blocks and kills Buddhas.

  "Uncle, help me take good care of Jiang Jiang." With just one sentence, Lulu flew forward and fought with that consciousness.

  Ziwei Emperor saw Jiang Huailu, his brows suddenly frowned.

  When did the God of Creation say that he was going to sleep in retreat?

   is a thousand years ago.

  It was after Jiang Huailu closed the gate of the underworld with a sword, and after a long conversation with Jiang Huailu, the God of Creation began to prepare for the retreat.

Emperor Ziwei trembled, he did not dare to think, it was the God of Creation that deliberately led out the way of heaven.

  It was Jiang Huailu who really rebelled against the God Realm.

  But at this moment, this consciousness must never be left behind.

  "The gods will listen to the order and assist Jiang Huailu to!" Emperor Ziwei did not call it a heaven.

  That consciousness is not worthy of being a heaven.

  It doesn't have the slightest compassion of Dao Zun.

  The gods will rush towards the middle.

   Suddenly the sound of killing was deafening.

Emperor Ziwei did not dare to be sloppy.

   Even though it is just a hazy consciousness, it controls most of the power of Dao Zun. Now it's like splitting two people.

  Now Emperor Ziwei, together with the gods, can't hurt it in the slightest.

   "Don't make unnecessary sacrifices. You are my believers, how dare you take action against me! The entire Three Realms are under my control, do you think you can hurt me?" That group of consciousness is obviously extremely disdainful to the people of the God Realm.

  Ziwei Monarch realized that his divine power couldn't hurt the other party, so he slumped.

  "Strange, did you find that Lulu can hurt him. She went down with a sword, and the gray fog seemed to be very jealous of her?"

  A **** will find the problem.

  Lulu can actually hurt it.

  Everyone was amazed, but Lulu was exhausted all the way.

  The hands holding the sword are shaking at this moment.

   Seems to be overdrawn.

   "Lulu's hair..." Lu Huaijiang looked at everything in the field nervously, watching, and suddenly his throat became dumb and his eyes were red.

  I saw that from the tip of the hair, Lulu’s hair turned white rapidly.

  The God of Wealth pressed Lu Huaijiang to death: "She burned her cultivation base and overdrawn her aura. She was almost exhausted." Lulu was almost exhausted, and she couldn't hold it anymore.

  It was just a moment, Lulu’s hair turned gray directly.

   is like a dead old man.

  (End of this chapter)

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