The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 1227: Born with you

  Chapter 1227 Born with you

   "But... if she doesn't open..."

  There are kings who want to say more.

  Chuangshi God looked over, and immediately stopped.

   "She closed it, but now she reopened it at your request. What did she do wrong?" God of Wealth sneered sarcastically.

   "It's okay for you. It doesn't work when you close it, and it doesn't work when you open it. How can you be so capable."

  Several kings are angry and cannot speak.

   "That...then her Hall of Salvation originally existed for the purpose of saving the world. Now there are countless evil spirits in the world, how can they see death without saving?" There was an emperor with a black face, and they asked for the name of the Palace of Salvation.

  But the Palace of Salvation never saw them.

"It's really interesting. You forced the savior to this point and wanted her to be a child. Now you have the face to ask for the Hall of Salvation? Didn't the Hall of Salvation personally smashed it for you? The golden statues are gone, and they are no longer enshrined in the world, why do you want to save them? You?" The God of Wealth now looks extremely unpleasant to the world.

  Before he and Chuangshi Shen ascended, they had also seen this scene in the world.

  It’s just now that it’s Lulu’s turn, I feel more distressed.

   "Coco, they are gods... how can gods..."

  The God of Chuangshi raised his hand, and God of Wealth shut his mouth aggrievedly.

  "They are not under the jurisdiction of the God Realm. The Salvation Hall was founded by Lulu in the human world and only recognizes her fate. Whether they save or not has nothing to do with the God Realm." The words of the God of Creation caused the hearts of several emperors to sink.

   "I call you all today because of the goddess and the way of heaven." The God of Creation sighed lowly.

  The man beside her gently shook her hand.

  Lulu was brought up by the two of them, as if they were his own. The child had a long life, and he was more caring than his own.

   "The goddess was in the lower realm back then, and she accidentally learned that the way of heaven gave birth to self-consciousness. She had no empathy or compassion for the three realms."

   "At that time, Tiandao tried to open the gate of the underworld, wash the world with blood, and reset the whole world."

  As soon as the creation **** said this, the kings' faces were completely bloodless.

  “Lulu, risking the world’s ignorance, and risking being slandered by the world, closed the gate of the underworld. After returning to the realm of the gods, he reported the matter to me.”

   "It would be too frightening, so I will conceal this matter for the time being. Lulu alone will take care of everything."

   "Later, the deity inquired many times, but Dao deity was restricted by consciousness, and that Dao consciousness grew stronger."

   "Later, Dao Zun could not even control the Three Realms anymore. It was the Dao Consciousness that was always patrolling the Three Realms."

  Everyone was in an uproar, and they were terrified.

   "A few days ago, the deity finally secretly contacted the Dao deity, who had only a trace of reason. It was too much for that Dao consciousness to be aware of it, and he would fall asleep to the outside world."

   "I learned later..." The Creation God closed his eyes slightly.

   "Dao Zun knew that he had this catastrophe many years ago, and he left a vitality. Accompanied by the coexistence of dead ends. The coexistence of life and death is used to break the situation today."

"With these years, there has been more filthiness in the Three Realms. Dao Sovereign's inspection of the Three Realms was also affected. He sent the filthiness of the Three Realms into the void. She was bred together with the deity." So, she is Shiraishi.

  Cthulhu is Blackrock.

  While Dao Zun snooped on the catastrophe, he risked a ray of life to enter.

   "That ray of life, is Lulu? The Lulu who has always been with me?" Lu Huaijiang, who was holding the bottle without emotion, said.

   Hajime nodded gently.

   "Yes, it's Lulu."

   "She was born with you and came to break the game. So you are entangled for life."

  (End of this chapter)

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